Spontaneous Scalarization in general Scalar-Vector-Tensor theory

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Maths. Dept. Room 11.3.21
Tomohiro Nakamura (Nagoya University, Japan)
Spontaneous scalarization is an interesting phenomenon that black holes with a sufficiently large mass or charge spontaneously transit to a solution with scalar hair in some class of theories. We investigate this phenomenon in general scalar-vector-tensor theory and found a new class of theories where black holes exhibit scalarization due to both gravity and charge effects.
In this talk, I will introduce general scalar-vector-tensor model and show our model could be the only new possibility for scalarization by proving no hair theorem for a particular class. Then, I will present there is a parameter region where scalarization can happen and the hairy solutions in our model. I also discuss the difference between the results of our model and the results of previously known models, e.g. Extended scalar-tensor-Gauss-Bonnet model, Einstein-Maxwell-scalar model.