Dirac QNMs on asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes with Robin boundary conditions

24/06/2020 to 24/06/2020 https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91538504427?pwd=REFTRDAxQUpNWitJTWZGTmxBUjlLZz09 Mengjie Wang (Aveiro U. and Hunan Normal U., China)


In this talk, I will briefly introduce our recent work of Dirac  quasinormal modes (QNMs) on asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS)  spacetimes by imposing Robin type vanishing energy flux boundary  conditions (BCs). We first study neutral Dirac fields propagating on a  Schwarzschild-AdS spacetimes. After deriving the equations of motion for  Dirac fields on the aforementioned background, we impose vanishing  energy flux boundary conditions to solve this equation. We find a set of  two Robin boundary conditions, which lead to two different branches of  QNMs. We then add charge to both the field and the background, and study  charge effects on Dirac QNMs. Our results show that vanishing energy  flux boundary conditions are a robust principle, which can be applied  not only to bosonic but also to fermonic fields.   



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Published/edited at: 23/06/2020

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