A new convolution and product theorem for the offset linear canonical transform

08/06/2020 to 08/06/2020 https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98796938753?pwd=a1EvdzJTbFNmMXdRTDE3V0M5TG5Gdz09 Anabela Silva (CIDMA & University of Aveiro)


The offset linear canonical transform (OLCT) is a time-shifted and frequency modulated version of the linear canonical transform. OLCT has been used in different areas including signal processing and optics. In this seminar, motivated by Operator Theory, we propose a new convolution operator and derive a corresponding product theorem associated with OLCT. Some properties of this convolution and applications to solve integral equations are also considered.


Webinar via Zoom: 
Topic: Webinar SGC - 29-05-2020
Time: June 8, 2020 02:00 PM Lisbon
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Meeting ID: 987 9693 8753
Password: 360440



Published/edited at: 03/06/2020

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