"Mathematicians set two goals now that we are entering a new millennium. The first is to be able to maintain the traditional strength of our basic research, which is the seedbed of new ideas and new applications. The second is to expand our contact with the world that is beyond Science. Every year that passes, mathematicians are getting more efficient in the work they offer to others and in the task of incorporating others into the world of mathematics". Phillip Griffiths, IAS Princeton.
Cliente/Client: Si moldes Aços SA
Objeto do contrato/Object of the contract: Consultadoria e suporte na modernização do sistema de informação da empresa, no contexto da gestão de dados de CAD de modelos de moldes. / Consultancy and support in the modernization of company's information system, in the context of managing CAD data of mold models.
Interesse/Interest: Trabalho de modernização, coordenado dentro do grupo da Si moldes e empresas colaboradoras, relevante para permitir colaborações futuras com o CIDMA-DMat-UA em âmbitos da Indústria 4.0 e potenciais candidaturas a fundos comunitários. / Modernization work, coordinated within the Si Moldes group and collaborating companies, relevant to allow future collaborations with CIDMA-DMat-UA in the scope of Industry 4.0 and potential applications for community funds.
Investigador Responsável / Responsible Researcher: Eugénio Alexandre Miguel Rocha
Período de execução / Execution period: 3 months, from 01-April-2022 to 30-June-2022