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Former Members
From 2010 to 2012
From 2013 to 2015
From 2016 to 2018
From 2020 to 2023
Algebra and Geometry Group
Complex and Hipercomplex Analysis Group
Functional Analysis and Applications Group
Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics Group
History of Mathematics and Mathematical Education Group
Optimization, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Group
Probability and Statistics Group
Systems and Control Group
Thematic Lines (or Thematic Strands)
From 2010 to 2012
From 2013 to 2015
From 2016 to 2018
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Publications 2020
Publications 2021
From 2020 to 2024
From 2025 to 2029
From 2010 to 2012
From 2013 to 2015
From 2016 to 2018
CIDMA Posters
CIDMA Young Doctorate Awards
Annual Meeting
From 2010 to 2018
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Seminars and Courses (2015 to 2013)
Seminars and Courses (2016 to 2018)
Other Events (2010 to 2012)
Other Events (2013 to 2015)
Other Events (2016 to 2018)
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
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Other Events (2018 - 2016)
From 2010 to 2018
Algebra and Geometry Group (AGG)
CADGME 2018, Conference on Digital Tools in Mathematics Education will be held at the Mathematics Department, University of Coimbra,Portugal, 26-29 June 2018
The aim of the CADGME2018 series of conferences is to offer a forum for academics in Europe to share their experiences and practices with technology-assisted mathematics teaching, Computer algebra systems (CAS), Dynamic Geometry Systems (DGS), Theorem Proving System (TPS) and other digital tools, with colleagues from all around the world
8th Combinatorics Day, Porto, June 22, 2018
Organised by Olga Azenhas (CMUC, UC), Rui Duarte (CIDMA, UA), António Guedes de Oliveira (CMUP, FCUP), Samuel Lopes (CMUP, FCUP)
All Kinds of Mathematics Remind me of You
Conference to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Peter J Cameron. Gathering excellence where Cameron excels: Combinatorics, Groups, Model Theory, Number Theory, Semigroups, Statistics, and more. FCUL 24-27 July 2017. Lisbon - Portugal.
Fourth workshop on Molecular Logic
he fourth Workshop on molecular logic (
), organized by CIDMA members, will take place on the afternoon of June 6. This will be the fourth edition of an event where the use of logical and computational tools in the study of molecular phenomena study is explored
AlCoB 2017 - 4th International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology
The fourth edition of Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2017) will be held in the Department of Mathematics on June 5th and 6th. The organizing committee of the event has, at the local organization, a small group composed of CIDMA and IEETA members. AlCoB aims at promoting and displaying excellent research using string and graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization to deal with problems in biological sequence analysis, genome rearrangement, evolutionary trees, and structure prediction
Workshop Compositional Meaning in Logic [GeTFun 4.0]
8th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Coimbra, Portugal. July 1-2, 2016. Organized by Manuel A. Martins (CIDMA & UA, PT), João Marcos (DIMAp-UFRN, BR) and Carlos Caleiro (SQIG-IT & U Lisboa, PT)
Logic Meeting
Workshop organized by Manuel Martins and Rui Duarte
Complex and Hipercomplex Analysis Group (CHAG)
Special Session on "Geometric Methods in Hypercomplex Analysis", organized by Paula Cerejeiras, Matvei Libine, Mihaela Vajiac
AMS Sectional Meeting, San Francisco State University, USA, 27-28 October, 2018
Special Session on "Clifford algebras, Clifford analysis and their applications" organized by Isabel Cação and João Morais
ICNPAA World Congress 2018: International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia, from 2018-07-03 to 2018-07-06
19th Annual Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis, University of Aveiro, March 23-24, 2018
International workshop with more than 40 participants, organized by P. Cerejeiras, M. Ferreira, U. Kaehler, N. Vieira
Special Session on "Quaternionic and Clifford analysis", organized by S. Bernstein, U. Kähler, I. Sabadini, and F. Sommen
11th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC), 14.-18.08.2017, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Special Session on "New frontiers in harmonic analysis and geometry over non-commutative structures", organized by I. Sabadini and U. Kähler
11th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics (ICCA11), 07.-11.08.2016, Ghent University, Belgium
Special Session on "Clifford, Quaternionic and Harmonic Analysis, PDE and Applications". organized by Yuri Grigor’ev, Uwe Kähler, Michael Ruzhansky, Irene Sabadini, and Jens Wirth
International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, North-Eastern Federal University, 05.-10.07.2017, Yakutsk (Russia)
Special Session on "Hypercomplex methods in Applied Sciences", organized by H. Malonek, K. Gürlebeck
International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE2017, 04.-08.07.2017, Rota, Cadiz - Spain
18th Annual Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis
International workshop with more than 40 participants, organized by Paula Cerejeiras and Uwe Kähler
New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions, University of Minho, 16-17 December, 2016
Workshop on recent advances in the research on quaternions and octonions gathering scientists working in pure as well as applied mathematics, scientific computation and applications in physics, engineering and other applied sciences,. organized by Helmuth Malonek. Isabel Cação, UAveiro. José Vitória, UCoimbra. Fernando Miranda, Maria Irene Falcão, U of Minho
Special Session on "Clifford algebras, Clifford analysis and their applications" organized by Isabel Cação and João Morais
ICNPAA 2016 World Congress : 11th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, 04.-08.07.2016, La Rochelle, France
21st European Intensive Course, April 04-08, 2016
Intensive course of a total of 14 hours lecturing time, at postgraduate level, introducing topics of high current interest. Current year lecturers: L. Paivarinta (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia); H. Feichtinger (NuHAG, Universität Wien, Austria).
Past and Future Directions in Hypercomplex and Harmonic Analysis - Celebrating Frank Sommen’s 60th birthday, March 29-April 2, 2016
This conference brought together experts in harmonic, complex and Clifford analysis. It celebrate Frank Sommen’s work in higher-dimensional function theories. Related areas like harmonic analysis, differential and integral geometry were also welcome.
Functional Analysis and Applications Group (FAAG)
NINTH ANNUAL WORKSHOP of Functional Analysis and Applications Group
This is the annual workshop of the Functional Analysis and Applications group where some of the recent research topics of the group are presented and discussed in view of exchanging ideas and fomenting further research plans.
Summer School 2018
Jointly organised by the PhD program in Mathematics of the University of Aveiro, the PhD program map-pdma in Applied Mathematics of the Universities of Aveiro, Minho and Porto, and the joint PhD program in Mathematics of the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, it took place in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Aveiro in September 3-7 and 10-14, 2018
EIGHTH ANNUAL WORKSHOP of Functional Analysis and Applications Group
This is the annual workshop of the Functional Analysis and Applications group where some of the recent research topics of the group are presented and discussed in view of exchanging ideas and fomenting further research plans.
7th annual Workshop of Functional Analysis and Applications Group
The 7th annual workshop of the Functional Analysis and Applications group will take place on July 18, 2016. This is a workshop where it is desirable that all the PhD members of the group and their PhDs students present a short talk (which may include open problems) - followed by discussion - in view of exchanging ideas and fomenting further research plans. Date: July 18, 2016. The programme of the workshop will appear at
Integral Equations and Their Applications in Science and Technology
Section organized by Prof. Jozef Banas (Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland) and Prof. Luis Castro in the framework of the ICNPAA 2016 Congress (La Rochelle, France; July 5, 2016 – July 9, 2016)
Recent trends in Differential Equations (RTDE2016)
The conference “Recent trends in Differential Equations” will celebrate the 75th birthday of Professor Arrigo Cellina and the 60th birthday of Professor Alberto Bressan and aims to bring together mathematicians engaged in research on differential equations, differential inclusions and set valued maps, calculus of variations, control theory, and applications. For updated information see
Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics Group (GGDG)
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X Black Holes Workshop
2 days conference, gathering almost 100 scientists in Aveiro, discussing the topic of black holes
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History of Mathematics Group (HMG)
2nd Annual Workshop of the History of Mathematics Group, Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
The workshop 2018 of the History of Mathematics Group, together with presentations of all members on some of their recent research topics, included the symposium: "History and Heritage of Mathematics" "Guillaume Gosselin, an early reader of Diophantus’ Arithmetica in Latin" by Odile Kouteynikoff (Université Paris Diderot - CNRS). Special contribution by José Vitória (DMUC): Evocacao de Antonio Judice (1918--1953)
1st Annual Workshop of the History of Mathematics Group, Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
This is an annual workshop of the History of Mathematics Group with presentations of all members on some of their recent research topics for sharing ideas and together with invited researchers discussing further research plans. Invited researcher 2017: Sabine Rommevaux-Tani (Université PARIS 7 – CNRS): "Statut de la géométrie dans l´Arithmetica integra de Stifel" (Simpósio: "History and Heritage of Mathematics"). Special contribution by José Vitória (DMUC): "Evocação de Luís de Albuquerque (1917-1992) no centenário do seu nascimento - Matemático, Historiador e Cidadão
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Optimization, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Group (OGTCG)
IO2018 - XIX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Aveiro, Portugal, 5 a 7 de Setembro de 2018
Agostinho Agra, Ana Raquel Xambre, Domingos Cardoso, Tatiana Tchemisova (OTGC) e Helena Alvelos (GPS) participam na Comissão de Programa. Agostinho Agra, Cristina Requejo, Rui Borges Lopes, Tatiana Tchemisova (OTGC) e Andreia Hall (GPS) participam na Comissão Organizadora. Ana Raquel Xambre (OTGC) e Helena Alvelos (GPS) são chairs da Comissão Organizadora
Workshop on Graph Spectra, Combinatorics and Optimization -
WGSCO2018 was organized on occasion of the 65th Birthday of Prof. Domingos M. Cardoso. This Conference, held between 25 and 27 of January at the Mathematics Department of Aveiro University, brought together experts in areas that reflect the main research lines of the OGTC group of CIDMA: optimization, spectral graph theory and Combinatorics. The scientific program included 8 plenary lectures delivered by the invited speakers: Jerzy Szymanski (University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poland), Jorge Orestes Cerdeira (New University of Lisbon, Portugal), Nair Abreu (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Peter Rowlinson (University of Stirling, Scotland, UK), Richard A. Brualdi (University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA), Tamás Terlaky (Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA), Vadim Lozin (University of Warwick, UK) and Willem H. Haemers (University of Tilburg, Netherlands). The Organizing Committee was formed by the members of CIDMA: Paula Carvalho, Sofia Pinheiro, Tatiana Tchemisova (Co-chairs), Carlos Luz, João Pedro Cruz, Luís Filipe Castro and Paula Rama, and the Director of Mathematics Department João Santos. Additionally, the members of CIDMA Agostinho Agra and Enide Andrade were part of the Scientific Committee. The WGSCO2018 Conference had over 100 participants from about 27 countries
Optimization 2017
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, September 6-8, 2017
Agostinho Agra, Domingos Cardoso and Tatiana Tchemisova (OGTC) are members of Program Committee
XVIII Congresso da APDIO - IO2017
. Valença, Portugal, 28-30 Jun/2017
Agostinho Agra, Domingos Cardoso e Tatiana Tchemisova (OTGC) participam na Comissão de Programa e Sofia Rodrigues (SC) participa na Comissão Organizadora
International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization. Porto (Portugal), Apr. 19 - 21, 2017
Alexander Plakhov is a member of the International Program Committee
Encontro Nacional da SPM (Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática). Barreira (Portugal), Jul. 11 - 13, 2016
Alexander Plakhov is the organizer of the thematic session "Billiards and their applications in other areas of Mathematics"
Probability and Statistics Group (PSG)
3rd Workshop on Maximum Entropy and its Applications
The theory of maximum entropy plays an important role in the analysis of ill-posed problems that occur in diverse areas of science. It is on the foundations of Info-Metrics, a research area at the intersection of statistics, computer science and decision theory, among others fields. This workshop aims to promote methodologies and new applications
III Encontro Luso-Galaico de Biometria
O III Encontro Luso-Galaico de Biometria, EBio2018, decorrerá de 28 a 30 de junho de 2018 no Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Aveiro, sendo organizada pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE) e pela Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e Investigación de Operacións (SGAPEIO). Este Encontro é dirigido a profissionais e utilizadores da Estatística, académicos, investigadores e estudantes. Objectivos gerais: 1.Difundir os mais recentes avanços no desenvolvimento e aplicação de métodos estatísticos e matemáticos em Biologia, Medicina, Ecologia, Psicologia, Farmacologia, Agricultura, Meio Ambiente e outras Ciências da Vida. 2.Ampliar o raio de ação das sociedades envolvidas a novos setores do amplo campo da Biometria. 3.Promover o intercâmbio e intensificar as relações dentro de cada comunidade e entre as duas comunidades estatísticas
2ª edição Workshop de Estatística, Introdução aos Estudos por Amostragem
Este workshop, que se realiza no dia 27 de junho entre as 10 e 13h no Departamento de Matemática e sob a coordenação científica de Pedro Macedo, é um ponto de partida para a exploração desta fascinante área da estatística: os estudos por amostragem. Alguns dos diversos tópicos abordados: associações empresariais, legislação e reguladores, métodos de amostragem, elaboração de questionários, recolha e tratamento da informação
VI Workshop of Probability and Statistics group - Interdisciplinarity and applications
Está agendada para 23 de maio mais uma edição do workshop do grupo de investigação de Probabilidade e Estatística do Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Matemática e Aplicações (CIDMA) aberta a toda a comunidade académica. Como habitualmente, o workshop vai contar com quatro palestras que evidenciam a interdisciplinaridade de várias áreas do saber com as Probabilidades e a Estatística. A decorrer no Auditório Sousa Pinto do Departamento de Matemática, as palestras serão proferidas por investigadores do CESAM, DeCivil, DEGEIT, DMat e CIDMA
2nd Workshop on Maximum Entropy and its Applications
The second edition will continue to discuss the importance of the entropy concept and the maximum entropy principle in diverse areas of science. This edition includes a tutorial on Info-Metrics presented by Professor Amos Golan (Info-Metrics Institute, American University; Santa Fe Institute; Pembroke College, Oxford)
V Workshop of the Probability and Statistics Group — Interdisciplinarity and applications
It is a pleasure to announce the organization of the fifth edition of the workshop of the Group of Probability and Statistics (GPS) of the CIDMA research unit. The main goal is to promote the importance of the interdisciplinarity of Statistical Science with others scientific research areas. In this edition, the workshop is focused on both statistical methods and statistical models and their applications on Environment, Biomedicine and Neuroscience areas. The main purpose is to strengthen links among researchers who apply, or intent to apply, probability and statistical methods in their research works
127th European Study Group with Industry, ESGI 127. Aveiro, Portugal
Ana Raquel Xambre, Cristina Requejo e Rui Borges Lopes (Grupo de Otimização, teoria dos Grafos e Combinatória), Helena Alvelos e Vera Afreixo (Grupo de Probabilidades e Estatística) participaram na Comissão Organizadora
Workshop on Maximum Entropy and its Applications
Over the last few decades, the theory of maximum entropy has played an important role in the analysis of ill-posed problems that occur in diverse areas of science. Besides introducing its theoretical background, some recent research in statistics and economics will be discussed, where information processing and inference are crucial topics
IV Workshop of Probability and Statistics group — Interdisciplinarity and applications —
It is a pleasure to announce the organization of a new workshop of the Group of Probability and Statistics (GPS) of the CIDMA research unit. The main goal is to promote the importance of the interdisciplinarity of Statistical Science with others scientific research areas. In this fourth edition, the workshop is focused on the relevance of the knowledge of both statistical methods and statistical models and their applications, in particular, on Economy and Genomic areas. The main purpose is to strengthen links among researchers of GPS and participants who apply, or intent to apply, probability and statistical methods in their research works. Our invited speakers will present a short talk, which may include open problems, followed by discussion in view of exchanging ideas and fomenting further research plans
Systems and Control Group (SCG)
4th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering (MSCSE 2018)
This symposium will be held in Sheraton Hotel (
), Rhodes, Greece, on 13-18 September 2018 within the ICNAAM 2018 - 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (
). The activities of the symposium will include the discussion of actual modelling and simulation problems in computer sciences and engineering, where will be presented theoretical studies and experimental results
2nd Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics
The 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics will be hosted by the Department of Mathematics of University of Aveiro on July 19 and 20, 2018. The objective of this meeting is to join the national researchers interested in biomathematics and at the same time to promote the interaction between mathematicians working on models arising from the area of biology with other researchers working on areas of biology that use mathematics as an important tool in their research.
5th International Conference on Complex Dynamical Systems. in Life Sciences: Modeling and Analysis (5thICCDS’2018)
The 5th International Conference on Complex Dynamical Systems in Life Sciences: Modeling and Analysis (5thICCDS’2018) will be held in the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 10th to 12th May 2018.
. The 5thICCDS’2018 is organized by the Department of Mathematics of University of Aveiro and The Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA)
Training School on Optimal Control Theory and Mosquito Control Strategies:. Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology and Control
The Training School on Optimal Control Theory and Mosquito Control Strategies will be held at Room Sousa Pinto of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 19th to 21th April 2018. The Training School on Optimal Control Theory and Mosquito Control Strategies is organized under the COST Action CA16227 - Investigation and Mathematical Analysis of Avant-garde Disease Control via Mosquito Nano-Tech-Repellents and as part of the activities of the new Thematic Line on BioMath of CIDMA (Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications).
Workshop on Coding, Systems & Control, WCSC2017
Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
4th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering (MSCSE 2017)
This symposium will be held in The MET Hotel (
), Thessaloniki, Greece, on 25-30 September 2017 within the ICNAAM 2017 - 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (
). The section activities will include the discussion of actual modelling and simulation problems in computer sciences and engineering, where will be presented theoretical studies and experimental results
Systems and Control Group Workshop 2017
Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2017
The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2017 will take place at University of Cape Verde, Campus de Palmarejo, from 8 to 11 May, 2017
3rd Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering (MSCSE 2016)
This symposium will be held in Rodos Palace Hotel (
), Rhodes, Greece, on 19-25 September 2016 within the ICNAAM 2016 - 14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (
). The section activities will include the discussion of actual modelling and simulation problems in computer sciences and engineering, where will be presented theoretical studies and experimental results
The International Meeting on Applied Mathematics in Errachidia 2016
The International Meeting on Applied Mathematics in Errachidia 2016.
. will be held in the Moulay Ismail University, Errachidia, Morocco,. from May 9 to 12, 2016. The purpose of the conference is to bring researchers and professionals. to discuss recent developments in both theoretical and applied mathematics. and to create the knowledge exchange platform between mathematicians. The conference is broad-based that covers all branches of engineering sciences,. mathematics and interdisciplinary researches. Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstract on the related, but not limited, following topics:. • Optimization and Variational Analysis. • Mathematical Systems Theory. • Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. • Geometric Nonlinear Control and Applications. • Fractional Calculus and Applications. • Calculus on Time Scales and Applications