Publications (2015 - 2013)

Algebra and Geometry Group (AGG)

Book Chapters

Alexandre Madeira, Renato Neves, Manuel A. Martins, Luís S. Barbosa: A Dynamic Logic for Every Season ( , hdl://10773/15101 ), Christiano Braga, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 8941, 130-145, Springer International Publishing, 2015.

Paulo J. Almeida, Raquel Pinto, Diego Napp: From 1D Conolutional Codes to 2D Convolutional codes of rate 1/n (,, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha Malonek, Paolo Vettori, Coding Theory and Applications Coding Theory. and Applications - CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, volume 3, 25-33, Springer, Switzerland, 2015.

Renato Neves, Manuel A. Martins, Luís S. Barbosa: Completeness and Decidability Results for Hybrid(ised) Logics ( , hdl://10773/15065 ), Christiano Braga, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 8941, 146-161, Springer International Publishing, 2015.

MSc Thesis

Maria de Lurdes Gandarinho Carlos: Aspetos matemáticos e históricos de um percurso pela arte dos azulejos e frescos de Aveiro (menção honrosa na categoria de teses de mestrado no concurso SOS azulejos 2015), Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2015, 129 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana M. D Azevedo Breda].

Mónica Calvário Bértolo: Inteiros Gaussianos, Aveiro, December, 2015, 86 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paulo J. Almeida], available at hdl://10773/16826.

Papers in International Journals with referees

Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, Luís S. Barbosa, Rolf Hennicker: Refinement in hybridised institutions (, hdl://10773/15013. . ), Formal Aspects of Computing, 27 (2), 2015, 375-395.

Antonio Breda Azevedo, Domenico Catalano, Jan Karabas, Roman Nedela: Maps of Archimedean class and operations on dessins. (hdl://10773/14904), Discrete Mathematics, 338, 2015, 1814-1825.

Antonio Breda d Azevedo, Maria Elisa Fernandes: Classification of regular maps with prime number of faces and the asymptotic behaviour of their reflexible to chiral ratio. (hdl://10773/15006,, Discrete Mathematics, 338 (11), 2015, 1873-1882.

Antonio Breda d’Azevedo, Domenico A. Catalano, and Rui Duarte: Regular pseudo-oriented maps and hypermaps of low genus (, hdl://10773/14905), Discrete Mathematics, 338, 2015, 895-921.

Catarina N. Cruz, Ana M. D´Azevedo Breda., M. Raquel Pinto: Packing of R^2 by Crosses. (hdl://10773/16231), Mathematica Slovaca, 65(5), 2015, 935-956.

Dimitri Chikhladze, Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann: Representable (T,V)-categories, (,, hdl://10773/14894), Appl. Categ. Structures, 23 (6), 2015, 829 -858.

Dirk Hofmann, Frédéric Mynard, Gavin Seal: Exponential Kleisli monoids as Eilenberg-Moore algebras, (,, hdl://10773/14895), Appl. Categ. Structures, 23 (2), 2015, 137-157.

Dirk Hofmann, Gavin J. Seal: Exponentiable approach spaces, (,, hdl://10773/14898), Houston Journal of Mathematics, 41 (3), 2015, 1051-1062.

Dirk Hofmann, Gavin J. Seal: A cottage industry of lax extensions, (,, hdl://10773/14899), Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications, 3, 2015, 113-151.

: Dualities for modal algebras from the point of view of triples, (,, hdl://10773/14896), Algebra Universalis, 73, 2015, 297-320.

Maria Isabel Santos, Ana Maria Breda, Ana Margarida Almeida: Preliminary proposal of a conceptual model of a digital environment for developing mathematical reasoning in students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. (hdl://10773/16235), Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (8), 2015, 2633-2640.

Rui Duarte, António Guedes de Oliveira: The braid and the Shi arrangements and the Pak–Stanley labelling (, hdl://10773/15081), European Journal of Combinatorics, 50, 2015, 72-86.

Papers in National Journals with referees

José M. Santos dos Santos, Ana M. Breda: The Riemann Sphere in GeoGebra. (hdl://10773/16236 ), Sensos-e, Multimedia Journal of Research in Education, 2, N.º1, 2015, 1-6.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

L. Descalço, Paula Carvalho: Using Parameterized Calculus Questions for Learning and Assessment (, Atas da 10ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, AISTI, 710-714, Águeda, Portugal, 2015.

L. Descalço, Paula Carvalho, J.P. Cruz, Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra: Computer-assisted independent study in multivariate calculus (, Proceeding of EDULEARN15 Conference, 6th - 8th July 2015, Barcelona, Spain, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 3352-3360, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.

Maria Isabel Santos, Ana Breda, Ana Margarida Almeida: Ambiente digital de aprendizagem promotor do desenvolvimento do raciocínio matemático em alunos com perturbações do espetro do Autismo. (hdl://10773/16237 ), Challenges 2015- IX Internacional Conference. Half a Century of ICT in Education, Universidade do Minho, Centro de Competência TIC do Instituto de Educação Instituto de Educação, Campus de Gualta, Universidade do Minho ISBN: 978-989-97374-3-3, 854-865, Braga, Portugal, 2015.

Dirk Hofmann, Gavin J. Seal, Walter Tholen (editors), authors: Robert Lowen, Walter Tholen, Gavin J Seal, Dirk Hofmann, Rory Lucyshyn-Wright, Maria Manuel Clementino, Eva Colebunders: Monoidal Topology - A Categorical Approach to Order, Metric, and Topology, (, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Book Chapters

Renato Neves, Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, Luís Barbosa: An Institution for Alloy and Its Translation to Second-Order Logic (, Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel Stuart Harvey Rubin, Integration of Reusable Systems,. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 263, 45-75, Springer International Publishing, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Carla Reis: Topology via enriched categories, University of Aveiro, May, 2014, 88 pp, [Supervisor(s): Dirk Hofmann], available at hdl://10773/12878.

MSc Thesis

Diana Costa: Paraconsistency in Hybrid Logic, University of Aveiro, July, 2014, 86 pp, [Supervisor(s): Manuel A. Martins].

Papers in International Journals with referees

Ana Breda, Robert Dawson, Patrícia Ribeiro: Spherical f-Tilings by Two Noncongruent Classes of Isosceles Triangles-II (, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 30(8), 2014, 1435-1464.

S. Babenyshev, M.A. Martins: Deduction-detachment theorem in hidden k-logics. (, Journal of Logic and Computation, 24 (1), 2014, 233-255.

L. S. Barbosa, M. A. Martins, M. Carreteiro: A Hilbert-style Axiomatisation for Equational Hybrid Logic. (, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 23(1), 2014, 31-52.

Dirk Hofmann: The enriched Vietoris monad on representable spaces,. (journal webpage, personal webpage), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 219, 2014, 2274-2318.

Manuel A. Martins, A. Madeira, L.S. Barbosa: The role of logical interpretations on program development (, Logical Methods in Computer science, 10 (1:1), 2014, 1-39.

Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann, Andrea Montoli: Covering morphisms in categories of relational algebras, (journal webpage, personal webpage), Appl. Categ. Structures, 22, 2014, 767-788.

Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann, George Janelidze: The monads of classical algebra are seldom weakly cartesian, (, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct., 9, 2014, 175-197.

Maria Manzano, Manuel A. MArtins, Antonia Huertas: A Semantics for Equational Hybrid Propositional Type Theory (, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 43/3-4, 2014, 121-138.

Rui Duarte and António Guedes de Oliveira: A Famous Identity of Hajós in Terms of Sets (, Journal of Integer Sequences, 17, 2014, 1-10.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Ana Breda, Dulce Nogueira: Trigonometry: from the past to the future with GeoGebra, Edulearn 2014: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, 6623-6633, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.

Maria Isabel Santos, Ana Breda, Ana Margarida Almeida: ICT in the development of math reasoning of students with autism, Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs, Research Center on Education (CIEd)/Institute of Education Research Center on Education (CIEd)/Institute of Education, University of Minho , 451-456, Braga, Portugal, 2014.
Book Chapters

Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, Luís S. Barbosa: Boilerplates for Reconfigurable Systems: A Language and Its Semantics (, André Rauber Du Bois, Phil Trinder, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8129, 75-89, Springer, Brasil, 2013.

Renato Neves, Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, Luís S. Barbosa: Hybridisation at Work (, Reiko Heckel, Stefan Milius, Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8089, 340-345, Springer, Warsaw, Poland, 2013.

PhD Thesis

Isabel Margarida da Costa Andrade Xarez: Reflections of universal algebras into semilattices, their Galois theories and related factorization systems, University of Aveiro, February, 2013, 91 pp, [Supervisor(s): George Janelidze, João Xarez].

MSc Thesis

Diogo Filipe Pessoa da Cruz: A conjetura de Erdös-Straus e Generalizações, Aveiro, December, 2013, 70 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paulo J. Almeida], available at hdl://10773/13324.

Dulce Nogueira: Tópicos da História da Trigonometria, Aveiro, December, 2013, 232 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana M D Azevedo Breda].

Francisco Santos Teixeira Pires: Representação de números na forma decimal e generalização a outras bases, Aveiro, December, 2013, 71 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paulo J. Almeida], available at hdl://10773/13317.

João Miguel Rafael de Carvalho: Jogos de subtração e outros jogos combinatórios, Aveiro, July, 2013, 80 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rui Filipe Alves Silva Duarte].

Papers in International Journals with referees

Celeste Varum, Abigail Ferreira, Ana Breda: Economics Education Research: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Research, Directions and Trends in the Past Decades (, Journal of Social Science Education, 12 (2), 2013, 79-86.

Dirk Hofmann: A four for the price of one duality principle for distributive spaces, (, Order, 30, 2013, 643-655.

Dirk Hofmann: Duality for distributive spaces, (, Theory Appl. Categ., 28, 2013, 66-122.

Dirk Hofmann, Carla David Reis: Probabilistic metric spaces as enriched categories, (, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 210, 2013, 1-21.

Dirk Hofmann, Manuel A. Martins: On a coalgebraic view on Logic, (, J Logic Computation, 23(5), 2013, 1097-1106.

Eva Millan, Luis Descalço, Gladys Castillo, Paula Oliveira, Sandra Diogo: Using Bayesian networks to improve knowledge assessment (, Computers and Education, 60, 2013, 436-447.

Gonçalo Gutierres, Dirk Hofmann: Approaching metric domains, (, Appl. Categ. Structures, 21, 2013, 617-650.

Isabel A. Xarez, João J. Xarez: Galois theories of commutative semigroups via semilattices. (, Theory Appl. Categ., 28, 2013, 1153-1169.

João Xarez: Concordant and monotone morphisms. (, App. Cat. Struct., 21(4), 2013, 393-415.

Manuel A. Martins, George Voutsadakis: Malinowski Modalization, Modalization through Fibring and the Leibniz Hierarchy (, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 21 (5), 2013, 836-852.

Manuel A. Martins, A. Madeira, L. S. Barbosa: A coalgebraic perspective on logical interpretations, (, Studia Logica, 101 (4), 2013, 783-825.

Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann, George Janelidze: On exponentiability of étale algebraic homomorphisms, (, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 217, 2013, 1195-1207.

Paula Catarino: On some identities and generating functions for k-Pell Numbers, (, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 7 (38), 2013, 1877-1884.

Paula Catarino: A note involving two-by-two matrices of the k-Pell and k-Pell-Lucas sequences, (, International Mathematical Forum, 8 (32), 2013, 1561-1568.

Paula Catarino, Paulo Vasco: On some Identities and Generating Functions for k-Pell-Lucas sequence, (, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 7, (98), 2013, 4867-4873.

Paula Catarino, Paulo Vasco: Some basic properties and a two-by-two matrix involving the k-Pell Numbers, (, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 7 (45), 2013, 2209-2215.

Paulo Almeida, Diego Napp, Raquel Pinto: A new class of superregular matrices and MDP convolutional codes (, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 439, 2013, 2145-2157.

Paulo Almeida, Margarida Facão, Maria Inês Carvalho: Accelerating solitons in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers, Physical Review A, 87, 2013, 063803 pp.

Rui Duarte, António Guedes de Oliveira: Note on the Convolution of Binomial Coefficients (, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 16, 2013, 1-9.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Ana Breda, Alexandre Trocado, José Santos: O GeoGebra para além da segunda dimensão. (, Indagatio Didactica, 5 (1), 2013, 60-84.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, Luís Soares Barbosa: Bisimilarity and refinement for hybrid(ised) logics (, 16th International. Refinement Workshop, John Derrick, Eerke Boiten and Steve Reeves, 84-98, Turku, Finland, 2013.

Dirk Hofmann, Carla David Reis: Cauchy completeness à la Lawvere, Conference in Applied Topology (WiAT 13), Javier Gutiérrez García Tomasz Kubiak Iraide Mardones Pérez María Ángeles de Prada Vicente, 9-21, Bilbao (Spain), 2013.

A. Madeira, R. Neves, Manuel A. Martins, L.S.Barbosa: When even the interfaces evolve. (, International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE), 2013, 79-82, Birmingham, 2013.

Neto da Cruz, Catarina Maria, D Azevedo Breda, Ana Maria Reis: Some insights about PL(7, 2) codes, 7th Annual International Conference on Mathematics, ATINER S Conference Paper Series, No: MAT2013-0476 (, 5-16, Athens, Greece, 2013.

R. Neves, L. S. Barbosa, A. Madeira, Manuel A. Martins: Giving Alloy a family (, 14th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), IEEE, 512-519, San Francisco, CA, 2013.

Reports and Other Publications

Ana Paula Aires, Helena Campos, Paula Catarino: Elementos de matemática para o ensino básico: teoria de conjuntos, lógica e relações binárias, Publicação Didática - 2.ª ed. revista e aumentada - série de Ciências Puras, nº 54, UTAD, 2013.

Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Os anti prismas e o seu potencial no ensino: uma proposta de tarefas no âmbito do tema geometria e medida para o 1.º ciclo do ensino básico, Publicação Didática - Série Didática. Ciências Puras nº 57, UTAD, 2013.

Complex and Hipercomplex Analysis Group (CHAG)

PhD Thesis

N. Gomes: Compressive Sensing in Clifford Analysis, Universidade de Aveiro, September, 2015, 182 pp, [Supervisor(s): P. Cerejeiras, U. Kaehler], available at hdl://10773/15170.

J. Nagler: Digital Curvature Estimation: An Operator Theoretic Approach, Universität Passau, October, 2015, 164 pp, [Supervisor(s): B. Forster-Heinlein, U. Kähler], available at

MSc Thesis

S. Hartmann: Quaternionische Gabor-Entwicklungen, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, May, 2015, 86 pp, [Supervisor(s): S. Bernstein, P. Cerejeiras], available at

Papers in International Journals with referees

R. Abreu Blaya, J. Bory Reyes, A. Guzman Adan, U. Kaehler: On some structural sets and a quaternionic (φ,ψ)-hyperholomorphic function theory ( hdl://10773/15040 ), Mathematische Nachrichten, 288, 2015, 1451-1475.

L. Aceto, H. R. Malonek, G. Tomaz: A unified matrix approach to the representation of Appell polynomials (hdl://10773/15214), Integral Transformation and Special Functions, 26:6, 2015, 426-441.

Amílcar Branquinho, Ana Foulquié Moreno, Anabela Paiva, M.N. Rebocho: Second order differential equations in the Laguerre-Hahn class (hdl://10773/15121) (, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 94, 2015, 16-32.

P. Cerejeiras, U. Kähler, M. Ku: Discrete Hilbert boundary value problems on half lattices RIA, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 21 (12), 2015, 1277-1304.

M. Ferreira: Harmonic Analysis on the Möbius Gyrogroup (hdl://10773/14179 ), J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 21(2), 2015, 281-317.

Iván Area, Amílcar Branquinho, Ana Foulquié Moreno, and Eduardo Godoy: Orthogonal polynomial interpretation of Δ-Toda equations (cf. ) (cf. . ), Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (cf. Pré-publicações do DMUC 14-25), 48, nº 40, 2015, 405206-405219.

R. Krausshar, M.M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira: Time-dependent operators on some non-orientable projective orbifolds (hdl://10773/15057), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38(18), 2015, 5305-5319.

M. Liu, K.I. Kou, J. Morais, P. Dang: Signal moments for the short-time Fourier transform associated with Hardy-Sobolev derivatives (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38, 2015, 2719-2730.

J. Morais, I. Cação: Quaternion Zernike Spherical Polynomials (, Mathematics of Computation, 84, 2015, 1317-1337.

J. Morais, K.I. Kou, H.T. Le: Generalized holomorphic orthogonal function systems over infinite cylinders"> ), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38, 2015, 2574-2588.

R. Paiva, M. Ferreira, A. Mendes, A. Eusébio: Interactive and Multimedia Contents Associated with a System for Computer-Aided Assessment (hdl://10773/14834), Journal of Educational Computing Research, 52 (2), 2015, 224-256.

N. Vieira: Cauchy-Kovalevskaya extension theorem in fractional Clifford analysis (hdl://10773/14531 ), Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 9(5), 2015, 1089-1109.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

I. Cação, M. I. Falcão, H. R. Malonek: Recurrence relations for systems of Clifford algebra-valued orthogonal polynomials(hdl://1822/39230 ), International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE2015, J. Vigo-Aguiar et al, 275-280, Rota, Cadiz, Spain, 2015.

M. Ferreira, N. Vieira: Eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions for the fractional Laplacian in 3 dimensions hdl://10773/16281 , 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer. Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering - IKM 2015, K. Gurlebeck and T. Lahmer (eds.), 30-35, Weimar, Germany, 2015.

K. Gürlebeck, U. Kähler, D. Legatiuk: An Interpolation Problem Arising in a Coupling of the Finite Element Method with Holomorphic Basis Functions (, 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014, ICNAAM 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings, Theodore E. Simos and Charalambos Tsitouras, 1-4, Rhodos, Greece, 2015.

U. Kähler: Discrete Hypercomplex Function Theory and its Applications (, 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014, ICNAAM 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings, Theodore E. Simos and Charalambos Tsitouras, 1-3, Rhodes; Greece, 2015.

N. Vieira: Some results in fractional Clifford analysis (hdl://10773/16279), 20th International Conference on the Application of Computer. Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering - IKM 2015, K. Gurlebeck and T. Lahmer (eds.), 6 pp, Weimar, Germany, 2015.

S. Bernstein, U. Kähler, I. Sabadini, F. Sommen, (Eds.): Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications (, Birkhäuser, 2014.

J. Morais, S. Georgiev and W. Sprößig: Real Quaternionic Calculus Handbook (, Birkhäuser, 2014.

Book Chapters

S.-L. Eriksson, H. Orelma, N. Vieira: Integral formulas for $k$-hypermonogenic functions in R^3(, S. Bernstein, U. Kähler, I. Sabadini and F. Sommen, Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perpectives and Applications, 119-132, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2014.

U. Kähler, N. Vieira: Fractional Clifford analysis(, S. Bernstein, U. Kähler, I. Sabadini and F. Sommen, Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perpectives and Applications, 191-201, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Carla Cruz: Numerical and combinatorial applications of generalized Appell polynomials, Universidade de Aveiro, October, 2014, 173 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helmuth R. Malonek, M. Irene Falcão], available at hdl://10773/13962.

Papers in International Journals with referees

M. Abul-Ez, D. Constales, J. Morais, M. Zayed: Hadamard Three-Hyperballs Type Theorem and Overconvergence of Special Monogenic Simple Series. (, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412, 2014, 426-434.

S. Bernstein, P. Cerejeiras, U. Kaehler: Lax pairs for 3D spatial problems based on the Dirac operator (, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 59, 2014, 1016-1030.

J. Bory Reyes, P. Cerejeiras, A. Guzman Adan, U. Kähler: A Short Note on the Local Solvability of the Quaternionic Beltrami Equation (, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 24, 2014, 945-953.

A. Branquinho, U. Fidalgo Prieto, A.Foulquié Moreno: An extension of Markovs Theorem (, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 142, 2014, 3491-3503.

I. Cação, D. Eelbode: Jacobi polynomials and generalized Clifford algebra-valued Appell sequences (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37, 2014, 1527-1537.

I. Cação, M. I. Falcão, H. R. Malonek: A matrix recurrence for systems of Clifford algebra-valued orthogonal polynomials (, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 24, 2014, 981-994.

P. Cerejeiras, Y. Fu, U. Kaehler, L. Li: On the Fock space of metaanalytic functions, (, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 414, 2014, 176-187.

P. Cerejeiras, U. Kähler, M. Ku, F. Sommen: Discrete Hardy Spaces, (, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 20, 2014, 715-750.

P. Cerejeiras, U. Kähler, R. Lavicka: Generating Functions for Spherical Harmonics and Spherical Monogenics (, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 24, 2014, 995-1004.

P. Cerejeiras, U. Kähler, M.M. Rodrigues, N. Vieira;: Hodge type decomposition in variable exponent spaces for the time-dependent operators: the Schrödinger case (, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 13(6), 2014, 20 pp.

C. Cruz, M. I. Falcão, H. R.Malonek: Monogenic pseudo-complex power functions. and their applications(, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 37, 2014, 1723-1735.

M. Ferreira: Harmonic analysis on the Einstein gyrogroup (, J. Geom. Symm. Phys. 35, 35, 2014, 21-60.

U. Kaehler, G. Ren: Pseudo-hyperbolic metric and uniformly discrete sequences in the real unit ball (, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 34, 2014, 629-638.

K.I. Kou, J. Morais: Asymptotic behaviour of the quaternion linear canonical transform and the Bochner-Minlos theorem (, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 247, 2014, 675-688.

R. Krausshar, M.M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira: Hodge type decomposition for time dependent first order parabolic operators with non-constant coefficients: the variable exponent case (, Milan Journal of Mathematics, 82, 2014, 407-422.

R. Krausshar, M.M. Rodrigues, and N. Vieira: The Schrödinger semigroup on some flat and non flat manifolds,(, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 8(2), 2014, 461-484.

R. Krausshar, M.M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira: Hodge decomposition and solution formulas for some first order time dependent parabolic operators with non-constant coefficients (, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 193(6), 2014, 1807-1821.

M. Liu, K.I. Kou, J. Morais, P. Dang: Sharper uncertainty principles for the windowed Fourier transform (, Journal of Modern Optics, 62, 2014, 46-55.

J. Morais: Computational aspects of the continuum quaternionic wave functions for hydrogen. (, Annals of Physics, 349, 2014, 171-188.

J. Morais and C. Nolder: Local distortion of M-conformal mappings(, Mathematics and Computation, 249, 2014, 554-568.

M.H. Nguyen, K. Gürlebeck, J. Morais, S. Bock: On orthogonal monogenics in oblate spheroidal domains. (, Journal of Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 25, 2014, 513-527.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Carla Cruz, M. Irene Falcão, Helmuth R. Malonek: Monogenic Polynomials of Four Variables with Binomial Expansion, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8579; (2014) (, 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, B. Murgante et al, 204-220, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014.

Carla Cruz, M. Irene Falcão, Helmuth R. Malonek: On Numerical Aspects of Pseudo-Complex Powers in R^3, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8579; (2014) (, 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, B. Murgante et al, 1-16, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014.

Graça Tomaz, Helmuth R. Malonek: Matrix Approach to Frobenius-Euler Polynomials, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8579, (2014), (, 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, B. Murgante et al, 75-86, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014.

Isabel Cação, João Morais: An Orthogonal Set of Weighted Quaternionic Zernike Spherical Functions, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8579; (2014)(, 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014, B. Murgante et al, 103-116, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014.

Reports and Other Publications

H. R. Malonek, W. Sprössig: Preface (, Preface to Special Issue, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 24:4, 2014.
Book Chapters

Y. Fu, U. Kähler, P. Cerejeiras: The Balian–Low Theorem for the Windowed Clifford–Fourier Transform, (, E. Hitzer S. Sangwine, Quaternion and Clifford–Fourier Transforms and Wavelets, 299-319, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2013.

S. Georgiev, J. Morais: Bochners Theorems in the framework of Quaternion Analysis. (, Eckhard Hitzer and Steve Sangwine, Quaternion and Clifford Fourier Transforms and Wavelets, 85-104, Springer, Birkhauser Trends in Mathematics Series, 2013.

S. Georgiev, J. Morais, K.I. Kou, W. Sproessig: Bochner-Minlos Theorem and Quaternion Fourier Transform. (, Eckhard Hitzer and Steve Sangwine, Quaternion and Clifford Fourier Transforms and Wavelets, 105-120, Springer, Birkhauser Trends in Mathematics Series, 2013.

Min Ku, Uwe Kähler, Paula Cerejeiras: Dirichlet-Type Problems for the Iterated Dirac Operator on the Unit Ball in Clifford Analysis, (, Graziano Gentili, Irene Sabadini, Michael Shapiro, Franciscus Sommen, Daniele C. Struppa, Advances in Hypercomplex Analysis, 75-92, Springer INdAM Series, Milan Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2013.

Papers in International Journals with referees

M.A. Abul-Ez, R. De Almeida: On the lower order and type of entire axially monogenic functions, (, Results in Mathematics, 63 (3-4), 2013, 1257-1275.

D. Barrios Rolanía, A. Branquinho, and A. Foulquié Moreno: On the full Kostant Toda system and the discrete Korteweg-de Vries equations, (, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 401, 2013, 811-820.

P. Cerejeiras, Q. Chen, U. Kaehler, G. Ren: Non-separable multivariate filter banks from univariate wavelets, (, Mathematische Nachrichten, 286, 2013, 951-969.

P. Cerejeiras, Y. Fu, U. Kähler: The Balian–Low theorem for a new kind of Gabor system, (, Applicable Analysis, 92, 2013, 799-813.

D. Constales, R. De Almeida, Rolf Soeren Krausshar: The Fourier expansion of the hypermonogenic generalized trigonometric and elliptic, (, Journal of Number Theory, 133 (6), 2013, 1991-2004.

M. Dalla Riva, J. Morais and P. Musolino: A family of fundamental solutions of elliptic partial differential operators with quaternion constant coefficients. (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36, 2013, 1569-1582.

M. Ferreira, F. Sommen: Complex Boosts: A Hermitian Clifford Algebra approach. (, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 23(2), 2013, 339-362.

K.I. Kou, Jian-Yu Ou, J. Morais: On uncertainty principle for quaternionic linear canonical transform. (, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013, 14 pp.

K.I. Kou, J. Morais, Y. Zhang: Generalized prolate spheroidal wave functions for offset linear canonical transform in Clifford analysis. (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36, 2013, 1028-1041.

Min Ku, Uwe Kaehler, Daoshun Wang: Half Dirichlet problem for the Hölder continuous matrix functions in Hermitian Clifford analysis, (, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 58 (7), 2013, 1037-1056.

Min Ku, YIngxiong Fu, Kaehler Uwe, Cerejeiras Paula: Riemann Boundary Value Problems for Iterated Dirac Operator on the Ball in Clifford Analysis, (, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 7(3), 2013, 673-693.

J. Morais: An orthogonal system of monogenic polynomials over prolate spheroids in R3. (, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57, 2013, 425-434.

J. Morais, K. Avetisyan, K. Guerlebeck: On Riesz systems of harmonic conjugates in R3. (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36, 2013, 1598-1614.

J. Morais, M. Ferreira: 3D Deformations by means of Monogenic Functions. (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36, 2013, 780-793.

J. Morais, K.I. Kou and S. Georgiev: On convergence properties of 3D spheroidal monogenics. (, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2013, 19 pp.

J. Morais, K.I. Kou and W. Sprößig.: Generalized holomorphic Szegö kernel in 3D spheroids. (, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 65, 2013, 576-588.

Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kähler, Min Ku: On the Riemann Boundary Value Problem for Null Solutions to Iterated Generalized Cauchy–Riemann Operator in Clifford Analysis, (, Results in Mathematics, 63(3-4), 2013, 1375-1394.

S. Yakubovich, N. Vieira: The use of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform in an analysis of regularized Schrödinger equation (, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 24(1), 2013, 9-22.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

I. Cação, J. Morais: An introduction to the quaternionic Zernike spherical polynomials (, 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013, ICNAAM 2013, AIP Conference Proceedings, 502-505, Rhodes; Greece, 2013.

C. Cruz, M. I. Falcão, and H. R. Malonek: ( Pascals tetrahedron with hypercomplex entries, ICNAAM 2013, T.E. Simos et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 509-512, Rhodes; Greece, 2013.

S. Georgiev, J. Morais: An introduction to the Hilger quaternion numbers. (, ICNAAM 2013, Simos, 550-553, Rhodes, Greece, 2013.

J. Morais: A version of quaternionic function theory related to prolate spheroidal. wave signals. (, ICNAAM 2013, Simos, 48-51, Rhodes, Greece, 2013.

A. Teixeira, R. De Almeida: Improving the rate of convergence of a Mehrotra type predictor-corrector algorithm, ICMCS 2013 : International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Science 2013, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, 75, 505-516, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2013.

Functional Analysis and Applications Group (FAAG)

Book Chapters

L.P. Castro, H. Fujiwara, M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh, V. Tuan: Reproducing kernels and discretization ( and hdl://10773/14634), V. Mityushev, M.V. Ruzhansky (eds.), Current Trends in Analysis and Its Applications, 553-559, Springer/Birkhäuser, Basel, 2015.

M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh: Whittaker Differential Equation Associated to the Initial Heat Problem ( and hdl://10773/14633), V. Mityushev, M.V. Ruzhansky, Current Trends in Analysis and Its Applications, 523-530, Springer/Birkhäuser, Basel, 2015.

Papers in International Journals with referees

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Positive solutions for parametric nonlinear periodic problems with competing nonlinearities (hdl://10773/14983, Electronic J. Differential Equations, 2015, 2015, 1-18.

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Nonlinear periodic problems with a jumping reaction (hdl://10773/16197), Libertas Mathematica (n. s.), 35, 2015, 57-83.

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Periodic problems with a reaction of arbitrary growth (, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 16, 2015, 985-1011.

S. Aizicovici, N.S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Constant sign and nodal solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations with combined nonlinearities (hdl://10773/14988), Methods and Applications of Analysis, 22, 2015, 221-248.

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Nodal solutions for (p,2)-equations (, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 367, 2015, 7343-7372.

A. Almeida, P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö, T. Lukkari: Riesz and Wolff potentials and elliptic equations in variable exponent weak Lebesgue spaces ( and hdl://10773/14884), Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 194, 2015, 405-424.

A. Caetano, D. Haroske: Embeddings of Besov spaces on fractal h-sets (hdl://10773/14835), Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 9 (4), 2015, 259-295.

A. Caetano, D. Haroske: Traces for Besov spaces on fractal h-sets and dichotomy results (hdl://10773/15559), Studia Mathematica, 231, 2015, 117-147.

L.P. Castro, R.C. Guerra, N.M. Tuan: On integral operators generated by the Fourier transform and a reflection ( and, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 66, 2015, 7-31.

L.P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Wave diffraction by wedges having arbitrary aperture angle (, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 421, 2015, 1295-1314.

L.P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Crack impedance-Dirichlet boundary value problems of diffraction in a half-plane ( and hdl://10773/14733), Math. Eng. Sci. Aerosp. MESA, 6(3), 2015, 551-566.

L.P. Castro, D. Kapanadze, E. Pesetskaya: A heat conduction problem of 2D unbounded composites with imperfect contact conditions ( and hdl://10773/14594), ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201400067, 95 (9), 2015, 952-965.

L.P. Castro, D. Kapanadze, E. Pesetskaya: Effective conductivity of a composite material with stiff imperfect contact conditions ( and hdl://10773/15009), Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 38(18), 2015, 4638-4649.

L.P. Castro, M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh: A fundamental theorem on initial value problems by using the theory of reproducing kernels ( and hdl://10773/13977), Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 9(1), 2015, 87-98.

L.P. Castro, E.M. Rojas, S. Saitoh, N.M. Tuan, P.D. Tuan: Solvability of singular integral equations with rotations and degenerate kernels in the vanishing coefficient case (, Analysis and Applications, 13(1), 2015, 1-21.

L.P. Castro, A. Silva: Interplay of Wiener-Hopf and Hankel operators with almost periodic Fourier symbols on standard and variable exponent Lebesgue spaces (, Ann. Funct. Anal., 6(2), 2015, 49-59.

N. S. Papageorgiou, S. Santos, V. Staicu: Constant sign and nodal solutions for a class of nonlinear Dirichlet problems (hdl://10773/14982), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422, 2015, 646-666.

M.M.Rodrigues, N. Vieira: Whittaker transform on distributions ( and, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 46(2), 2015, 229-237.
Book Chapters

L.P. Castro, R. Duduchava, F.-O. Speck: Diffraction from Polygonal-Conical Screens, an Operator Approach (hdl://10773/16703 and, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications, A. Bastos, A. Lebre, S. Samko, L. Rodman (Eds.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 242, 113-137, Birkhäuser, Basel (ISBN 978-3-0348-0815-6), 2014.

L.P. Castro, H. Fujiwara, T. Qian, S. Saitoh: How to catch smoothing properties and analyticity of functions by computers? (hdl://10773/16611 and, Panos Pardalos and Themistocles M. Rassias (edts), Mathematics without Boundaries: Surveys in Interdisciplinary Research, 101-116, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2014.

L.P. Castro, H. Fujiwara, M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh, V.K. Tuan: Aveiro Discretization Method in Mathematics: A New Discretization Principle (hdl://10773/16630 and, Panos Pardalos and Themistocles M. Rassias (edts), Mathematics without Boundaries: Surveys in Pure Mathematics, 37-92, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2014.

L.P. Castro, M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh: Initial Value Problems in Linear Integral Operator Equations (hdl://10773/16621 and, Themistocles M. Rassias and Laszlo Toth (edts.), Topics in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 175-188, Springer Optimization and Its Applications 94, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Lirong Huang: Multiplicity results for some classes of Schrodinger-Poisson systems, University of Aveiro, July, 2014, 125 pp, [Supervisor(s): E.M. Rocha], available at hdl://10773/12867.

Papers in International Journals with referees

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Multiplicity of solutions for a class of nonlinear nonhomogeneous elliptic equations (hdl://10773/18726), J. Nonlinear Convex Anal., 15, 2014, 7-34.

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Sublinear and superlinear Ambrosetti-Prodi problems for the Dirichlet p-Laplacian (h, Nonlinear Anal., 95, 2014, 263-280.

S. Aizicovici, N. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Nodal solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous Neumann equations (hdl://10773/18704), Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 43, 2014, 421-438.

A. Almeida, P. Hästö: Interpolation in variable exponent spaces ( and, Revista Matemática Complutense, 27, 2014, 657-676.

L.P. Castro, M.R. Haque, M.M. Murshed, S. Saitoh, N.M. Tuan: Quadratic Fourier transforms (hdl://10773/16651 and, Ann. Funct. Anal., 5(1), 2014, 10-23.

L.P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Diffraction by a half-plane with different face impedances on an obstacle perpendicular to the boundary (hdl://10773/16653 and, Communications in Mathematical Analysis, 17(2), 2014, 45-65.

L.P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Mixed boundary value problems of diffraction by a half-plane with an obstacle perpendicular to the boundary (hdl://10773/16639 and, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 37, 2014, 1412-1427.

L.P. Castro, A.S. Silva, S. Saitoh: A reproducing kernel Hilbert space constructive approximation for integral equations with Toeplitz and Hankel kernels (hdl://10773/16637 and, Libertas Mathematica (New Series), 34(1), 2014, 1-22.

M. Dalla Riva, P. Musolino: A singularly perturbed nonlinear traction problem in a periodically perforated domain: a functional analytic approach (, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37, 2014, 106-122.

T. Ehrhardt, A. P. Nolasco, F.-O. Speck: A Riemann surface approach for diffraction from rational wedges ( and, Operators and Matrices, 8, 2014, 301-355.

M. Otani, V. Staicu: Existence Results for Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Multivalued Nonlinear Terms (, Set-Valued Var. Anal., 22, 2014, 859-877.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

L.P. Castro, M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh: A Bessel differential heat initial value problem in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space framework (hdl://10773/16636 and, American Institute of Physics, AIP – Conf. Proc, 1637, 165-170, NY, 2014.

M.M. Rodrigues: Some properties of generalized fractional integral with Lengendre functions kernels ( and hdl://10773/18673), American Institute of Physics, AIP – Conf. Proc, 1637, 882-888, NY, 2014.

M.M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira: An operational method to solve fractional differential equations (hdl://10773/18647 and, American Institute of Physics, AIP – Conf. Proc, 1637, 1143-1152, NY, 2014.

A. Almeida, L. P. Castro, F.-O. Speck (edts): Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory -- The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume (, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 229, ISBN: 978-3-0348-0515-5, VIII, 392 p, Birkhäuser, 2013.

Book Chapters

L. Huang, K. Murillo, E. M. Rocha: Existence of Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Singular Equations in Lorentz Spaces, A. Almeida, L. P. Castro, F.-O. Speck, Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory -- The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume, 201-214, Birkhäuser,, Basel, 2013.

Jianqing Chen, E.M. Rocha: A Class of Sub-elliptic Equations on the Heisenberg Group and. Related Interp olation Inequalities, A. Almeida, L. P. Castro, F.-O. Speck, Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory -- The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume, 123-137, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2013.

M.M.Rodrigues, N. Vieira and S. Yakubovich: Operational calculus for Bessel fractional equation, A. Almeida, L.Castro and F. Speck, Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory -- The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume(, 357-370, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2013.

PhD Thesis

Kelly Murillo: Existence results for elliptic equations with singular terms, Aveiro, January, 2013, 126 pp, [Supervisor(s): Eugénio Rocha, Jianqing Chen].

Papers in International Journals with referees

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: On p-superlinear equations with a nonhomogeneous differential operator (hdl://10773/18698), NoDEA - Nonlinear Diff. Equations Appl., 20, 2013, 151-175.

S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: Nodal and multiple solutions for nonlinear periodic problems with competing nonlinearities (, Comm. Contemp. Math, 15, n. 3, 2013, 1350001-1550030.

A. Caetano: Growth envelopes of Besov spaces on fractal h-sets (, Mathematische Nachrichten, 286, 2013, 550-568.

A. Caetano, H.-G. Leopold: On generalized Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces of regular distributions (, Journal of Functional Analysis, 264, 2013, 2676-2703.

L.P. Castro, R.C. Guerra: Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of Volterra integral equations within weighted spaces (, Lib. Math. (N.S.), 33(2), 2013, 5-19.

L. P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Mixed boundary value problems of diffraction by a half-plane with a screen/crack perpendicular to the boundary (, Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst., 162, 2013, 121-126.

L. P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Wave diffraction by a half-plane with an obstacle perpendicular to the boundary (, Journal of Differential Equations, 254, 2013, 493-510.

L. P. Castro, K. Murata, S. Saitoh, M. Yamada: Explicit integral representations of implicit functions (, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 29(2), 2013, 141-148.

L. P. Castro, M. M. Rodrigues: The Weierstrass--Whittaker integral transform (, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 60, 2013, 57-72.

L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh: Optimal and approximate solutions of singular integral equations by means of reproducing kernels (, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 7, 2013, 1839-1851.

L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh: Fractional functions and their representations (, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 7(4), 2013, 1049-1063.

L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Invertibility criteria for Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators with different almost periodic Fourier symbol matrices (, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. DOI 10.1007/s10231-012-0262-1, 192, 2013, 1141-1152.

M. Dalla Riva: A family of fundamental solutions of elliptic partial differential operators with real constant coefficients (, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 76, 2013, 1-23.

M. Dalla Riva: Stokes flow in a singularly perturbed exterior domain (, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal, 58, 2013, 231-257.

M. Dalla Riva, P. Musolino: A singularly perturbed non-ideal transmission problem and application to the effective conductivity of a periodic composite (, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 73, 2013, 24-46.

N. J. Ford, M.M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira: A numerical method for the fractional Schrödinger equation of spatial dimention two, (, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 16(2), 2013, 454-468.

N. J. Ford, M. M. Rodrigues, J. Xiao and Y. Yan: Numerical analysis of a two-parameter fractional telegraph equation (, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 249, 2013, 95-106.

Giulio Pianigian; Giuseppe Anichini; Arrigo Cellina; Biagio Ricceri; Lucio Damascelli; Józef Myjak; Vasile Staicu: Francesco S. De Blasi remembered by close friends and colleagues (, Lib. Math. (N.S.), 33, 2013, 135-147.

Jianqing Chen, E.M. Rocha: Existence of solution of sub-elliptic equation on the Heisenberg group with critical growth and double singularities ( /10.7494 /OpMath.2013.33.2.237), Opuscula Mathematica, 33, 2013, 237-254.

Lirong Huang, Eugenio Rocha: A Positive Solution of a Schrödinger-Poisson System with Critical Exponent(, Commun. Math. Anal., 15, 2013, 29-43.

Lirong Huang, Eugenio A. M. Rocha, Jianqing Chen: Positive and sign-changing. solutions of a Schr"{o}dinger-Poisson system involving a critical. nonlinearity(, Journal of Mathematical Analysis Applications, 408, 2013, 55-69.

Lirong Huang, Eugenio Rocha, Jianqing Chen: Two positive solutions of a class of Schrodinger-Poisson. system with indefinite nonlinearity. (, Journal of Differential Equations, 255, 2013, 2463-2483.

W. Mai, M. Yan, T. Qian, M. Dalla Riva, S. Saitoh: A Matrix Inequality for the Inversions of the Restrictions of a Positive Definite Hermitian Matrix (, Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory, 3, 2013, 55-58.

M.M.Rodrigues and N. Vieira: On Fractional Whittaker Equation and Operational Calculus ( ), J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 20, 2013, 127-146.

M. M. Rodrigues and S. Yakubovich: On a heat kernel for the index Whittaker transform (, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 29(2), 2013, 231-238.

M.M.Rodrigues, N.Vieira and S.Yakubovich: A convolution operator related to the generalized Mehler-Fock and Kontorovich Lebedev transforms (, Results in Mathematics, 63(1), 2013, 511-528.

Sergiu Aizicovici, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Vasile Staicu:: Nonlinear periodic problems superlinear at $+infty$ and sublinear at. $-infty$ (hdl://10773/18697), Libertas Mathematica (new series), 33, 2013, 27-56.

V. Staicu: Francesco S. De Blasi remembered by close friends and colleagues (hdl://10773/18733), Libertas Mathematica (new series), 33, 2013, 135-147.

Vasile Staicu: In memory of Professor Francesco Saverio De Blasi (hdl://10773/18856), Lib. Math. (N.S.), 33, 2013, 1-2.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

L. P. Castro, A. M. Simões: The impedance problem of wave diffraction by a strip with higher order boundary conditions (, American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc 1561, M. D. Todorov et al, 184-193, NY, 2013.

M.M.Rodrigues: Generalized fractional integral transform with Whittaker kernel(, American Institute of Physics, AIP – Conf. Proc, 1561, M. D. Todorov et al, 196-200, NY, 2013.

Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics Group (GGDG)


Carlos A. R. Herdeiro: Mecânica Quântica: um primeiro curso, University of Aveiro Publisher (UA Editora), 2015, 511 pages. ISBN 978-972-789-465-9., 2015.

PhD Thesis

Flávio de Sousa Coelho: Radiation from a D-dimensional collision of gravitational shock waves, Universidade de Aveiro, February, 2015, 147 pp, [Supervisor(s): Carlos A. R. Herdeiro], available at

MSc Thesis

Pedro Vieira Pinto da Cunha: Black hole shadows -Sombras de buracos negros, Universidade de Coimbra, September, 2015, 142 pp, [Supervisor(s): Carlos A. R. Herdeiro], available at

Papers in International Journals with referees

J.-B. Delisle, A.C.M. Correia, J. Laskar: Stability of resonant configurations during the migration of planets and constraints on disk-planet interactions Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 12 pp.

Adrien Leleu, Philippe Robutel, Alexandre C. M. Correia: Detectability of quasi-circular co-orbital planets. Application to the radial velocity technique Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, 2015, 14 pp.

Alexandre C. M. Correia: Stellar and planetary Cassini states Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 582, 2015, 8 pp.

S. Bartrum, A. Berera, J. G. Rosa: The fluctuation-dissipation dynamics of cosmological scalar fields Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physical Review D, 2015, 083540 pp.

C. Benone, L. C. B. Crispino, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu: Stationary bound states of massless scalar fields around black holes and black hole analogues Journal webpage; PDF from RIA, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2015, 1542018 pp.

Burkhard Kleihaus, Jutta Kunz, Eugen Radu: Black ringoids: spinning balanced objects in d>=5 dimensions -- the codimension-two case Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), 2015, 117 pp.

V. Cardoso, L. Gualtieri, C. Herdeiro, U. Sperhake: Exploring new physics frontiers through numerical relativity Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Living Reviews in Relativity, 18, 2015, 1-156.

Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Eugen Radu: Asymptotically flat black holes with scalar hair: a review Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2015, 1542014 pp.

Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu: Anti-de-Sitter regular electric multipoles: towards Einstein-Maxwell-AdS solitons Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physics Letters B, 749, 2015, 393-398.

Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Eugen Radu: How fast can a black hole rotate? Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2015, 1544022 pp.

Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Helgi F. Runarsson: Kerr black holes with self-interacting scalar hair: hairier but not heavier Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physical Review D, 2015, 084059 pp.

Carlos Herdeiro, Jutta Kunz, Eugen Radu, Bintoro Subagyo: Myers-Perry black holes with scalar hair and a mass gap: unequal spins Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physics Letters B, 748, 2015, 30-36.

Carolina L. Benone, Luis C. B. Crispino, Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu: Acoustic clouds: standing sound waves around a black hole analogue Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physical Review D, 2015, 104038 pp.

A.C.M. Correia, A. Leleu, N. Rambaux, P. Robutel: Spin-orbit coupling and chaotic rotation for circumbinary bodies. Application to the small satellites of the Pluto-Charon system Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, 2015, 7 pp.

R. Costa, A.P. Morais, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos: Two loop stability of a complex singlet extended Standard Model Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physical Review D, 2015, 025024 pp.

D. Cunha, A.C.M. Correia, J. Laskar: Spin evolution of Earth-sized exoplanets, including atmospheric tides and core-mantle friction Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, International Journal of Astrobiology, Special Is, 2015, 233-245.

Emanuele Berti, Enrico Barausse, Vitor Cardoso, Leonardo Gualtieri, Paolo Pani, Ulrich Sperhake, Leo C. Stein, Norbert Wex, Kent Yagi, Tessa Baker, C. P. Burgess, Flávio S. Coelho, Daniela Doneva, Antonio De Felice, Pedro G. Ferreira, Paulo C. C. Freire, James Healy, Carlos Herdeiro, Michael Horbatsch, Burkhard Kleihaus, Antoine Klein, Kostas Kokkotas, Jutta Kunz, Pablo Laguna, Ryan N. Lang, Tjonnie G. F. Li, Tyson Littenberg, Andrew Matas, Saeed Mirshekari, Hirotada Okawa, Eugen Radu, Richard O’Shaughnessy, Bangalore S. Sathyaprakash, Chris Van Den Broeck, Hans A. Winther, Helvi Witek, Mir Emad Aghili, Justin Alsing, Brett Bolen, Luca Bombelli, Sarah Caudill, Liang Chen, Juan Carlos Degollado, Ryuichi Fujita, Caixia Gao, Davide Gerosa, Saeed Kamali, Hector O. Silva, João G. Rosa, Laleh Sadeghian, Marco Sampaio, Hajime Sotani, Miguel Zilhao: Testing General Relativity with Present and Future Astrophysical Observations, Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 32, 2015, 188 pp.

Emeline Bolmont, Sean N. Raymond, Jeremy Leconte, Franck Hersant, Alexandre C. M. Correia: Mercury-T: A new code to study tidally evolving multi-planet systems. Applications to Kepler-62Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 15 pp.

A. J. Espy Kehoe, T. J. J. Kehoe, J. E. Colwell, and, S. F. Dermott: Signatures of Recent Asteroid Disruptions in the Formation and Evolution of Solar System Dust Bands Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, 16 pp.

Giovanna Tinetti, Alexandre C. M. Correia, et al.: The EChO science case, Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Experimental Astronomy, 40, 2015, 329-391.

C. Herdeiro, E. Radu: Construction and physical properties of Kerr black holes with scalar hair Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, 144001 pp.

José Luis Blázquez-Salcedo, Jutta Kunz, Francisco Navarro-Lérida, Eugen Radu: Radially excited rotating black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physical Review D, 2015, 044025 pp.

Mengjie Wang, Carlos Herdeiro, Marco O. P. Sampaio: Maxwell perturbations on asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes: generic boundary conditions and a new branch of quasinormal modes Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv ; PDF from RIA, Physical Review D, 2015, 8 pp.

Olga Kichakova, Jutta Kunz, Eugen Radu, Yasha Shnir: Thermodynamic properties of asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter black holes in d=4 Einstein-Yang-Mills theory Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physics Letters B, 747, 2015, 205-211.

Pedro V. P. Cunha, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Helgi F. Runarsson: Shadows of Kerr black holes with scalar hair Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physical Review Letters, 2015, 211102 pp.

J. G. Rosa: Testing black hole superradiance with pulsar companions Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physics Letters B, 749, 2015, 226-230.

N. C. Santos, J. H. C. Martins, G. Boué, A. C. M. Correia, M. Oshagh, P. Figueira, A. Santerne, S. G. Sousa, C. Melo, M. Montalto, I. Boisse, D. Ehrenreich, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, S. Udry, A. Garcia Munoz: Detecting ring systems around exoplanets using high resolution spectroscopy: the case of 51 Pegasi b Journal webpage; PDF from arXiv; PDF from RIA, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 9 pp.

Yves Brihaye, Ruben Manvelyan, Eugen Radu, D. H. Tchrakian: Charged isotropic non-Abelian dyonic black branes Journal webpage; PDF from ArXiv; PDF from RIA, Physics Letters B, 745, 2015, 90-96.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Carlos Herdeiro, Pedro V. Cunha: Buracos negros com cabelo e as suas sombras, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 73, 2015, 11 pp.

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History of Mathematics Group (HMG)

PhD Thesis

Teresa Costa Clain: A matemática e o comércio em Portugal através das obras de aritméticos do século XVI: Gaspar Nicolas Ruy Mendes e Bento Fernandes, Aveiro, June, 2015, 409 pp, [Supervisor(s): H. R. Malonek, M. Spiesser], available at hdl://10773/15228.

Papers in International Journals with referees

Clain, Teresa Costa: La Pratica d´arismetica de Ruy Mendes dans le contexte des arithmétiques marchandes ibériques (hdl://10773/15054), Revue d´histoire des Mathématiques, 21, fasc. , 2015, 5-39.

Saraiva, P., Beites, P. D., Fernandes, J., Costa, C., Vitória, J.: Best pair of two skew lines over the octonions (, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebra, 25, 3, 2015, 657-672.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Pinto, H.: Problemas dos Nossos Avós (2), Jornal das Primeiras Matemáticas, 4, 2015, 45-54.

Pinto, H.: Problemas dos Nossos Avós (3), Jornal das Primeiras Matemáticas, 5, 2015, 107-112.

Vitória, J.: Paulus Gerdes - As culturas africanas na cartografia etnomatemática(, Gazeta da Matemática, 175, 2015, 32-35.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Pinto, H.: Mathematical Lessons in a Newspaper of Porto in 1853 (Primary Education), History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University - ESU 7 (2014), Barbin, E.; Jankvist, U. T.; Kjeldsen, T. H, 763-777, Copenhaga, 2015.

Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees

Alves, J., Costa, C., Cravino, J., Pinto, H.: A Matemática Ancestral Chinesa na realidade Educativa Portuguesa, CiEMeLP 2015, J. C. Silva, 207-211, Coimbra, 2015.

Pinto, H.: O Livro I dos Elementos de Euclides – um Website Interactivo em Língua Portuguesa, CiEMeLP 2015, J. C. Silva, 48-52, Coimbra, 2015.
Book Chapters

Kharlamova Vera I., Kharlamov Alexander A., Malonek Helmuth R.: Internationalization of Mathematical Journals: The first Portuguese Journal “Jornal de sciencias mathematicas e astronómicas” (Teixeira´s Journal) (russ.)(hdl://10773/15215), Eds. Demidov, S. S. et al, Istoriko-Matematicheskie Issledovaniya. Vtoraya Seriya, 15(50), 173-196, Janus-K, Moscow, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Vera I. Kharlamova: F. G.Teixeira e a comunidade matemática europeia nos séculos XIX-XX, Aveiro, April, 2014, 485 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helmuth R. Malonek, Sergey S. Demidov], available at hdl://10773/12875.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Catarino, P., Vitória, J.: Projeções e distâncias em R^7, duplo produto vetorial e hiperplanos associados(, Boletim da SPM, 70, 2014, 15-33.

Pinto, H: Problemas dos Nossos Avós (1)(, Jornal das Primeiras Matemáticas, 3, 2014, 59-68.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Pinto,H.: A História da Matemática na sala de aula – três actividades práticas(, 6.º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática, Nobre, S.; Bertato, F.; Saraiva, L, 18 pp, São João Del Rey, 2014.

Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees

Pinto, H.: A Academia Politécnica do Porto (1837-1911): a criação e a evolução de uma escola de engenharia na cidade do Porto, in(hdl://10773/12901), 4.º ENHCT 2014, Malaquias, I.; Andrade, A.; Bonifácio, V.; Malonek, H. (coord.), 38-40, Aveiro, 2014.

Catarino, P., Costa, C.: Os anti prismas e o seu potencial no ensino: uma proposta de tarefas no âmbito do tema geometria e medida para o 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico, Série Didática das Ciências Puras n.º 57, UTAD (ISBN 978-989-704-126-6)., 2013.

Book Chapters

Pereira. I., Coelho, E., Costa, C., Monteiro, M. D., Mourão-Carvalhal, I.: Variáveis preditoras do desenvolvimento intelectual de crianças sinalizadas com dificuldades de aprendizagem, I. Mourão-Carvalhal et al, Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VI, 65-86, UTAD, (ISBN 978-989-704-155-6), Vila Real, 2013.

MSc Thesis

Carla da Silva: Atividades lúdicas na aula de matemática, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, January, 2013, 120 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cecília Costa].

Elisabete Ribeiro: Um dia no Jardim de Infância: Experiências Matemáticas, UTAD, October, 2013, 135 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cecília Costa].

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Costa, C.: Sobre um original de Vicente Gonçalves relativo à escolaridade de Francisco de Melo, 6º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática (2011), Sergio NOBRE, Fábio BERTATO, Luis SARAIVA, 207-223, São João del Rei (Brasil), 2013.

Gonçalves, R., Costa, C.: O ensino da álgebra linear em Portugal: padrões no uso da tecnologia em cursos de engenharia, 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, ISEP, 10 pp, Porto, 2013.

Kharlamova, Vera I., Malonek, Helmuth R.: Portuguese Mathematicians in Bibliographic and Review Journals at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries (in Russian)(, XI International Kolmogorov Readings 2013, Afanassyev et al, 254-260, Yaroslavl, Rússia, 2013.

Optimization, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Group (OGTCG)


Alexander Plakhov, Tatiana Tchemisova, Adelaide Freitas (Eds,): Optimization in the Natural Sciences, Revised Selected Papers, Optimization in the Natural Sciences, Revised Selected Papers, 30th Euro Mini Conference, EmC-ONS 2014, Aveiro, Portugal. or hdl://10773/15093, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2015.

Book Chapters

Ana Moura, Jorge Oliveira: “Exact solutions to the short sea shipping distribution problem” ( or (hdl://10773/16228), João Paulo Almeida, José Fernando Oliveira, Alberto Adrego Pinto, Operational Research, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, 277-294, Springer-Verlag berlin H., ISBN 978-3-319-20328-7, 2015.

Domingos M. Cardoso, Carlos J. Luz, Maria F. Pacheco: Determination of (0,2)-regular sets in graphs and applications (hdl://10773/15191), José F. Oliveira, João P. Almeida, Alberto A. Pinto, Operational Research, IO2013 - XV Congress of APDIO, 107-121, Springer International Publishing, AG Switzerland, 2015.

M. Lobato, F. Carvalho, A. S. Pereira, A. Agra: Airport Ground Movement. (hdl://10773/16234), A. Póvoa and J.L.Miranda, Operations Research and Big Data, IO2015-XVII Congress of APDIO, 89-96, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015.

Macedo, E.: Testing Regularity on Linear Semidefinite Optimization Problems. (hdl://10773/16494 or, Almeida, J.P., Oliveira, J.F. and Pinto, A.A, Operational Research, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, 213-236, Springer, Switzerland, 2015.

Mariana Costa, Cristina Requejo, Filipe Rodrigues: The Suppliers Selection Problem: A Case Study ( or hdl://10773/16232), IO2015 - XVII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO), In Operations Research and Big Data (Part of the Studies in Big Data book series), 175-184, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015.

Vasco Moço Mano, Enide Andrade Martins, Luís Almeida Vieira: Some Results on the Krein Parameters of an Association Scheme,( (hdl://10773/15014), J.-P., Jeltsch R., Pinto A., Viana, Volume Dynamics, Games and Science III of the DGS II 2013 Conference, 13-13, Series CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, Switzerland, 2015.

PhD Thesis

Inês Barbedo de Magalhães: Determination of regular exceptional graphs by (k,t)-extensions (hdl://10773/14814. ), Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 120 pp, [Supervisor(s): Domingos Moreira Cardoso, Paula Rama].

MSc Thesis

Ana Filipa Lopes Jorge: "Mapeamento da cadeia de valor em contexto industrial de moldes: Aplicação de técnicas Lean e Kaizen" (hdl://10773/15090), Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 89 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Moura].

Ana Luísa Ferreira de Almeida: "Metodologia Lean Manufacturing no processo produtivo de capas para assentos de Automóvel" (hdl://10773/15287), Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 90 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Moura].

Ana Oliveira: Implementação de sistemas de informação para o planeamento e otimização da produção, University of Aveiro, July, 2015, 75 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rui Borges Lopes], available at hdl://10773/14950.

Ana Palmeira: Recursos Digitais de Apoio ao Ensino da Geometria Analítica do Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Aveiro, June, 2015, 116 pp, [Supervisor(s): João Pedro Cruz, Dina Seabra], available at hdl://10773/16291.

Diogo Alves: Desenvolvimento e implementação de um manufacturing execution system na Unidade Industrial De Sousa, Amorim & Irmãos, S.A, University of Aveiro, July, 2015, 87 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rui Borges Lopes], available at hdl://10773/15091.

Filipe João Silva Santos: KPI’s na produção: definição e desdobramento de indicadores para a gestão, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 110 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Raquel Reis Couto Xambre], available at hdl://10773/14949.

Filipe Rodrigues: O Problema de Seleção de Fornecedores Para Varios Produtos Considerando Descontos de Quantidade, University of Aveiro, May, 2015, 60 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at hdl://10773/16292.

Inês Sousa: Melhorias nos processos de mudança de formato em linhas de embalamento de massas com recurso a SMED, University of Aveiro, July, 2015, 87 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rui Borges Lopes], available at hdl://10773/14965.

Iolanda da Silva Mourão Santos: Recursos Digitais de Apoio ao Ensino dos Sistemas Lineares no 3o Ciclo do Ensino Básico, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2015, 146 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paula Oliveira, Paula Carvalho], available at hdl://10773/16289.

João Filipe Gonçalves Lopes: Aplicação de princípios Lean Thinking numa empresa do setor automóvel: a importância dos KPI, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 97 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Raquel Reis Couto Xambre], available at hdl://10773/14949.

Maria da Conceição Gonçalves Martinho Ferreira: Problemas de Medida e Geometria: Resoluções Alternativas e Variantes sem Palavras, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2015, 131 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rute Lemos], available at

Maria Inês Moreira Brandão: "Melhoria dos fluxos de abastecimento numa indústria automóvel, Maria Inês Moreira Brandão" (hdl://10773/15639, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 96 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Moura].

Mariana Costa: O Problema de Seleção de Fornecedores Considerando Varios Produtos, University of Aveiro, July, 2015, 58 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at hdl://10773/16288.

Micael Patric Santos: Otimização do Dimensionamento de Lotes na. Extrusal, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2015, 62 pp, [Supervisor(s): A. Agra], available at hdl://10773/16293.

Rúben de Almeida Marques: "Logística de Abastecimento de Células Logísticas" (hdl://10773/16369), Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2015, 70 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Moura], available at hdl://10773/16369.

Sara Maria Machado Cardoso: Implementação de ações de melhoria contínua numa empresa de fabrico de produtos eletrónicos, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2015, 88 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Raquel Reis Couto Xambre], available at hdl://10773/15943.

Sérgio Vieira: Minimização de desperdícios com aplicação de técnicas lean na produção de cápsulas de rosca, University of Aveiro, December, 2015, 95 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rui Borges Lopes], available at hdl://10773/16342.

Simão Rocha: Análise e melhoria de processos na produção e distribuição de gás engarrafado, University of Aveiro, July, 2015, 76 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Luísa Ramos, Rui Borges Lopes], available at hdl://10773/15116.

Virgílio Oliveira Reis: Aplicação da metodologia SMED a linhas de vidragem, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2015, 110 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Raquel Reis Couto Xambre], available at hdl://10773/18721.

Papers in International Journals with referees

A. Agra, M. Christiansen, A. Delgado, L.M. Hvattum: A Maritime Inventory Routing Problem with Stochastic Sailing and Port Times. (hdl://10773/15319), Computers & Operations Research, 61, 2015, 18-30.

A. Agra, M. Doostmohammadi, Q. Louveaux: Valid inequalities for the single arc design problem with set-ups (hdl://10773/15318), Discrete Optimization, 16, 2015, 17-35.

A. Akopyan, A. Plakhov: Minimal resistance of curves under the single impact assumption (hdl://10773/15139), SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 47, 2015, 2754-2769.


M. Andjelic, E. Andrade, D. M. Cardoso, C. M. da Fonseca, S. K. Simic, D. V. Tovsic: Some new considerations about double nested graphs (hdl://10773/15062 or, Linear Algebra Appl., 483, 2015, 323-341.

M. Andjelic, D. M. Cardoso: Spectral characterization of families of split graphs (hdl://10773/13461 or, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31, 2015, 59-72.

E. Andrade, D. M. Cardoso, G. Pastén, O. Rojo: On the Faria s inequality for the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectra: a unified approach (hdl://10773/13475 or, Linear Algebra Appl., 472, 2015, 81-96.

E. Andrade, D. M. Cardoso, M. Robbiano, J. Rodríguez: Laplacian spread of graphs: lower bounds and relations with invariant parameters (hdl://10773/15030 or, Linear Algebra Appl., 486, 2015, 494-503.

Bajuelos, A. L., Canales S., Hernández G., Martins M., Matos I.: Some Results on Open Edge and Open Mobile Guarding of Polygons and Triangulations (hdl://10773/16241 or, The Computer Journal, 58(1), 2015, 160-171.

Canales S., Hernández G., Martins M., Matos I.: Distance domination, guarding and vertex cover for maximal outerplanar graphs ( or, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 181, 2015, 41-49.

Carlos J. Luz: A characterization of the weighted version of McEliece-Rodemich-Rumsey-Schrijver number based on convex quadratic programming (hdl://10773/15344 or, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 7/4, 2015, 1550050-(14pp.).

Evgeny Lakshtanov, Boris Vainberg: Sharp Weyl Law for Signed Counting Function of Positive Interior Transmission Eigenvalues (hdl://10773/15202), SIAM J. Math. Anal.,, 47(4), 2015, 3212-3234.

O.I. Kostyukova, T.V. Tchemisova: Convex SIP Problems with Finitely Representable Compact Index Sets: Immobile Indices and the Properties of the Auxiliary NLP Problem ( or hdl://10773/15061), Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 1, 2015, 10-35.

Macedo, E.: Two-Step-SDP Approach to Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction ( or, Stat., Optim. Inf. Comput., 3, 2015, 294-311.

Oliveira,C. S., Lima,L., Rama P., Carvalho P.: Extremal graphs for the sum of the two largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues (hdl://10773/16230 or, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 30, 2015, 605-612.

A. Plakhov: Problems of minimal resistance and the Kakeya problem. hdl://10773/21409. or., SIAM Review, 57, 2015, 421-434.

Rui Borges Lopes, Filipa Freitas, Inês Sousa: Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools in the Food and Beverage Industries (hdl://10773/15138 or, Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 10, 2015, 120-130.

Rui Borges Lopes, Filipa Freitas, Inês Sousa: Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools in the Food and Beverage Industries ( or hdl://10773/21855), Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 10, 2015, 120-130.

Telmo Pinto, Cláudio Alves, José Valério de Carvalho e Ana Moura: An insertion heuristic for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with loading constraints and mixed linehauls and backhauls ( or, FME Transactions, 43, Issue , 2015, 311-318.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Ana Raquel Xambre: Cell Formation Problem: a Genetic Algorithm based on an inter-operation flow matrix (hdl://10773/16486), 45th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE45), CIE45 Proceedings, 393-400, Metz, França, 2015.

Ana Raquel Xambre, Ana Luísa Ramos, Leonor Teixeira, Nelson Filipe, Helena Alvelos: Interface design for a Sensory Analysis Decision Support System (hdl://10773/16490), 8th IADIS International Conference Information Systems, IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society, 239 pp, Madeira, Portugal, 2015.

L. Descalço, P. Carvalho, J.P. Cruz, P. Oliveira, D. Seabra: Using Bayesian Networks and Parametrized Questions in Independent Study (hdl://10773/14464), Proceeding of EDULEARN15 Conference, 6th - 8th July 2015, Barcelona, Spain, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 3361-3368, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.

Jacinta Poças, João Pedro Cruz, Luís Descalço, Paula Carvalho: Multiple choice parameterized exercises in Logic (, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic, IRISA, Rennes, France, 9-12 June 2015, M. Antonia Huertas, João Marcos, María Manzano, Sophie Pinchinat, François Schwarzentruber, 177-184, Rennes, France, 2015.

João Pedro Cruz, Alexander Plakhov: Comparative Study on Efficiency of Mirror Retroreflectors (, 30th Euro Mini-Conference, EmC - Optimization in the Natural Sciences 2014, Aveiro, Portugal, February 5-9, 2014. Revised Selected Papers, Plakhov, Alexander, Tchemisova, Tatiana, Freitas, Adelaide, 20-32, Aveiro, 2015.

Reports and Other Publications

Agostinho Agra: Report on the project INROUTE, Final report of the project INROUTE (project EXPL/MAT-NAN/1761/2013), 2015.

Ana Moura: "Distribuição marítima de curta distância" (, Boletim APDIO nº52, IO em Acção, 2015.
Book Chapters

Ana Raquel Xambre, Ana Luísa Ramos, João Miguel Nicolau, Helena Alvelos: Modelação e Simulação de uma Linha de Produção de Painéis Solares (hdl://10773/21939 or, Rui Carvalho Oliveira José Soeiro Ferreira, Investigação Operacional em Ação – Casos de Aplicação, 165-198, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 2014.

Luís A. Vieira, Enide A. Martins, Vasco M. Mano: Inequalities on the Parameters of a. Strongly Regular Graph( (hdl://10773/13479. ), Alberto Pinto and David Zilberman, Modeling, Optimization, Dynamics and Bioeconomy I, 13-13, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Eulália Maria Mota Santos: O problema da árvore de suporte de custo mínimo com restrições de peso, Aveiro, September, 2014, 300 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at hdl://10773/14137.

Mahdi Doostmohammadi: Polyhedral Study of Mixed Integer Sets Arising. from Inventory Problems, Aveiro, February, 2014, 136 pp, [Supervisor(s): Agostinho Agra], available at

Sofia Alexandra Marques Jorge Pinheiro: Majorantes para a ordem de subgrafos induzidos. k-regulares, Universidade de Aveiro, April, 2014, 94 pp, [Supervisor(s): Domingos Moreira Cardoso], available at hdl://10773/12863.

MSc Thesis

Ana Lúcia Figueiredo Gomes: Ações de melhoria Lean numa célula de produção, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2014, 93 pp, [Supervisor(s): Carlos Manuel dos Santos Ferreira, Ana Raquel Reis Couto Xambre], available at hdl://10773/14750.

Andreia Filipa Vilar Fonseca: Balanceamento de linhas de montagem e aplicação de ferramentas Lean no contexto da Polisport, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2014, 140 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana Raquel Reis Couto Xambre, Leonor da Conceição Teixeira], available at hdl://10773/15652.

António Manuel Costa Cruz: Bilevel Optimization with Tabu Search on Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, University of Aveiro, October, 2014, 62 pp, [Supervisor(s): Jorge Sá Esteves, Joana Matos Dias], available at

Carla Alexandra Gomes de Oliveira Almeida: Provas pictóricas de identidades algébricas, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2014, 106 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rute Lemos].

Cátia Santos do Couto: Um estudo do sequenciamento da produção da Prébuild Alumínios, Aveiro, July, 2014, 66 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at hdl://10773/13300.

José Maria Eduardo Samuco: Algoritmos de Otimização Contínua Univariada, University of Aveiro, October, 2014, 161 pp, [Supervisor(s): Jorge Sá Esteves], available at

Macarena Collao Morales: Energia dos Grafos, University of Aveiro, June, 2014, 70 pp, [Supervisor(s): Domingos M. Cardoso, Enide A. Martins], available at hdl://10773/13934.

Maria Estér Malheiro Barbosa de Lemos: Recursos Digitais de Apoio ao Ensino em Organização. e Tratamento de Dados (2º e 3º Ciclos), University of Aveiro, December, 2014, 280 pp, [Supervisor(s): Andreia Hall, João Pedro Cruz], available at hdl://10773/17963.

Maria Filomena Ribeiro Conde Figueiredo: Recursos Digitais de apoio ao ensino de Probabilidades (MACS), University of Aveiro, December, 2014, 246 pp, [Supervisor(s): João Pedro Cruz, Andreia Hall], available at hdl://10773/17929.

Papers in International Journals with referees

N. Abreu, L. Costa, G. Dahl, E. Martins: The skeleton of acyclic Birkhoff polytopes( (hdl://10773/13478. ), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 457, 2014, 29-48.

A. Agra, M. Christiansen, A. Delgado, L. Simonetti: Hybrid heuristics for a short sea inventory routing problem. ( or, European Journal of Operations Research, 236, 2014, 924-935.

A. Agra, M. Doostmohammadi: Facets for the single node fixed-charge network set with a node set-up variable (hdl://10773/21930 or, Optimization Letters, 8, 2014, 1501-1515.

Alena Aleksenko: On the sequence $alpha n!$ . (, Uniform Distribution Theory, 9(2), 2014, 1-6.

Bajuelos, A. L., Bereg, S., Martins, M.: Guarding Orthogonal Galleries with Rectangular Rooms Ky Fan theorem applied to Randić energy (hdl://10773/21852), The Computer Journal, 57(11), 2014, 1668-1673.

L. Barba, M. Korman, S. Langerman, R. I. Silveira: Computing a visibility polygon using few variables (hdl://10773/21926), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 47, 2014, 918-926.

I. Barbedo, D. M. Cardoso, D. Cvetkovic, P. Rama, S. K. Simic: (hdl://10773/13473 or A recursive construction of the regular exceptional graphs with least eigenvalue -2, Portugaliae Mathematica, 71, 2014, 79-96.

H. Gomes, I. Gutman, E. Martins, M. Robbiano, B. San Martín: On Randic Spread( (hdl://10773/13490. ), MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 72 , 2014, 249-266.

H. Gomes, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, B. San Martín: Upper bounds for Randic spread( and (hdl://10773/13393. ), MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 72, 2014, 267-278.

I. Gutman, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, B. San Martín: Ky Fan theorem applied to Randić energy ( (hdl://10773/13484. ), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 459, 2014, 23-42.

Hernández G., Martins M.: Monitoring maximal outerplanar graphs (hdl://10773/22208), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 46, 2014, 145-152.

Jagat K. Shrestha, Agostinho Benta, Rui Borges Lopes, Nuno Lopes: A multi-objective analysis of a rural road network problem in the hilly regions of Nepal ( or hdl://10773/21853), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 64, 2014, 43-53.

Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V., On a constructive approach to optimality conditions for convex SIP problems with polyhedral index sets. hdl://10773/21856., Optimization, 63(1), 2014, 67-91.

E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg: Weyl Type Bound on Positive Interior Transmission, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 39(9), 2014, 1729-1740.

Nair Abreu, Liliana Costa, E. A. Martins: On complementary coverage of $Omega_n(T)$ (hdl://10773/13510), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 442, 2014, 135-144.

A. Plakhov: The problem of minimal resistance for functions and domains. hdl://10773/15145 or ., SIAM J. Math. Anal., 46, 2014, 2730-2742 .

A. Plakhov, V. Roshchina: Bodies with mirror surface invisible from two points. hdl://10773/15144 or, Nonlinearity, 27, 2014, 1193-1203.

Rui Borges Lopes, Frank Plastria, Carlos Ferreira, Beatriz S. Santos: Location-arc routing problem: Heuristic approaches and test instances ( or hdl://10773/21784), Computers & Operations Research, 43, 2014, 309-317.

Papers in International Journals without referees

Tchemisova T., Freitas A., Plakhov A., Weber G.-W.: Optimization in the Natural Sciences: Aveiro hosts Mini EURO conference, ISSUU: IFORS News, 8, nº2, 2014, 4-5.

Papers in National Journals without referees

Adelaide Freitas and Tatiana Tchemisova: EURO mini-conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences, Boletim APDIO, 50, 2014, 3 pp.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

K. Buchin, I. Kostitsyna, M. Löffler, R. I. Silveira: Region-based approximation of probability distributions (for visibility between imprecise points among obstacles)(hdl://10773/21863), 30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, P. Carmi M. Katz S. Smorodinsky, 0-0, Ein Gedi, Israel, 2014.

R. Fabila-Monroy, A. Garcia, F. Hurtado, R. Jaume, P. Perez-Lantero, M. Saumell, R. I. Silveira, J. Tejel, J. Urrutia: Colored Ray Configurations (hdl://10773/21978), 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, M. He N. Zeh, 0-0, Halifax, Canada, 2014.

Gregorio Hernández, Mafalda Martins: Monitoring maximal outerplanar graphs, Proc. of the IX Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica, Grupo de Matemática Discreta Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 353-361, Tarragona, 2014.

Hernández G., Martins M.: Monitoring maximal outerplanar graphs, IX Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA’14), Juan Alberto Rodríguez Velázquez and Ismael González Yero, 349-357, Tarragona, 2014.

M. Löffler, M. Saumell, R. I. Silveira: A faster algorithm to compute the visibility map of a 1.5D terrain (hdl://10773/21971), 30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, P. Carmi M. Katz S. Smorodinsky, 0-0, Ein Gedi, Israel, 2014.

Leonor Teixeira, Ana Luísa Ramos, Ana Raquel Xambre, Helena Alvelos: Designing a Decision Support System for Tasting Panels (hdl://10773/17428), CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (Procedia Technology, volume 16), Elsevier Ltd, 440-446, Tróia, Portugal, 2014.

Rui Borges Lopes, Beatriz S. Santos, Carlos Ferreira: A tool for visually exploring multi-objective mixed-integer optimization models (hdl://10773/21848), 18th International Conference Information Visualisation, IEEE, 378-381, Paris, France, 2014.

Reports and Other Publications

Agostinho Agra, Henrik Andersson, Marielle Christiansen, Laurence Wolsey: 2013 Glover-Klingman Prize, for the best paper of the year published in Networks, 2014.

Ana Moura: Using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming to solve a real distribution problem, Working paper (April), CIDMA - UA, 2014.

Ana Moura: A mathematical model for the vehicle routing and loading problem, Working paper (May), CIDMA - UA, 2014.

Ana Moura, Jorge Oliveira: Exact solutions to the short sea shipping distribution problem, Working paper (February), CIDMA - UA, 2014.

Pedro Cruz, Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra: Parametrized Problems Databases in Sage, Jornadas de Sage/Pyhton 2014. Universidade de Extremadura,. 30 de maio a 1 de junho de 2014., Universidade de Extremadura, 2014.

Tatiana Tchemisova: Interview with Janos D. Pinter, interview, CIM bulletin nº 34, 2014.

Tatiana Tchemisova, Adelaide Freitas: Report of XXX EURO mini-conference in. Optimization in the Natural Sciences, Final Report, EUROPR Newsletter, nº30 :, 2014.

Tatiana Tchemisova, Adelaide Freitas: EURO mini-conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences, report, ,Boletim APDIO, 50, 2014.
PhD Thesis

Alexandrino Duarte Delgado: Optimization Models for a Short Sea Fuel Oil Distribution Problem, Aveiro, September, 2013, 132 pp, [Supervisor(s): Agostinho Agra, Marielle Christiansen].

Vasco Moço Mano: Álgebras de Jordan, espectros de grafos e grafos fortemente regulares, Universidade do Porto, June, 2013, 144 pp, [Supervisor(s): Enide Andrade Martins, Luís Almeida Vieira].

MSc Thesis

Agostinho Jorge Tavares Monteiro: Otimização Não Linear de Mínimos Quadrados. (, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2013, 126 pp, [Supervisor(s): Jorge Sá Esteves].

Arlindo Tavares Semedo: Roteamento de veículos sem e com janelas temporais, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2013, 89 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at hdl://10773/12035.

Ilda Maria Duarte de Matos: Teoria dos Grafos no Ensino Básico e Secundário, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2013, 69 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria Paula Carvalho, Paula Cristina Rama].

Iola Marlene Loureiro do Couto Rocha: Mergulhar nas funções trigonométricas. Mestrado para Professores. (, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2013, 159 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paula Oliveira, João Pedro Cruz].

Margarida Alexandra Fidalgo Nunes Lavrador Cunha Costa: Localização de monitores em redes de telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2013, 120 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at hdl://10773/12079.

Sandra Maria Pereira dos Santos: Aplicações da Teoria dos Grafos, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2013, 89 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paula Carvalho].

Papers in International Journals with referees

Adelaide Cerveira, Agostinho Agra, Fernando Bastos, Joaquim Gromicho: A new Branch and Bound method for a discrete truss topology design problem. (, Computational Optimization and Applications, 54, 2013, 163-187.

Agostinho Agra, Henrik Andersson, Marielle Christiansen, Laurence Wolsey: A maritime inventory routing problem: Discrete time formulations and valid inequalities. (, Networks, 62, 2013, 297-314.

Agostinho Agra, Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Cristina Requejo: Using decomposition to improve greedy solutions of the optimal diversity management problem. (, ITOR, 20, 2013, 617-625.

Agostinho Agra, Marielle Christiansen, Alexandrino Delgado: Mixed Integer Formulations for a Short Sea Fuel Oil Distribution Problem. (, Transportation Science, 47, 2013, 108-124.

A. Agra, M. Christiansen, L. M. Hvattum, R. Figueiredo, M. Poss, C. Requejo: The robust vehicle routing problem with time windows,. (, Computer & Operations Research, 40, 2013, 856-866.

M. Andjelic, D. M. Cardoso, S. K . Simic: Relations between (k,t)-regular sets and star complements (, Czecholovak Mathematical Journal, 63, 2013, 73-90.

M.Andjelic, C.M.da Fonseca, T.Koledin, Z. Stanic: (http:)Sharp spectral inequalities for connected bipartite graphs with maximal $Q$-index, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 2013, 13 pp.

M. Andjelic, A. Eric, C.M. da Fonseca: ( http:)(). Nonsingular acyclic matrices with full number of P-vertices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61, 2013, 49-57.

Antonio L. Bajuelos;, Sergey Bereg;, Mafalda Martins: Guarding Orthogonal Galleries with Rectangular Rooms (, Computer Journal, 0, 2013, 0-0.

Domingos M. Cardoso, Enide A. Martins, Maria Robbiano, Oscar Rojo: Eigenvalues of a H-generalized join graph operation constrained by vertex subsets (, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438(8), 2013, 3278-3290.

Domingos M. Cardoso, Maria Aguieiras A. de Freitas, Enide Andrade Martins, María Robbiano: Spectra of graphs obtained by a generalization of the join graph operation (, Discrete Mathematics, 313 (5), 2013, 733-741.

Domingos M. Cardoso, Enide. A. Martins, Maria Robbiano, Oscar Rojo: Copies of a rooted weighted graph attached to an arbitrary weighted graph and applications (, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 26, 2013, 706-717.

A. Guterman, R. Lemos, G. Soares: Extremal case in Marcus-Oliveira conjecture and beyond (, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61 (9), 2013, 1206-1222.

Jorge Sá Esteves, José Craveirinha: On a bicriterion server allocation problem in a multidimensional Erlang loss system (, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 252, 2013, 103 -119.

E.Lakshtanov,A.Aleksenko: Finiteness in the Beggar-My-Neighbor card game., Problems of Information Transmission, 49, 2013, 163-166.

E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg: Applications of elliptic operator theory to the isotropic interior transmission eigenvalue problem, Inverse Problems, Special issue on Interior Transmission Problems, 29, 2013, 104003 pp.

A. Plakhov, V. Roshchina: Fractal bodies invisible in 2 and 3 directions. . hdl://10773/15146 , Discr. Contin. Dynam. Syst.-A, 33, 2013, 1615-1631.

Rosa Figueiredo, Gisele Moura: Mixed Integer Programming Formulations for Clustering Problems related to Structural. Balance, Social Networks, 35, 2013, 639-651.

Sergey Kryzhevich, Sergey Tikhomirov: Partial Hyperbolicity and Central Shadowing., Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A, 33, 2013, 2901-2909.

Vasco Moço Mano, E. A. Martins, L. A. Vieira: On generalized binomial series and strongly regular graphs (, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 32, 2013, 393-408.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra, Pedro Cruz: Crie o seu Arquivo de Exercícios Resolvidos Parametrizados (Projecto MEGUA) (, Gazeta de Matemática, 170, 2013, 26 pp.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Agostinho Agra, Mahdi Doostmohammadi, Cid Carvalho de Souza: Intersecting a simple mixed integer set with a. vertex packing set (, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier, 327-334, Volume 41, 2013.

Antonio L. Bajuelos;, Santiago Canales;, Gregorio Hernández;, Mafalda Martins;, Inês Matos: Some results on open edge guarding of polygons ( http:), Proc. of the XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, José Miguel Diaz-Bánez; Alberto Marquez; Delia Garijo; Jorge Urrutia, 7-10, Sevilla, 2013.

L. Drummond, R. Figueiredo, Y. Frota, M. Levorato.: Efficient solution of the correlation clustering problem : application to structural balance, SOMOCO, OnTheMove Federated Conferences & Workshops, Y.T. Demey and H. Panetto (Eds.), LNCS 8186. , 674-683, Graz, Austria, 2013.

F. Hurtado, M. Löffler, I. Matos, V. Sacristán, M. Saumell, R. I. Silveira, F. Staals: Terrain visibility with multiple viewpoints, 24th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, L. Cai S.-W. Cheng T.-W. Lam, 317-327, Hong Kong, China, 2013.

Pedro Cruz, Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra: MEGUA package for parametrized exercises. (, 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2013 Proceedings), Seville, Spain, 18-20 November, 2013, IATED, 6143-6149, Seville, Spain, 18-20 November, 2013., 2013.

Rosa Figueiredo, Yuri Frota, Martine Labbé: Solution of the Maximum k-Balanced Subgraph Problem, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Giuseppe Nicosia Panos Pardalos , 266-271, Catania, Italy, 2013.

Santiago Canales, Gregorio Hernández, Mafalda Martins, Inês Matos: Distance domination, guarding and vertex cover for maximal outerplanar graphs (, Proc. of the XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry (EGC’13), José Miguel Diaz-Bánez Delia Garijo Alberto Marques Jorge Urrutia, 51-54, Sevilla, 2013.

Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees

Antonio Leslie Bajuelos, Santiago Canales, Gregorio Hernández, Mafalda Martins, Inês Matos: Some results on open edge guarding of polygons, Proc. of the XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry (EGC’13), José Miguel Diaz-Bánez Delia Garijo Alberto Marques Jorge Urrutia, 7-10, Sevilla, 2013.

Macedo, E.: On numerical testing of the regularity of Semidefinite problems (http:. //, XVI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Eds. Oliveira, José F.; Vaz, Clara B, 223-232, Bragança, 2013.

Paula Rama, Paula Carvalho, Carla Oliveira, Leonardo de Lima: On the sum of the two largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues, XLV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (XLV SBPO), SOBRAPO, 3053-3063, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, 2013.

Reports and Other Publications

Rosa Figueiredo, Yuri Frota: An improved Branch-and-cut code for the maximum balanced subgraph of a signed graph,, CoRR abs/1312.4345, 2013.

Probability and Statistics Group (PSG)

Book Chapters

Carolina Costa, Helena Alvelos, Leonor Teixeira: The Moodle platform: a study in a higher education Portuguese Institution;(, MM Cruz-Cunha J. Varajão, Improving Organizational Effectiveness with Enterprise Information Systems. (ISBN 9781466683686), 13-30, IGI Global, NY, 2015.

Costa, M, Monteiro, M: Statistical Modeling of Water Quality Time Series - The River Vouga Basin Case Study (, Teang Shui Lee, Research and Practices in Water Quality (ISBN: 978-953-51-2163-3), 149-175, intech, Croácia, 2015.

Costa M, Monteiro M: Dynamic Linear Modeling of Homogenized Monthly Temperature in Lisbon. (, Justin A. Daniels, Advances in Environmental Research (ISBN: 978-1-63482-969-4), 203-215, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015.

Macedo E., Freitas A.: The alternating Least-Squares algorithm for CDPCA (fulltext in RIA: hdl://10773/15320), A. Plakhov et al. (Eds.), Optimization in the Natural Science. EmC-ONS 2014, CCIS 499. (, 173-191, Springer, Switzerland, 2015.

Monteiro, M., Scotto, M.G., Pereira, I.: A periodic bivariate integer-valued autoregressive model. (, J-P Bourguignon, R. Jelstch, A. A. Pinto, M. Viana , Dynamics, Games and Science, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, Vol 1, 455-477, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015.

Olga Fedotova, Leonor Teixeira, Helena Alvelos: Citizens’ engagement using communication technologies: defining and characterizing e Participation, Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (, Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 2709-2718, IGI Global, USA, 2015.

Silva, M.E., Pereira, I.: Detection of additive outliers in Poisson INAR(1) time series (. ), J.-P. Bourguignon A.A. Pinto M. Viana, Mathematics of Energy and Climate Change, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, Vol 2, 377-388, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015.

PhD Thesis

Paula Maria da Costa Vieira Neto: A Certificação de Sistemas de Gestão de Investigação & Desenvolvimento e Inovação: Caso de Portugal, Aveiro, May, 2015, 301 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos, Irina Amaral], available at hdl://10773/16523.

MSc Thesis

Ana Carolina Moreira Martins: Aplicação de ferramentas Lean no armazém de expedição de uma indústria cerâmica, Aveiro, July, 2015, 53 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos], available at hdl://10773/15292.

Ana Márcia Correia Lapo: Modelação do preço de arrendamento dos imóveis destinados a habitação no concelho de Lisboa, University of Aveiro, December, 2015, 89 pp, [Supervisor(s): Pedro Macedo], available at hdl://10773/16823.

Benedita Pereira: Método de desagregação temporal para a previsão da taxa de desemprego em Portugal, Universidade do Minho, December, 2015, 70 pp, [Supervisor(s): A. Manuela Gonçalves, Marco Costa], available at hdl://1822/39700.

Fernanda da Silva Pereira: Deteção da existência de conhecimento prévio de questões de escolha múltipla utilizando o modelo DGM, Aveiro, December, 2015, 116 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Maria Simões Pereira, Magda Sofia Valério Monteiro], available at hdl://10773/16879.

Geslie Fernandes: Previsão Multi-Passos em Séries Temporais: Estratégias Clássicas e de Aprendizagem Automática, Faculdade de Economia Universdade do Porto, November, 2015, 60 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria Eduarda Silva], available at hdl://10216/81272.

João Miguel Miranda Araújo: Melhoria de procedimentos internos no laboratório do Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e do Porto, I.P, of Aveiro, July, 2015, 94 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos, Ana Raquel Xambre], available at hdl://10773/15631.

Mafalda Maria Fontes de Lima: Aplicação da Metodologia Advanced Product Quality Planning no Desenvolvimento. de um Novo Produto no Setor Automóvel, Aveiro, July, 2015, 84 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos], available at hdl://10773/15629.

Malek Souilem: Software development process improvement : an approach involving innovation and knowledge management, Aveiro, July, 2015, 79 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos], available at hdl://10773/1801.

Paulo António Clemente Rodrigues: Modelo de Estrutura Regional de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências, Aveiro, December, 2015, 104 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos], available at hdl://10773/16576.

Pedro Miguel Santos Pereira: Planeamento e Execução de Estruturas para Abastecimento em Linhas de Montagem numa. Empresa do Ramo Automóvel, Aveiro, July, 2015, 68 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos], available at hdl://10773/15640.

Pereira, Benedita: Os modelos lineares e em espaço de estados na análise dos dados de desemprego registados em Portugal, Universidade do Minho, December, 2015, 70 pp, [Supervisor(s): A. Manuela Gonçalves, Marco Costa], available at hdl://1822/39700.

Raquel Santos Costa: Previsão de Vendas Aplicada a Perfis de Alumínio, Aveiro, December, 2015, 166 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Maria Simões Pereira], available at hdl://10773/16827.

Papers in International Journals with referees

Afreixo, V., Rodrigues, J.M.O.S, Bastos, C.A.C: Analysis of single-strand exceptional word symmetry in the human genome: new measures. (, Biostatistics, 16, 2015, 209-221.

Alvarelhão J, Queirós A, Sa-Couto P, Rocha NP.: Goal setting for cerebral palsy children in context therapy: improve reliability when linking to ICF (, Students in Health Technology and Informatics, 217, 2015, 886-891.

de Almeida Tavares, J.P., Silva, A.L., Sá-Couto, P., Boltz, M., Capezuti, E.: Portuguese nurses knowledge of and attitudes toward hospitalized older adults. (, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29, 2015, 51-61.

Ferreira BC, Marques RV, Khouri L, Santos T, Sá-Couto P, Lopes MC: Assessment and topographic characterization of locoregional recurrences in head and neck tumours (, Radiation Oncolology, Feb 15, 2015, 10-41.

Gouveia, S., Scotto, M.G., Monteiro, A., Alonso, A.M.: Wavelets-based Clustering of Air Quality Monitoring Sites (, RIA), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187:694, 2015, 1-14.

Gouveia, S., Scotto, M.G., Pinna, G.D., Maestri, R., La Rovere, M.T., Ferreira, P.J.S.G.: Spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity for risk stratification of heart failure patients: optimal cutoff and age effects. (, RIA), Clinical Science, 129(12), 2015, 1163-1172.

Leonor Teixeira, Ana Raquel Xambre, Helena Alvelos, Nelson Filipe, Ana Luísa Ramos: Selecting an Open-Source Selecting an Open-Source Framework: A practical case based on software development for sensory analysis” (, Procedia Technology, 64, 2015, 1057-1064.

Loureiro CC, Sa-Couto P, Todo-Bom A, Bousquet J.: Cluster analysis in. phenotyping a Portuguese population (, Revista Portuguesa Pneumologia, 21 (6), 2015, 299-306.

Maria Eduarda Silva: Modelling time series of counts: an INAR approach. hdl://10216/82848, Mathematical Texts, University of Coimbra, 47, 2015, 107-122.

Mota, M.J.O., Cardoso, M, Carvalho, A, Marques, A, Sá-Couto,P, Demain, S: Women s experiences of low back pain during pregnancy. (, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 28, 2015, 351-357.

M Vinagreiro, JN Valverde, D Alves, Marco Costa, P Gouveia, E Guerreiro: Walking Clinic in ambulatory surgery – A patient based concept - A Portuguese pioneer project (, International Journal of Surgery, 18, 2015, 174-177.

Pereira, I., Scotto, M.G., Nicolette, R.: Integer-valued self-exciting periodic threshold autoregressive processes(, Mathematical Texts, University of Coimbra, 47, 2015, 81-92.

Robaina-Alves, M., Moutinho, V., Macedo, P.: A new frontier approach to model the eco-efficiency in European countries (hdl://10773/14282), Journal of Cleaner Production, 103, 2015, 562-573.

Scotto, M.G., Weiss, C.H., Gouveia, S.: Thinning-based models in the analysis of integer-valued time series: a review (, RIA), Statistical Modelling, 15, 2015, 590-618.

Silva AG, Queirós A, Sa-Couto P, Rocha NP.: Self-Reported Disability: Association With Lower Extremity Performance and Other Determinants in Older Adults Attending Primary Care (, Physical Therapy, 95(12), 2015, 1628-1637.

Torres, P.M.C., Gouveia, S., Olhero, S., Kaushal, A., Ferreira, J.M.: Injectability of calcium phosphate pastes: effects of particle size and state of aggregation of beta-tricalcium phosphate powders. (, RIA), Acta Biomaterialia, 21, 2015, 204-216.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Brandão MP, Gonçalves J, Sá-Couto P, Sousa L: Functional independence of old people with mental disorders: a study in a psychogeriatric unit in Portugal [Portuguese] (, Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, 33(2), 2015, 109-206.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Alves, M. R., Moutinho, V., Macedo, P.: Economic and Environmental Efficiency in Europe: evidence from a new Stochastic Frontier Model (hdl://10773/14868), European Energy Market (EEM), 2015, 12th International Conference, IEEE, 4 pp, Lisbon, 2015.

Costa M., Monteiro M.: A mixed-efect state space model to environmental. data. (, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014 (ICNAAM-2014), AIP Conf. Proc.,1648,110002-110002, E. Simos et al., AIP Conf. Proc, 4 pp, Rhodes, Greece, 2015.

Gouveia, S., Scotto, M.G.: On Modelling RR Tails in Heart Rate Variability Studies: an Extreme Value Analysis. (, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), IEEE, ISSN 2325-8861, vol 42, 777-780, Nice, France, 2015.

A. Manuela Gonçalves, Marco Costa, Mário Oliveira: An alternative educational indicator for classifying Secondary Schools in Portugal (, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2014), AIP Conf. Proc. 1648 (doi:10.1063/1.4913043), 840003-840003, Rhodes, Greece, 2015.

Marco Costa, A. Manuela Gonçalves, Joana Silva: Forecasting time series combining Holt-Winters and bootstrap approaches. (hdl://10773/13618), INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014 (ICNAAM-2014), AIP Conf. Proc. 1648 (doi:10.1063/1.4912411), 110004-110004, Rhodes, Greece, 2015.

Maria da Conceição Costa, Manuel G. Scotto, Isabel Pereira: Integer-Valued APARCH Processes in the Anaysis of Time Series of Counts. (, ITISE 2015 - International Work-Conference on Time Series Analysis, Olga Valenzuela Fernando Rojas Hector Pomares Ignacio Rojas, 707-718, Granada, Spain, 2015.

Monteiro M., Costa M.: A Comparison Between Single Site Modeling and. Multiple Site Modeling Approaches using Kalman Filtering (, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014 (ICNAAM-2014),AIP Conf. Proc 1648,110003-110003, E. Simos et al., AIP proceedings, 4 pp, Rhodes, Greece, 2015.

Reports and Other Publications

A. Freitas: Biclustering, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística - Outubro, pp 28-34. (, Lisboa, 2015.

Escudeiro, S, Afreixo, V, Freitas, A: Internucleodite distance. A statistical analysis. (, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.

Pereira, I., Freitas, A., Scotto, M., Silva, M.E., Paulino, C., (Eds): Estatística: a Ciência da Incerteza, Atas do XXI Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística. (, Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, 2014.

Turkman, K.F., Scotto, M.G., de Zea Bermudez, P.: Non-Linear Time Series: Extreme Events and Integer Value Problems (, Springer-Verlag, 2014.

Book Chapters

Alvelos, H., Xambre, A.R., Santos, S., Borges Lopes, R: Melhoria da Qualidade: estudo das não conformidades num processo de injeção. (, Maria João Pires da Rosa Patrícia Moura e Sá Cláudia S. Sarrico, Ferramentas da Qualidade: Aplicações Práticas, 89-105, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa, 2014.

Freitas, A., Ayadi, W., M. Elloumi, M., Oliveira, J.L., Hao, J.K.: A survey on biclustering of gene expression data. (, Mourad,E. Zomaya, A, Preprocessing, Mining and Postprocessing of Biological Data, 591-608, Wiley, New Jersey, USA, 2014.

Ramos, M., Sá-Couto, P., Pereira, A., Silva, C.F.: Coping differentiates work ability of white collar workers – preliminary findings on the good coping at work profile. (, K. Kaniasty, P. Buchwald, S. Howard, & K. Moore, Stress and Anxiety: Applications to Social and Environmental Threats, Psychological Well-Being, Occupational Challenges, and Developmental Psychology, 177-184, Logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Conceição Rocha: Data Assimilation: contribuições para a modelação, previsão e controlo em anestesia, PhD in Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences, University of Porto, January, 2014, 260 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria Eduarda Silva, Teresa Mendonça], available at

Maria da Conceição Costa: Optimal Alarm Systems and its Application to Financial Time Series(, Aveiro, January, 2014, 233 pp, [Supervisor(s): Manuel Scotto, Isabel Pereira].

Raquel da Fontoura Nicolette: Modelos Autoregressivos por Limiares em Séries de Contagem (, Aveiro, July, 2014, 188 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Pereira, Manuel Scotto].

MSc Thesis

Bruno Daniel Oliveira Nunes: Aplicação de ferramentas Lean numa célula de produção, Aveiro, December, 2014, 78 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos, Ana Raquel Xambre], available at hdl://10773/15076.

David Novo: Backtesting Bootstrap Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall estimates in GARCH models Master in Finance, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, 2014., November, 2014, 50 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria Eduarda Silva], available at hdl://10216/76673.

Helena Isabel Coutinho Galante: As variáveis da empregabilidade: uma análise exploratória de dados, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2014, 72 pp, [Supervisor(s): Nélia Silva, Isabel Pereira], available at hdl://10773/16821.

Hugo Adriano Chaves Maurício: Análise do Processo de Corte a Laser numa Pequena Empresa Metalomecânica (, Aveiro, December, 2014, 74 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos].

João Paulo Martins Figueiredo: Conceptualização de um Sistema de Informação de apoio à Gestão de Projetos, Aveiro, July, 2014, 54 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos, Leonor Teixeira], available at hdl://10773/14994.

José Félix Mavungo: Um modelo de optimização não linear restringida na estimação de um modelo GARCH. MSc in Engenharia Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências Universidade do Porto, June, 2014, 50 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria Eduarda Silva, Maria do Carmo Miranda Guedes], available at hdl://10216/75464.

Maria Manuel Costa Magalhães Teixeira: Porto de Aveiro: Um estudo sobre a Exportação de Cimento, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2014, 85 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Pereira], available at hdl://10773/17169.

Mónica Rafaela Lopes Gouveia: Uma análise estatística aos testes do Euro NCAP (, University of Aveiro, December, 2014, 81 pp, [Supervisor(s): Pedro Macedo].

Sérgio Tavares Goncalves: Estudo da Variabilidade na Inspeção Final de Linhas de Produção de Estruturas Metálicas, Aveiro, December, 2014, 57 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helena Alvelos], available at hdl://10773/15105.

Papers in International Journals with referees

Alonso, A. M., de Zea Bermudez, P, Scotto, M. G.: Comparing Generalized Pareto models fitted to extreme observations: an application to the largest temperatures in Spain. (, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28, 2014, 1221-1233.

Macedo, P., Scotto, M.G.: Cross-entropy estimation in technical efficiency analysis. (, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 54, 2014, 124-130.

Macedo, P., Silva. E., Scotto, M.G.: Technical efficiency with state-contingent production frontiers using maximum entropy estimators. (, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41, 2014, 131-140.

Ribeiro, A., Barbosa, S.M., Scotto, M.G., Donner, R.V.: Changes in extreme sea-levels in the Baltic sea. (, Tellus A, 2014, 20921 pp.

Rocha, C, Mendonça, T, Silva, M.E.: Individualizing propofol dosage: a multivariate linear model approach. ( and, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 28, 2014, 525-536.

Scotto, M.G., Gouveia, S., Carvalho, A., Monteiro, A., Martins, V., Flannigan, M., San Miguel-Ayanz, J., Miranda, A.I., Borrego, C.: Area burned in Portugal over the last decades: an extreme value analysis. (, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 23, 2014, 812-824.

Scotto, M.G., Weiss, C.H., Silva, M.E., Pereira, I.: Bivariate binomial autoregressive models. ( and, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 125, 2014, 233-251.

Vera Afreixo, V., Rodrigues, J.M.O.S., Bastos, C.A.C.: Exceptional single strand DNA word symmetry: analysis of evolutionary potentialities. (, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 11, 2014, 1-12.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Pedro, C, Oliveira, T., Lousada, M., Couto, P.: Estudo sobre a intervenção em crianças falantes do Português Europeu com atraso fonológico [portuguese]. (, Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 30, 2014, 61-93.

Pinto, J., Braga, A.C., Gouveia, S., Matos, L., Pombeiro, J., Almeida, A.: Healthcare-associated infections in a nicu: evaluation of the effectiveness of implemented prevention strategies. (, Nascer e Crescer, 22, 2014, 210-215.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Afreixo, V., Rodrigues, J.M.O.S., Bastos, C.A.C.: Exceptional single strand DNA word symmetry: universal law?. (, 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2014), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, 137-143, Salamanca, 2014.

Albuquerque, L., Oliveira, C., Teixeira, A.J.S., Sá-Couto, P, Freitas, J, Dias, MS.: Impact of age in the production of European Portuguese vowels. (, Proceedings of the international Speech Communication Association (15th InterSpeech), Haizhou Li, Helen Meng, Bin Ma, Eng Siong Chng, Lei Xie, 940-944, Singapura,, 2014.

Manuela Souto de Miranda, Conceição Amado, Margarida Silva: Robust profiling of Site Index(, COMPSTAT 2014, Manfred Gilli Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez Alicia Nieto-Reyes, 641-648, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014.

Mohammed S. Al-Rawi, M.S, Adelaide Freitas, A., João V. Duarte, J.V., Castelo Branco, M.: Permutation Distributions of fMRI Classification do not behave in accord with Central Limit Theorem. (, International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2014), IEEE, 1-4, Tübingen (Germany), 2014.

Rocha, A.P., Almeida, R., Leite, A., Silva, M.J., Silva, M.E.: Long-term HRV in critically ill pediatric patients: comma versus brain death (http:), Computers in Cardiology 2014, Alan Murray, 89-92, Cambridge, Massachussets, 2014.

C. Rocha, J. M. Lemos, T. F. Mendonça, M. E. Silva: Probabilistic description of model set response in neuromuscular blockade ( and, International Conference on Systems Science 2013 (ICSS 2013), Jerzy Swiątek Adam Grzech Paweł Swiątek Jakub M. Tomczak, 405-414, Budapest, 2014.

Santos, M.R.D., Sá-Couto, P., Silva, A., Rocha, N: DICOM metadata-mining in PACS for computed radiography X-Ray exposure analysis: a mammography multisite study. (, Proceedings of European Congress of Radiology (ERC 2014), European Society of Radiology, 1-7, Viena, Austria, 2014.

Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees

Dias, M.J., Freitas, A., Pinto, C.: Análise da fiabilidade de centros de maquinação - um caso de estudo. (, Estatística: a Ciência da Incerteza, Atas do XXI Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Pereira, I. et al Edições SPE, 205-212, Lisboa, 2014.

Marto, M., Pereira, I., Tomé, M.: Modelo bayesiano de equações simultâneas para a estimação dos parâmetros da área basal e da mortalidade em Estatística. (, XXI Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Pereira, I. et al Edições SPE, 197-204, Lisboa, 2014.

C. Rocha, T. Mendonça, M. E. Silva: Uma abordagem não parametrica à previsão da dose individualizada de atracurium. (, XXI Congresso Anual da SPE, I. Pereira, A. Freitas, M. Scotto, M. E. Silva, and C. D. Paulino, 35-42, Aveiro, 2014.

Celeste Varum, Irina Silva, Vera Afreixo: Economic literacy & young children. (, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013.

Book Chapters

Figueiredo, A, Portugal, G, Sá-Couto, P, Neto, C: Early outdoor learning in Portugal, Sara Knight, International perspective on forest school: Natural Spaces to Play and learn (, 65-78, Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK, 2013.

A. Leite, M. E. Silva, A. P. Rocha: Scaling Exponents in Heart Rate Variability(, J. L. da Silva F. Caeiro I. Natário C. Braumann, Advances in Regression, Survival Analysis, Extreme Values, Markov Processes and Other Statistical Applications, 259-267, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.

PhD Thesis

Pedro Macedo: Contributions to the theory of maximum entropy estimation for ill-posed models, Universidade de Aveiro, April, 2013, 179 pp, [Supervisor(s): Manuel Scotto, Elvira Silva].

MSc Thesis

Catarina Raquel Gomes da Silva: Indicadores estatísticos para avaliação do desempenho portuário, Aveiro, December, 2013, 122 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Pereira].

Dânia Fidalgo Carlos: "O Consumo das famílias portuguesas” através da Análise Multivariada, Universidade de Aveiro, November, 2013, 91 pp, [Supervisor(s): Adelaide Freitas].

Maria João Moreira Dias: Fiabilidade de centros de maquinação - um caso de estudo, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2013, 151 pp, [Supervisor(s): Adelaide Freitas].

Maria José de Oliveira Rodrigues Carvalho: Ensino e aprendizagem de Probabilidade Condicionada e Independência, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2013, 127 pp, [Supervisor(s): A. Freitas].

Papers in International Journals with referees

Almeida, V., de Carvalho, M., Scotto, M.G., Pinto, S., Pinto, A., Ohana, B., Swash, M.: Primary lateral sclerosis: predicting functional outcome. (, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 14, 2013, 141-145.

Argentina Leite, Ana Paula Rocha, Maria Eduarda Silva: Beyond long memory in heart rate variability: An approach based on fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average time series models with conditional heteroscedasticity. (, Chaos, 23, 2013, 023103 pp.

Carlos A. C. Bastos, Vera Afreixo, Sara P. Garcia, Armando J. Pinho: Inter-STOP symbol distances for the identification coding of regions. (, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 10 (3), 2013, 1-9.

Conceição Rocha, Teresa Mendonça, Maria Eduarda Silva: Modelling neuromuscular blockade: a stochastic approach based on clinical data. (, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 19, 2013, 540-556.

A. Freitas, V. Afreixo, S. Escudeiro: Mixture models of geometric distributions in genomic. analysis of inter-nucleotide distances. (, Stat., Optim. Inf. Comput., 1, 2013, 8-28.

A. Leite, A. P. Rocha, M. E. Silva: HRV em indivíduos saudáveis, doentes com insuficiência cardíaca e doentes. transplantados (, Revista Motricidade, 9, 2013, 54-63.

Olga Fedotova, Leonor Teixeira, Helena Alvelos: E-Participation in Portuguese local governments: evaluation of deployment and adherence of Web 2.0 technologies, The Electronic Government, an International Journal, 10, 2013, 361-379.

Scotto, M.G., Barbosa, S.M., Alonso, A.M.: Extreme-based clustering of environmental time series. (, Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 29, 2013, 92-102.

Tavares, JPA, Alcione, LS, Sá-Couto, P, Boltz, B, Capezuti, EA: Validation of the professional issues scale with Portuguese Nurses, Research in Gerontological Nursing (, 6(4), 2013, 264-274.

Tavares, JPA, Alcione, LS, Sá-Couto, P, Boltz, B, Capezuti, EA: Validation of geriatric care environment scale in Portuguese Nurses, Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research (, vol. 2013, 2013, 1-9.

Vera Afreixo, Carlos Bastos, Sara Garcia, João Rodrigues, Armando Pinho, Paulo Ferreira: The breakdown of the word symmetry in the human genome. (, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 335, 2013, 153-159.

Vera Afreixo, Sara P. Garcia, João M. O. S. Rodrigues: The breakdown of symmetry in word pairs in 1,092 human genomes. (, Jurnal Teknologi, 63 (3), 2013, 1-8.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Carlos Bastos, Vera Afreixo, Sara P. Garcia, Armando Pinho: Segmentation of DNA into coding and Noncoding region based on inter-STOP symbols distances. (, 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 23-28, Salamanca, 2013.

A. Leite, A. P. Rocha, M. E. Silva: Enhancing Scaling Exponents in Heart Rate by means of Fractional Integration (http:), Computers in Cardiology 2013, A. Murray, 433-436, Zaragoza, Spain, 2013.

J. M. Lemos, C. Rocha, T. Mendonça, M. E. Silva: A Nonlinear Continuous-Discrete Filter with Model Parameter Uncertainty and Application to Anesthesia, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, A. Astolfi, 2072-2077, Florence, Italy, 2013.

Vera Afreixo, João M. O. S. Rodrigues, Sara P. Garcia: Analysis of word symmetries in human genomes using next-generation sequencing data. (, 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 7-13, Salamanca, 2013.

Reports and Other Publications

Pereira, I.: Método de Monte Carlo via Cadeias de Markov com saltos reversíveis, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, pp 45-51, Lisboa, 2013.

Systems and Control Group (SCG)


R. Almeida, S. Pooseh, D.F.M. Torres: Computational Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations (, Imperial College Press, 2015.

A. B. Malinowska, T. Odzijewicz, D. F. M. Torres: Advanced Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations (, Springer, 2015.

F. Miranda (Ed.): Control Theory: Perspectives, Applications and Developments, ISBN: 978-1-63482-707-2 (, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2015.

F. Miranda, C. Abreu (Eds.): Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering, ISBN13: 9781466688230, ISBN10: 1466688238 (, IGI Global, 2015.

Book Chapters

C. Abreu, F. Miranda, P. M. Mendes: Quality of service and radio management in biomedical wireless sensor networks (; RIA - Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro:, F. Miranda and C. Abreu, Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering, 704-725, IGI Global, Hershey, PA 17033, USA, 2015.

Diego Napp, Paula Rocha: Implementation of Behavioral Systems ("" and DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21003-2_8), Belur, M.N., Camlibel, M.K., Rapisarda, P., Scherpen, J.M.A, Mathematical Control Theory II, 151-168, Springer (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences), The Netherlands, 2015.

Ettore Fornasini, Telma Pinho, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha: Minimal Realizations of Syndrome Formers of a Special Class of 2D Codes( and hdl://10773/15001), Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha Malonek, Paolo Vettori, Coding Theory and Applications. Volume 3 of the series CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, 185-193, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres, Ana Clara Silva, Carla Sousa, Cláudia Conceição: Dengue in Madeira Island. (, Bourguignon et al, Dynamics, Games and Science - International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth DGS II, 593-605, Springer, New York, 2015.

Joan-Josep Climent, Diego Napp, Raquel Pinto, Rita Simões: Burst Erasure Correction of 2D Convolutional Codes (hdl://10773/15002 ), Raquel Pinto Paula Rocha Malonek Paolo Vettori, Coding Theory. and Applications - CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, volume 3, 115-123, Springer, Switzerland, 2015.

F. Miranda: Controllability of linear control systems on time scales: A survey (; RIA - Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro:, F. Miranda, Control Theory: Perspectives, Applications and Developments, 31-70, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2015.

F. Miranda: An overview of observability of linear control systems on time scales (; RIA - Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro: hdl://10773/14933), F. Miranda, Control Theory: Perspectives, Applications and Developments, 125-156, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2015.

H. S. Rodrigues, M. T. T. Monteiro, D. F. M. Torres, A. C. Silva, C. Sousa, C. Conceição: Dengue in Madeira Island ( (hdl://1822/37153), J.-P. Bourguignon, R. Jelstch, A. A. Pinto and M. Viana, Mathematics of Planet Earth: Dynamics, Games and Science, 593-605, Springer, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 1, 2015.

S. P. S. Santos, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: An Optimal Control Approach to Herglotz Variational Problems ( (hdl://10773/14651), A. Plakhov, T. Tchemisova and A. Freitas, Optimization in the Natural Sciences, 107-117, Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2015.

C. J. Silva, D. F. M. Torres: Optimal Control of Tuberculosis: A Review (, J. P. Bourguignon, R. Jeltsch, A. Pinto and M. Viana, Dynamics, Games and Science, 701-722, Springer, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, 2015.

MSc Thesis

Ana Pedro Lemos Paião: Introduction to Optimal Control Theory and its Application to Diabetes, University of Aveiro, May, 2015, 104 pp, [Supervisor(s): R. Almeida, D. F. M. Torres], available at

Papers in International Journals with referees

R. Almeida, H. Khosravian-Arab: Numerical solution for fractional variational problems using the Jacobi polynomials (hdl://10773/15015 ), Appl. Math. Model., 39, 2015, 6461-6470.

R. Almeida, N. Martins: Variational problems for Holderian functions with free terminal point (hdl://10773/15025 ), Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 38, 2015, 1059-1069.

R. Almeida, D.F.M. Torres: Computing Hadamard type operators of variable fractional order ( (hdl://10773/14647), Appl. Math. Comput., 257, 2015, 74-88.

R. Almeida, D.F.M. Torres: A Discrete Method to Solve Fractional Optimal Control Problems ( (hdl://10773/14648 ), Nonlinear Dynam., 80, 2015, 1811-1816.

A. M. C. Brito da Cruz, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: The Diamond Integral on Time Scales. ( (hdl://10773/14655), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc, 38, 2015, 1453-1462.

M. C. Caputo, D. F. M. Torres: Duality for the left and right fractional derivatives (, Signal Process., 107, 2015, 265-271.

A. Debbouche, D. F. M. Torres: Sobolev type fractional dynamic equations and optimal multi-integral controls with fractional nonlocal conditions (, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 18, 2015, 95-121.

R. Denysiuk, H. S. Rodrigues, M. T. T. Monteiro, L. Costa, I. Espírito Santo, D. F. M. Torres: Multiobjective approach to optimal control for a dengue transmission model ( (hdl://1822/37064), Stat. Optim. Inf. Comput., 3, 2015, 206-220.

Denysiuk, R., Rodrigues, H.S., Monteiro, M.T.T., Costa, L., Espírito Santo, I., Torres, D.F.T: Multiobjective approach to optimal control for a dengue transmission model (, Stat., Optim. Inf. Comput., 3 (3), 2015, 206-220.

R. Denysiuk, C. J. Silva, D. F. M. Torres: Multiobjective approach to optimal control for a tuberculosis model ( (hdl://10773/14649), Optim. Methods Softw., 30, 2015, 893-910.

Filipa Rocha, Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Coexistence of two dengue virus serotypes and forecasting for Madeira Island, Operations Research for Health Care, 7, 2015, 122-131.

S. Jahanshahi, E. Babolian, D. F. M. Torres, A. Vahidi: Solving Abel integral equations of first kind via fractional calculus ( (hdl://10773/14643), J. King Saud Univ. Sci., 27, 2015, 161-167.

Juliana Almeida, Hugo Alonso, Pedro Ribeiro, Paula Rocha: A 2D Hopfield Neural Network approach to mechanical beam damage detection (hdl://10773/14915), Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 26, 2015, 1081-1095.

G. Micheli, J. Rosenthal, P. Vettori: Linear spanning sets for matrix spaces (doi:10.1016/j.laa.2015.06.008, Preprint), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 483, 2015, 309-322.

Mustapha Ait Rami, Diego Napp.: Discrete-Time Positive Periodic Systems with State and Control Constraints (hdl://10773/14968), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.IEEE, PP, 2015, 7 pp.

Nadia Benkhettou, Artur M. C. Brito da Cruz, Delfim F. M. Torres: A Fractional Calculus on Arbitrary Time Scales: Fractional Differentiation and Fractional Integration. (. ) (hdl://10773/14645), International Journal Signal Processing, 107, 2015, 230-237.

A. Rachah, D. F. M. Torres: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation, and Optimal Control of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa ( (hdl://10773/14650), Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., 2015, 2015, 842792-842800.

K. Razminia, A. Razminia, D. F. M. Torres: Pressure Responses of a Vertically Hydraulic Fractured Well in a Reservoir with Fractal Structure ( (hdl://10773/14653), Appl. Math. Comput., 257, 2015, 374-380.

S. P. S. Santos, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: Variational problems of Herglotz type with time delay:. DuBois-Reymond condition and Noethers first theorem ( (hdl://10773/14652), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35, 2015, 4593-4610.

C. J. Silva, D. F. M. Torres: A TB-HIV/AIDS coinfection model and optimal control treatment ( (hdl://10773/14641), Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35, 2015, 4639-4663.

D. Tavares, R. Almeida, D.F.M. Torres: Optimality Conditions for Fractional Variational Problems with Dependence on a Combined Caputo Derivative of Variable Order ( (hdl://10773/14646), Optim., 64, 2015, 1381-1391.

G. S. Taverna, D. F. M. Torres: Generalized fractional operators for nonstandard Lagrangians (, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 38, 2015, 1808-1812.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

C. Abreu, F. Miranda, P. M. Mendes: Estimating the impact of adding sensor nodes to biomedical wireless sensor networks (; RIA - Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro:, ICNAAM 2014: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP - American Institute of Physics (Theodore E. Simos, Charalambos Tsitouras), 710013 pp, Rhodes, Greece, 2015.

R. Almeida, N. R. O. Bastos, M. T. T. Monteiro: An optimization method for the best fractional order to estimate real data analysis ( http:), CMMSE 2015, J. Vigo-Aguiar, 81-89, Cadiz, Spain, 2015.

Climent, J.-J., Napp, D., Pinto, R., Simões, R.: Series concatenation of 2D convolutional codes (hdl://10773/16680), IEEE 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS), 2015, Azevedo Perdicoúlis, T-P Galkowski, K. Rogers, E, 1-6, Vila Real - Portugal, 2015.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, Manuel José Fonseca: Viral marketing as epidemiological model, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, J.Vigo-Aguiar, 946-955, Cádiz, Spain, 2015.

Hugo Alonso, António Loureiro: Predicting Flight Departure Delay at Porto Airport: A Preliminary Study (hdl://10773/14916), 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2015), SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 93-98, Lisboa, 2015.

F. Miranda, C. Abreu: Preface of the “Symposium on modelling and simulation in computer sciences and engineering” (; RIA - Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro:, ICNAAM 2014: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP - American Institute of Physics (Theodore E. Simos, Charalambos Tsitouras), 710001 pp, Rhodes, Greece, 2015.

A. Rachah, D. F. M. Torres: Modelling and Numerical Simulation of the Recent Outbreak of Ebola (hdl://10773/14654 ), 2nd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Developments and Applications (SYMCOMP 2015), A. Loja, J. I. Barbosa and J. A. Rodrigues, 179-190, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, March 26-27, 2015.

S. P. S. Santos, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: Noether´s theorem for higher-order variational problems of Herglotz type. ( https:). (http:), 10th AIMS Conference on. Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications,Vol. 2015, AIMS Proceedings, Manuel de León, Wei Feng, Zhaosheng Feng, Julian Lopez-Gomez, Xin Lu, J.M. Martell, Javier Parcet, Daniel Peralta-Salas and Weihua Ruan, 990-999, Madrid, Spain, 2015.

Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Quantum Variational Calculus (, Springer, 2014.

R. Almeida: Teaching calculus with Infinitesimals (, Lap Lambert, 2014.

R. Almeida, R. Simões: Primitivas (, Escolar Editora, 2014.

F. Miranda: Sistemas de Controlo Não-Autónomos: Estabilização e Observabilidade, ISBN: 978-3-639-61106-9 (, Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2014.

F. Miranda (Ed.): Systems Theory: Perspectives, Applications and Developments, ISBN: 978-1-63117-866-5 (, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2014.

Book Chapters

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal Control and Numerical Software: an overview, F. Miranda, Systems Theory: Perspectives, Applications and Developments, 93-110, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2014.

F. Miranda: Transient growth quantification in linear control systems: New results (, F. Miranda, Systems Theory: Perspectives, Applications and Developments, 77-92, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2014.

S. Pooseh, R. Almeida, D. F. M. Torres: Numerical approximations to fractional problems of the calculus of variations and optimal control (, J. Cresson, Fractional Calculus in Analysis, Dynamics and Optimal Control, 1-39, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2014.

PhD Thesis

Monika Dryl: Calculus of Variations on Time Scales and Applications to Economics, University of Aveiro, September, 2014, 138 pp, [Supervisor(s): D. F. M. Torres, A. B. Malinowska], available at hdl://10773/12869.

Telma Pinho: Minimal State-Space Realizations of 2D Convolutional Codes, University of Aveiro, May, 2014, 97 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paula Rocha Malonek, Raquel Pinto].

Papers in International Journals with referees

C. Abreu, F. Miranda, M. Ricardo, P. M. Mendes: QoS-based management of biomedical wireless sensor networks for patient monitoring ( (, SpringerPlus, 3(239), 2014, 13 pp.

R. Almeida, N.R.O. Bastos, D.F.M. Torres: A Discretization Method to Solve Fractional Variational Problems with Dependence on Hadamard Derivatives (, Int. J. Difference Equ., 9, 2014, 3-10.

R. Almeida, A.B. Malinowska: Fractional variational principle of Herglotz (, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 19, 2014, 2367-2381 .

R. Almeida, V. Neves, K. Stroyan: Infinitesimal differential geometry: Cusps and envelopes (, Differ. Geom. Dyn. Syst., 16, 2014, 1-13.

Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: Modeling TB-HIV Syndemic and Treatment (, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, 2014, 1-14.

R. A. C. Ferreira: On a Lyapunov-type inequality and the zeros of a certain Mittag-Leffler function(, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 412, no. 2, 2014, 1058-1063.

Joaquim Pinto da Costa, Hugo Alonso, Jaime S. Cardoso: Corrigendum to ‘‘The unimodal model for the classification of ordinal data’’ [Neural Netw. 21 (2008) 78–79] (, Neural Networks, 59, 2014, 73-75.

Lígia Abrunheiro, Margarida Camarinha: Optimal control of affine connection control systems from the point of view of lie algebroids (, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 1450038, 2014, 1-9.

F. Miranda: Existence of optimal solutions to control problem on time scales (, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 6(3), 2014, 32-52.

Mustapha Ait Rami, Diego Napp.: Positivity of discrete singular systems and their stability: An LP-based approach, Automatica (http://www., 50, 2014, 84-91.

Natália Martins, Ricardo Almeida: Existence results for fractional. q-difference equations of order $alpha in ]2; 3[$ with three-point boundary conditions. (, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 19, nº 6, 2014, 1675-1685.

Paula Rodrigues, Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: Cost-effectiveness analysis of optimal control measures for tuberculosis. (,, Bull. Math. Bio. no. 10, 76, 2014, 2627-2645.

S. Pooseh, R. Almeida, D. F. M. Torres: Fractional Order Optimal Control Problems with Free Terminal Time (, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 10 , 2014, 363-381.

H. S. Rodrigues, M. T. T. Monteiro, D. F. M. Torres: Vaccination models and optimal control strategies to dengue (, Mathematical Biosciences, 247, 2014, 1-12.

Rui A. C. Ferreira: Positive Solutions of a Nonlinear q-fractional Difference Equation with Integral Boundary Conditions(, International Journal of Difference Equations, 9, 2014, 135-145.

S. P. S. Santos, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: Higher-order variational problems of Herglotz type. ( ( http:), Vietnam J. Math., 42, nº 4, 2014, 409-419.

Simão P. S. Santos, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Higher-order variational problems of Herglotz type (">, Vietnam J. Math., 42, 2014, 409-419.

Telma Pinho, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha: Realization of 2D convolutional codes of rate 1/n by separable Roesser models ( ), Design, Codes and Cryptography, 70, 2014, 241-250.

Papers in National Journals with referees

Catarina Pinto, Sérgio Ravara Cruz, Lígia Abrunheiro: O comportamento fiscal dos contribuintes: revisão da literatura / The tax behavior of taxpayers: literature review (, Revista de Estudos do ISCA, Série IV, 10, 2014, 1-14.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

R. Almeida, A.B. Malinowska, M. L. Morgado: Variational problems with Hadamard type fractional integrals (, ICFDA 14, IEEE Explore Conference Proceedings, 1-6, Catania, Italy, 2014.

Ângela Miranda, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha: Optimal time for constant drug infusion initialization in neuromuscular blockade control, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMea 2014, IEEE, 1-6, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.

Filipa Nogueira, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha: Robustness of a new nonlinear positive controller for BIS tracking, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, 1-6, San Diego, California, USA, 2014.

Filipa Nogueira, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha: A new retuning approach for DoA reference tracking improvement, IFAC World Congress 2014, IFAC, 1-5, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Seasonality effects on Dengue, 14th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, J. Vigo-Aguiar et al, 1084-1091, Cadiz, 2014.

Luis Paz, Margarida Silva, Simão Estesves, Rui Rabiço, Teresa Mendonça: Automated total intravenous anesthesia(amTIVA) from induction to recovery, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMeA 2014, IEEE, 1-6, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.

Margreta Kuijper, Diego Napp: Erasure codes with simplex locality, International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2014, Arjan van der Schaft Harry Trentelman Jacquelien Scherpen Claudio De Persis, 7-12, Groningen (NL), 2014.

Telma Pinho, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha: Minimal realizations of a special class of 2D codes, International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2014, Arjan van der Schaft Harry Trentelman Jacquelien Scherpen Claudio De Persis , 1-6, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014.

Telma Pinho, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha: Minimal State-Space Realizations of Convolutional Codes, 11th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – CONTROLO 2014, António Paulo Moreira Aníbal Matos, 1-10, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Vettori, J.W. Polderman, R. Langerak: A geometric approach to stability of linear reset systems, The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), A. van der Schaft, H. Trentelman, J. Scherpen, and C. De Persis, 776-783, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014.

Reports and Other Publications

Ricardo Pereira, Paula Rocha: Controlled invariance for behavioral systems, Extended Abstract (4 pages),. 21st International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014.
Book Chapters

T. Odzijewicz, A. B. Malinowska, D. F. M. Torres: Fractional Variational Calculus of Variable Order (, A. Almeida, L. P. Castro, F.-O. Speck, Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume, 291-301, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2013.

PhD Thesis

Shakoor Pooseh: Computational Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, University of Aveiro, September, 2013, 193 pp, [Supervisor(s): D. F. M. Torres, R. Almeida], available at hdl://10773/11510.

Tatiana Odzijewicz: Generalized Fractional Calculus of Variations, University of Aveiro, September, 2013, 130 pp, [Supervisor(s): D. F. M. Torres, A. B. Malinowska], available at hdl://10773/11731.

MSc Thesis

Carla Machado: Atingibilidade de sistemas discretos 1D e 2D estruturados, University of Aveiro, October, 2013, 65 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ricardo Pereira, Rita Simões], available at

Papers in International Journals with referees

Abrunheiro, L., Camarinha, M., Clemente-Gallardo, J.: Corrigendum: Cubic polynomials on Lie groups: reduction of the Hamiltonian system (, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46 (189501, 2013, 1-2.

Agnieszka Malinowska Natália Martins: Generalized transversality conditions. for the Hahn quantum variational calculus. (, Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, 62:3, 2013, 323-344.

J.C. Aleixo, P. Rocha: Reconstructibility of time-invariant and periodic behavioural systems (, International Journal of Control, 86, 2013, 84-94.

L. Bourdin, T. Odzijewicz, D. F. M. Torres: Existence of minimizers for fractional variational problems containing Caputo derivatives (, Adv. Dyn. Syst. Appl., 8, 2013, 3-12.

A. M. C. Brito da Cruz, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: Hahns Symmetric Quantum Variational Calculus (, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 3, 2013, 77-94.

A. M. C. Brito da Cruz, N. Martins, D. F. M. Torres: Symmetric differentiation on time scales (, Appl. Math. Lett., 26, 2013, 264-269.

Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal control for a tuberculosis model with reinfection and post-exposure interventions (, Mathematical Biosciences, 244, 2013, 154-164.

A. Debbouche, D. F. M. Torres: Approximate controllability of fractional nonlocal delay semilinear systems in Hilbert spaces (, Internat. J. Control, 86, 2013, 1577-1585.

M. Dryl, A. B. Malinowska, D. F. M. Torres: A Time-Scale Variational Approach to Inflation, Unemployment and Social Loss (, Control and Cybernetics, 42, 2013, 399-418.

R. A. C. Ferreira: Existence and uniqueness of solution to some discrete fractional boundary value problems of order less than one(, J. Difference Equ. Appl., 19, no.5, 2013, 712-718.

R. A. C. Ferreira: A probability problem arising from the security of the temporal key hash of WPA(, Wireless Pers. Commun., 70, no.4, 2013, 1235-1241.

R. A. C. Ferreira: A Lyapunov-type inequality for a fractional boundary value problem(, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 16, 2013, 978-984.

R. A. C. Ferreira: A Nagumo-type uniqueness result for an nth order differential equation(, Bull. London Math. Soc., 45, 2013, 930-934.

Gastão S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Isoperimetric Noether Theorem in the Riemann-Liouville Sense (, Rep. Math. Phys., 71, 2013, 291-304.

Gastão S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres: A Nondifferentiable Quantum Variational Embedding in Presence of Time Delays (, Int. J. Difference Equ., 8 , 2013, 49-62.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Sensitivity Analysis in a Dengue Epidemiological Model (, Conference Papers in Mathematics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013, 2013, 1-8.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Bioeconomic perspectives to an optimal control dengue model, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 90(10), 2013, 11 pp.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Dengue in Cape Verde: vector control and vaccination, Math. Population Studies, 20(4), 2013, 19 pp.

Isabel Brás, Ana Catarina Carapito, Paula Rocha: A note on simultaneous block diagonally stable matrices, (, ELA-The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 26, 2013, 90-100.

Isabel Brás, Ana Catarina Carapito, Paula Rocha: Stability of Switched Systems with Partial State Reset (, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58, 2013, 1008-1012.

H. Khosravian-Arab, D.F.M. Torres: Uniform approximation of fractional derivatives and integrals with application to fractional differential equations (, Nonlinear Stud., 20, 2013, 533-548.

Matheus Lazo, Delfim F. M. Torres: The DuBois-Reymond Fundamental Lemma of the Fractional Calculus. of Variations and an Euler-Lagrange Equation Involving only Derivatives of Caputo (, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 156, 2013, 56-67.

F. Miranda: Partial derivatives and optimization problem on time scales (, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 78, 7(6), 2013, 1306-1311.

Monika Dryl, Delfim F. M. Torres: Necessary optimality conditions for infinite horizon variational problems on time scales (, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 3, 2013, 145-160.

Monika Dryl, Delfim F. M. Torres: The Delta-nabla Calculus of Variations for Composition Functionals on Time Scales (, Int. J. Difference Equ., 8 , 2013, 27-47.

Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal control for a steady state dead oil isotherm problem (, Control and Cybernetics, 42, 2013, 459-470.

Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Delfim F. M. Torres: Existence of Three Positive Solutions to Some $p$-Laplacian Boundary Value Problems (, Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., 2013, 2013, 145050-145061.

T. Odzijewicz, A. B. Malinowska, D. F. M. Torres: Green theorem for generalized fractional derivatives (, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 16, 2013, 64-75.

T. Odzijewicz, A. B. Malinowska, D. F. M. Torres: Fractional calculus of variations of several independent variables (, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 222, 2013, 1813-1826.

T. Odzijewicz, A. B. Malinowska, D. F. M. Torres: A Generalized Fractional Calculus of Variations (, Control and Cybernetics, 42, 2013, 459-470.

T. Odzijewicz, A. B. Malinowska, D. F. M. Torres: Noether theorem for fractional variational problems of variable order (, Cent. Eur. J. Phys., 11, 2013, 691-701.

A. Razminia, D. F. M. Torres: Control of a Novel Chaotic Fractional Order System Using a State Feedback Technique (, Mechatronics, 23 , 2013, 755-763.

Ricardo Almeida: General necessary conditions for infinite horizon fractional variational problems (, Applied Mathematics Letters, (26), 2013, 787-793.

Ricardo Almeida, Agnieszka B. Malinowska: Generalized transversality conditions in fractional calculus of variations (, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18, 2013, 443-452.

Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: An expansion formula with higher-order derivatives for fractional operators of variable order (, The Scientific World Journal, 2013, 11 pp.

Ricardo Almeida, Hassan Khosravian-Arab, Mostafa Shamsi: A generalized fractional variational problem depending on indefinite integrals: Euler-Lagrange equation and numerical solution (, J. Vib. Control, 19, 2013, 2177-2186.

Ricardo Pereira, Paula Rocha, Rita Simões: Characterizations of global reachability of 2D structured systems (, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 24(1), 2013, 51-64.

R. Sebastião, M. M. Silva, R. Rabiço, J. Gama, T. Mendonça: Real-time algorithm for changes detection in depth of anesthesia signals, Evolving Systems, 4, 2013, 3-12.

Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F.M. Torres: Numerical approximations of fractional derivatives with applications ((, Asian Journal of Control, (15) No 3, 2013, 698-712.

Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F.M. Torres: Discrete Direct Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations (, Comput. Math. Appl., 66, 2013, 668-676.

M. M. Silva, J. M. Lemos, A. Coito, B. A. Costa, T. Wigren, T. Mendonça: Local identifiability and sensitivity analysis of neuromuscular blockade and depth of hypnosis models, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 00, 2013, 00-00.

Simão P. S. Santos, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Higher-Order Variational Problems of Herglotz Type. (, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 41, 2013, 1-11.

M. Teixeira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha, R. Rabiço: Automatic Control of the NMB level in general anaesthesia with a switching total system mass control strategy (, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, , 2013, 1-12.

Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees

Artur M. C. Brito da Cruz, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: A symmetric quantum calculus. (, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 47, Pinelas, Sandra; Chipot, Michel; Dosla, Zuzana, 359-366, University of Açores, Portugal, 2013.

Artur M. C. Brito da Cruz, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: A symmetric Nörlund sum with application to inequalities. (, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 47, Pinelas, Sandra; Chipot, Michel; Dosla, Zuzana, 495-503, University of Açores, 2013.

D. V. Caiado, J. M. Lemos, B. A. Costa, M. M. Silva, T. F. Mendonça: Design of depth of anesthesia controllers in the presence of model uncertainty, 21th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, --, 213-218, Crete, Greece, 2013.

Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: An optimal control approach to malaria prevention via insecticide-treated nets (, The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2013, Conference Papers in Mathematics, 0-0, Praia, Cape Verde, 2013.

P.M.Ferreira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha: A wide spread of algorithms for automatic segmentation of dermoscopic images (, 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and IMage Analysis, 1-8, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2013.

Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Sensitivity Analysis in a Dengue Epidemiological Model, The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Conference Papers in Mathematics, 7 pp, Cape Verde, 2013.

Juliana Almeida, Hugo Alonso, Paula Rocha: Combining neural networks for online damage detection in Euler-Bernoulli beams (, 4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure (IRF2013), -, 543-549, Funchal, Madeira, 2013.

Juliana Almeida, Hugo Alonso, Paula Rocha: A 2D neural network approach for beam damage detection (, 8th International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems (nDS13), -, 139-143, Erlangen, Deutschland, 2013.

Juliana Almeida, Hugo Alonso, Paula Rocha: A neural network approach to damage detection in Euler-Bernoulli beams subjected to external forces (, 21st Mediterranean conference on Control and Automation (MED2013), -, 100-103, Chania,Crete, Greece, 2013.

Lígia Abrunheiro, Margarida Camarinha, Jesús Clemente-Gallardo: Geometric Hamiltonian Formulation of a Variational Problem Depending on the Covariant Acceleration (, The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2013, Conference Papers in Mathematics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 1-9, Praia, Cape Verde, 2013.

F. Miranda: Partial derivatives and optimization problem on time scales, International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (ICAMNA 2013), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, 2157-2162, Holiday Inn Paris, Paris, France, 2013.

F. Miranda: Periodic control system stabilization on time scales (, SIAM Conference on Control & Its Applications, SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory, 98-105, Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, 2013.

F. Nogueira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha: Improvement of the BIS reference tracking performance in the presence of parameter uncertainties (, Proceedings of the 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED2013, 1-6, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2013.

F. Nogueira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha: A simple PK/PD model identification procedure for controller design in anesthesia (, 52nd Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2013, 1-6, Florence, Italy, 2013.

Paula Rodrigues, Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal control strategies for reducing the number. of active infected individuals with tuberculosis. (, SIAM Conference on Control. and Its Applications (CT13), Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT13), 44-50, San Diego, California, USA, 2013.

L. A. Paz, M. M. Silva, S.Esteves, T. Mendonça: Self-calibrating total-mass controller for the neuromuscular blockade matching the anesthesiologists´ mindset, 21th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, --, 723-728, Crete, greece, 2013.

R. Pereira, P. Rocha: A Remark on Conditioned Invariance in the Behavioral Approach (hdl://10773/11906), European Control Conference 2013, CDC13, Manfred Morari, 301-305, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.

Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F.M. Torres: Free time fractional optimal control problems (, Proceedings of European Control Conference 2013, July 17--19, 3985-3990, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.

Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F.M. Torres: A numerical scheme to solve fractional optimal control problems (, The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics, Conference Papers in Mathematics, 165298-165298, Praia, Cape Verde, 2013.

M. M. Silva, T. Wigren, A. M. Medvedev, T. Mendonça: Quantification of the multiplicative uncertainty in the linearized minimally parameterized parsimonious Wiener model for the neuromuscular blockade in closed-loop anesthesia, 21th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, --, 703-708, Crete, Greece, 2013.

P. Vettori: On the structure of linear behaviors over quaternions, European Control Conference (ECC) 2013, M. Morari, 317-322, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.

Z. T. Zhusubaliyev, A. Medvedev, M. M. Silva: Bifurcation Analysis for PID-controller Tuning Based on a Minimal Neuromuscular Blockade Model in Closed-loop Anesthesia, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, --, 00-00, Florence, Italy, 2013.

Reports and Other Publications

Hugo Alonso, Juliana Almeida, Paula Rocha, Pedro Ribeiro: Damage detection in Timoshenko beams using neural networks and non-linear vibration data (, Book of Abstracts of 11th Biennial Internation Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), Lisboa, Portugal, 2013.

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