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Current Projects
Research Positions
Former Members
From 2010 to 2012
From 2013 to 2015
From 2016 to 2018
From 2020 to 2023
Algebra and Geometry Group
Complex and Hipercomplex Analysis Group
Functional Analysis and Applications Group
Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics Group
History of Mathematics and Mathematical Education Group
Optimization, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Group
Probability and Statistics Group
Systems and Control Group
Thematic Lines (or Thematic Strands)
From 2010 to 2012
From 2013 to 2015
From 2016 to 2018
Publications 2019
Publications 2020
Publications 2021
From 2020 to 2024
From 2025 to 2029
From 2010 to 2012
From 2013 to 2015
From 2016 to 2018
CIDMA Posters
CIDMA Young Doctorate Awards
Annual Meeting
From 2010 to 2018
Seminars and Courses (2010 to 2012)
Seminars and Courses (2015 to 2013)
Seminars and Courses (2016 to 2018)
Other Events (2010 to 2012)
Other Events (2013 to 2015)
Other Events (2016 to 2018)
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
Conferences and Workshops
PhD/MSc Public Defenses
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Publications (2012 - 2010)
Algebra and Geometry Group (AGG)
PhD Thesis
Patrícia Santos Ribeiro:
D-Pavimentações Esféricas Diedrais Triangulares
, Aveiro, November, 2012, 333 pp, [Supervisor(s): A. M. D'Azevedo Breda].
MSc Thesis
Ilídio Mendes Moreira:
Criptografia de chave pública com base em códigos
, Aveiro, December, 2012, 90 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paulo J. Almeida, Raquel Pinto], available at
Luísa Amélia Fernandes de Faria Casanova Afonso:
A Matemática de alguns Jogos (
, Aveiro, December, 2012, 88 pp, [Supervisor(s): Manuel António Gonçalves Martins, Rui Filipe Alves Silva Duarte].
Maria Isabel Gomes:
LpMat – Software Educativo com Necessidades Educativas Especiais
, Aveiro, June, 2012, 150 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana M. R. D'Azevedo Breda, Paulo Coelho Santos].
Pedro Miguel Teixeira Olhero Pessoa Nora:
Dualidades na Lógica Modal
, Aveiro, December, 2012, 66 pp, [Supervisor(s): Dirk Hofmann, Manuel António Martins], available at
Rita Alexandra Pires Estrela:
Jogos combinatórios e jogos de soma nula (
, Aveiro, July, 2012, 110 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rui Filipe Alves Silva Duarte, Rita Isabel Gonçalves Simões].
Papers in International Journals with referees
A. M. D Azevedo Breda, J. F. Craveiro de Carvalho, B. Wegner: On the existence of Bertrand pairs, (
Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
53, N.1
, 2012, 73-76.
A. M. D Azevedo Breda, P. S. Ribeiro: Spherical f-tilings by two non congruent classes of isosceles triangles - I (
Mathematical Communications
17, N.º 1
, 2012, 127-149.
Dirk Hofmann, Pawel Waszkiewicz: A duality of quantale-enriched categories, (
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
216 (8--9)
, 2012, 1866-1878.
Dirk Hofmann, Walter Tholen: Lax algebra meets topology, (
Topology Appl.
159 (9)
, 2012, 2434-2452.
João Xarez: Generalising connected components, (
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
, 2012, 1823-1826.
D. Leemans, M. Elisa Fernandes, M. Mixer: All alternating groups An with n≥12 have polytopes of rank ⌊n−1/2⌋, (
SIAM J. on Discrete Math
26, nr. 2
, 2012, 482-498.
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann: Descent morphisms and a van Kampen theorem in categories of lax algebras, (
Topology Appl.
159 (9)
, 2012, 2310-2319.
Rui Duarte: Constructions of bipartite and bipartite-regular hypermaps (
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
, 2012, 12 pp.
Papers in National Journals with referees
Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Comemorações com Geometria e Criatividade: dois estudos de caso com educadoras de infância,
Indagatio Didatica
4 (1)
, 2012, 174-202.
Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Anti prismas à conquista do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico,
Educação e Matemática
, 2012, 97-119.
Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa, Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento: O Nónio de Pedro Nunes no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico,
Educação e Matemática
, 2012, 36-41.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
A. M. d' Azevedo Breda, E. Rocha, M. I. Santos: LpMat, Educational Software for Children with Special Needs: First Steps, 2nd International Conference on Future Computers in Education - ICFCE 2012, Lecture Notes in Information, Technology, 333-339, Shangai, China, 2012.
Manuel A. Martins, A. Madeira, L.Barbosa: Towards a semantics for infinitary equational hybrid logic, 9th Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'12), T. Bolander, T. Braüner, S. Ghilardi and L. Moss, 42-46, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
M. Manzano, Manuel A. Martins, A. Huertas: Equational Hybrid Type Theory, 9th Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'12), T. Bolander, T. Braüner, S. Ghilardi and L. Moss, 37-41, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
Margarida Quinta Costa, Paula Catarino: Etnociência: a tecnologia na partilha da ciência, III Congresso Internacional/A fenda dixital /TIC escola e desenvolvimento local, Xosé Manuel Cid Fernández, Xesús Rodríguez Rodríguez, Daniela Gonçalves (coord.), Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti (ESEPF), 276-282, Porto, 2012.
Book Chapters
A. Madeira, J. M. Faria, Manuel A. Martins, L. S. Barbosa: Hybrid specification of reactive systems: An institutional approach (
), G. Barthe A. Pardo and G. Schneider,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 7041, Software Engineering and Formal Methods
, 269-285, Springer, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2011.
Manuel A. Martins, A. Madeira, R. Diaconescu, L. S. Barbosa: Hybridization of institutions (
), Andrea Corradini, Bartek Klin and Corina Cîrstea,
ALGEBRA AND COALGEBRA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6859
, 283-297, Springer, Winchester, UK, 2011.
MSc Thesis
Cláudia Maria Ferreira Sebastião:
Método da descida infinita
, Aveiro, December, 2011, 72 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paulo J. Almeida], available at
Papers in International Journals with referees
António Breda d'Azevedo, M. Elisa Fernandes: Classification of Primer hypermaps with a prime number of hyperfaces,
European Journal of Combinatorics
, 2011, 233-242.
Antonio Breda d’Azevedo, Ilda Inácio Rodrigues, Maria Elisa Fernandes: ON CHIRALITY GROUPS AND REGULAR COVERINGS OF REGULAR ORIENTED HYPERMAPS,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
, 2011, 1037-1047.
A. Breda d'Azevedo, G. Jones, E. Schulte: Constructions of Chiral Polytopes of Small Rank,
Canad. J. Math.
, 2011, 1254-1283.
Dirk Hofmann: Injective spaces via adjunction,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
, 2011, 283-302.
Dirk Hofmann, Isar Stubbe: Towards Stone duality for topological theories,
Topology Appl.
158 (7)
, 2011, 913-925.
Dirk Hofmann, Pawel Waszkiewicz: Approximation in quantale-enriched categories,
Topology Appl.
158 (8)
, 2011, 963-977.
Domenico A. Catalano, Marston D.E. Conder, Shao Fei Du, Young Soo Kwon, Roman Nedela, Steve Wilson: Classification of regular embeddings of n-dimensional cubes,
J. Algebr. Comb.
33, No. 2
, 2011, 215-238.
M. Elisa Fernandes, D. Leemans: Polytopes of high rank for the symmetric group,
Adv. Math.
, 2011, 3207-3222.
D. Leemans, M. Elisa Fernandes, M. Mixer: Corrigendum to Polytopes of high rank for the symmetric groups,
Advances in Mathematics
, 2011, 3207-3222.
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann: On the completion monad via the Yoneda embedding in quasi-uniform spaces,
Topology Appl
158 (17)
, 2011, 2423-2430.
M. Rostami, Ilda I. Rodrigues: An observation on Krull and derived dimensions of some topological lattices,
Archivum Mathematicum
, 2011, 329-334.
Papers in National Journals with referees
Ana Breda, Eugénio Rocha, Isabel Santos, Rute Domingues, Rui Monteiro, Francisco Silva e Marta Batista: LpMat - software inclusivo para crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (
Indagatio Didactica
3. Nª2
, 2011, 30-32.
Cecília Costa, Maria Manuel Nascimento, Paula Catarino: Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro: Trabalhando os jugos,
APM – Quadrante, Revista de Investigação em Educação Matemática
XIX, nº 1
, 2011, 93-113.
Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento, Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Douro, poema geométrico: vertente de sentido matemático,
Revista de Letras, II
, 2011, 271-283 .
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Cecília Costa, Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento, Paula Catarino: The Alto Douro “wine coopers’ pi”, International Conference on new Horizons in Education – Inte2011, General Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Aytekin ISMAN, Coordinator: Carlos Sousa Reis, 780-784, Guarda, 2011.
Cecília Costa, Maria Manuel Nascimento, Paula Catarino: THE YOKE, (Ethno)materials for math classes, ESU 6 - Sixth European Summer University - History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Evelyne Barbin, Manfred Kronfellner, Constantinos Tzanakis, 553-561, Wien, Austria, 2011.
Cecília Costa, Paula Catarino, Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento: O Pi dos Tanoeiros, International Conference on new Horizons in Education – Inte2011, General Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Aytekin Isman, Coordinator: Carlos Sousa Reis, 598-603, Guarda, 2011.
A. Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, L. S. Barbosa: Models as arrows: the role of dialgebras, 7th Conference on Computability in Europe: Models of computation in. context (CiE 2011), H. Ganchev, B. Löwe, D. Normann, I. Soskov, M. Soskova, 144-153, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011.
C. Rodrigues, Manuel A. Martins, A. Madeira, L. S. Barbosa: Refinement by interpretation in Pi-institutions, Refinement Workshop REFINE’11 (co-located with Formal Methods 2011), John Derrick, Eerke Boiten and Steve Reeves, EPTCS 55, 53-64, Limerick, Ireland, 2011.
Reports and Other Publications
Ana Paula Aires, Helena Campos, Paula Catarino: Elementos de Matemática para o ensino básico, Teoria de conjuntos, lógica e relações binárias, Série Didáctica. Ciências Puras, nº 54 (Edição reformulada), Vila Real - UTAD, 2011.
João Xarez: Admissibility, stable units and connected components,, 2011.
Paula Catarino: Álgebra Linear: Problemas e Exercícios – uma proposta de apoio às aulas do tipo teórico – práticas, Publicação Didática nº56 da série de Ciências Puras, UTAD, 2011.
PhD Thesis
Ilda Lopes:
Uma abordagem curricular em Matemática no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico - um estudo de caso em Geometria
, Aveiro, June, 2010, 250 pp, [Supervisor(s): Ana M. d'Azevedo Breda, Nilza Costa].
MSc Thesis
Bruno Miguel Santos Pinto Marques Custódio:
Factorização de inteiros com a congruência de quadrados
, Aveiro, July, 2010, 111 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paulo J. Almeida], available at
Hugo Cardoso Albuquerque:
Propositional Logic via Lindenbaum-Tarski and Curry-Howard
, University of Aveiro, July, 2010, 167 pp, [Supervisor(s): Dirk Hofmann].
Papers in International Journals with referees
Ana M. Breda, Altino F. Santos: On Deformations of Spherical Isometric Foldings,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
, 2010, 149-159.
Ana M. Breda, Patrícia S. Ribeiro, Altino F. Santos: Dihedral F-tilings of the Sphere by Equilateral and Scalene Triangles-I,
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
, 2010, 1-23.
Antonio Breda d'Azevedo, Maria Elisa Fernandes: Regular Oriented Hypermaps Up To Five Hyperfaces,
Acta Univ. M. Belii, ser. Math.
, 2010, 21-39.
A. Breda d'Azevedo, Alexander Mednykh, Roman Nedela: Enumeration of Maps Regardless of Genus: Geometric Approach,
Discrete Mathematics
, 2010, 1184-1203.
A. Breda d’Azevedo: Riemann surfaces and restrictively marked hypermaps,
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea
, 2010, 87-98.
Catarina P. Avelino, Ana M. d’Azevedo Breda, Altino F. Santos: Spherical Quadrangles,
Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
51, Nº1
, 2010, 111-115.
L. Descalço, P.M. Higgins: Generealized Green's equivalences on the subsemigroups of the bicyclic monoid,
Communications in Algebra
, 2010, 4597-4597.
Dirk Hofmann, Walter Tholen: Lawvere completion and separation via closure,
Appl. Categ. Structures
, 2010, 259-287.
Domenico A. Catalano, Roman Nedela.: A characterization of regular embeddings of n-dimensional cubes,
Discrete Mathematics
, 2010, 2364-2371.
João Xarez: Well-behaved Epireflections for Kan Extensions,
Appl. Cat. Structures
, 2010, 219-230.
Sergey Babenyshev, Manuel A. Martins: Admissible equivalence systems,
Bull. Sect. Log., Univ. Łódź, Dep. Log.
39 (1-2)
, 2010, 17-34.
Papers in National Journals with referees
Cecilia Costa, Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento, Paula Catarino, Rui Fernandes: Trabalhando os jugos em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
XIX, nº 1
, 2010, 93-113.
Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento, Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Douro, poema geométrico: vertente de sentido matemático,
Revista de Letras
Série II
, 2010, 271 -283.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Cecília Costa, Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento, Paula Catarino: The yoke: (ethno)materials for math classes, History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education of ESU 6 – Sixth European Summer University, Evelyne Barbin, Manfred Kronfellner, Constantinos Tzanakis, 553-561, Wien, Aústria, 2010.
L. Descalço, A. Madeira, Manuel A. Martins: Applying abstract algebraic logic to classical automata theory: an exercise, 6th Conference on Computability in Europe: Programs, proofs, processes (CiE 2010), F. Ferreira H. Guerra E. Mayordomo J. Rasga, 146-157, Azores, Portugal, 2010.
Gladys Castillo, Luís Descalço, Sandra Diogo, Eva Millán, Paula Oliveira, Batel Anjo: Computerized evaluation and diagnosis of student´s knowledge based on Bayesian Networks, Sustaining Tel: From Innovation to Learning and Practice, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 494-499, Barcelona, 2010.
Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Álgebra Linear para que te quero?!, I Congreso de Docencia Universitaria, La innovación superior. A innovacion educativa no contexto actual da educación superior”, ISBN 978-84-8158-495-0, Castellano/Gallego, 1ª edición, 127-130, Vigo, Espanha, 2010.
Reports and Other Publications
Ana Paula Aires, Helena Campos, Paula Catarino: Elementos de Matemática para o ensino básico, Teoria de conjuntos, lógica e relações binárias, Publicação Didática nº 54 da série de Ciências Puras, UTAD, 2010.
João J. Xarez: Report on the PhD thesis of Mr EB Inyangala, "Categorical semi-direct products in varieties of groups with multiple operators", University of Cape Town, 2010.
Complex and Hipercomplex Analysis Group (CHAG)
PhD Thesis
Graça Tomaz:
Multivariate Appell polynomials and their matrix representation
, University of Aveiro, December, 2012, 182 pp, [Supervisor(s): H. R. Malonek].
Papers in International Journals with referees
Cação, Isabel, Falcão, Maria Irene, Malonek, Helmuth R.: Matrix representations of a special polynomial sequence in arbitrary dimension, (
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory
12, No. 2
, 2012, 371-391.
P. Cerejeiras, Q. Chen, U. Kähler: Bedrosian Identity in Blaschke Product Case, (
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
, 2012, 275-300.
P. Cerejeiras, Y. Fu, U. Kähler: The Balian-Low Theorem for the Windowed Quaternionic Fourier Transform, (
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
, 2012, 1025-1040.
Chen Q. H., Li L. Q., Malonek H.: The construction of generalized B-spline low-pass filters related to possibility density, (
Sci China Math
, 2012, 2481-2491.
Falcão, Maria Irene; Malonek, Helmuth R.: A note on a one-parameter family of non-symmetric number triangles, (
Opusc. Math.
32, No. 4
, 2012, 661-673.
S. Georgiev, J. Morais and W. Sproessig: New aspects on elementary functions in the context of quaternionic analysis. (
CUBO A Mathematical Journal
Vol. 14
, 2012, 93-110.
Malonek, H.R., Falcão, M.I.: On paravector valued homogeneous monogenic polynomials with binomial expansion, (
Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebr.
22, No. 3
, 2012, 789-801.
Min Ku, Uwe Kaehler, Daoshun Wang: Riemann Boundary Value Problems on the Sphere in Clifford Analysis, (
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
, 2012, 365-390.
Min Ku, Uwe Kähler: Riemann boundary value problems on half space in Clifford analysis, (
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2012, 2141-2156.
Min Ku, D.S. Wang, L. Dong: Solutions to polynomial generalized Bers–Vekua equations in Clifford analysis, (
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
, 2012, 407-424.
J. Morais: A Complete Orthogonal System of Spheroidal Monogenics. (
Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics
, 2012, 105-119.
J. Morais, K. Guerlebeck: Bloch´s theorem in the context of quaternion analysis. (
Computational Methods and Function Theory
, 2012, 541-558.
J. Morais, K. Guerlebeck: Real-Part Estimates for Solutions of the Riesz System in R3. (
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
, 2012, 505-522.
G. Ren, U. Kähler, J. Shi, C. Liu: Hardy-Littlewood Inequalities for Fractional Derivatives of Invariant Harmonic Functions, (
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
, 2012, 373-396.
M. Zayed, M.Abul-Ez, J. Morais: Generalized derivative and primitive of Cliffordian bases of polynomials constructed through Appell monomials. (
Computational Methods and Function Theory
, 2012, 501-515.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
K. Avetisyan, K. Gürlebeck and J. Morais: On 3D Riesz systems of harmonic conjugates. (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 441-445, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
C. Cruz, M. I. Falcão, and H. R. Malonek: On the structure of generalized Appell sequences of paravector valued homogeneous monogenic polynomials,(
), ICNAAM 2012, E. Simos et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 283-286, Kos, Greece, 2012.
C. Cruz, M. I. Falcão, and H. R. Malonek: On pseudo-complex bases for monogenic polynomials, (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 350-355, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
M. Dalla Riva, J. Morais and P. Musolino: A family of fundamental solutions for elliptic quaternion coefficient differential operators and application to perturbation results for single layer potentials. (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 269-273, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
M. Ferreira: Complex dilations, shearings, and rotations (
), Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2012, AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 287-291, kos, Grécia, 2012.
K. Gürlebeck, M.H. Nguyen and J. Morais: On M-conformal mappings. (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 674-677, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
S. Georgiev and J. Morais: Bochner’s theorem on Fourier-Stieltjes integrals in the framework of quaternion analysis. (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 666-673, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
S. Georgiev and J. Morais: An explicit formula for the monogenic Szegö kernel function on 3D spheroids. (
), ICNAAM 2012, AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 292-295, Kos, Greece, 2012.
H.T. Le, J. Morais and W. Sprößig: Orthogonal decompositions and their applications, 19th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, K. Gürlebeck, T. Lahmer and F. Werner, 1-10, Weimar, 2012.
J. Morais and S. Georgiev: Complete orthogonal systems of 3D spheroidal monogenics, 19th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, K. Gürlebeck, T. Lahmer and F. Werner, 1-14, Weimar, 2012.
J. Morais and C. Nolder: Local distortion of monogenic functions. (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 703-709, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
H.T. Le., J. Morais and W. Sprößig: An orthogonal decomposition of the complex quaternion Hilbert space and its applications. (
), ICNPAA 2012, Seenith Sivasundaram, AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 595-602, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
J. Morais, S. Georgiev and W. Sprößig: A note on the Clifford Fourier-Stieltjes transform and its properties, 19th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, K. Gürlebeck, T. Lahmer and F. Werner, 1-13, Weimar, 2012.
A. Teixeira, R. De Almeida: On the complexity of a Mehrotra-type predictor-corrector algorithm, (
), ICCSA 2012:. 12th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, B. Murgante et. al, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7335, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 17-29, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 2012.
G. Tomaz, M. I. Falcão, and H. R. Malonek: Pascals triangle and other number triangles in Clifford analysis, (
), ICNAAM 2012, T.E. Simos et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 313-316, Kos, Greece, 2012.
Book Chapters
Eliseu Monteiro, R. De Almeida, Abel Rouboa: Finite volume method analysis of heat transfer in multi-block grid during solidification, (
), Aziz Belmiloudi,
Heat Transfer: Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods Information Technology
, 129-150, InTech, Croatia, 2011.
M. Ferreira: Gyrogroups in Projective Hyperbolic Clifford Analysis. (
), I. Sabadini and F. Sommen (eds.),
Hypercomplex Analysis and Applications. Trends in Mathematics
, 61-80, Springer, Basel, 2011.
K. Guerlebeck, J. Morais: On orthonormal polynomial solutions of the Riesz system in R3. (
), Theodore E. Simos,
Recent Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics
, 143-158, Springer, ,, 2011.
PhD Thesis
Lifang Zhou:
Hua-Kelvin transform on the space of harmonic functions
, University of Science and Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China, July, 2011, 101 pp, [Supervisor(s): Guangbin Ren].
Vítor Luís Pereira Morais de Sousa:
, Universidade de Aveiro, January, 2011, 132 pp, [Supervisor(s): Prof. Dra. Ana Foulquié Moreno, Prof. Dr. Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein (Univ. Almeria - Espanha)].
MSc Thesis
Robert de Sousa:
O princípio do módulo máximo e teoremas do tipo Phragmén-Lindelöf
, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2011, 44 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helmuth R. Malonek].
Papers in International Journals with referees
R. Abreu Blaya, J. Bory Reyes, D. Peña Peña, F. Sommen: A holomorphic extension theorem using Clifford analysis,(
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
5, no. 1
, 2011, 113-130.
D. Barrios Rolanía, Amílcar Branquinho, Ana Foulquié Moreno: On the relation between the full Kostant-Toda lattice and multiple orthogonal polynomials, (
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2011, 228-238.
Cação, I., Falcão, M.I., Malonek, H.R.: Laguerre derivative and monogenic Laguerre polynomials: An operational approach (
Mathematical and Computer Modelling
, 2011, 1084-1094.
P. Cerejeiras, Q. Chen, U. Kähler, G. Ren: Chirp transforms and Chirp series, (
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2011, 356-369.
P. Cerejeiras, M. Ferreira, U. Kähler, G. Teschke: Inversion of the noisy Radon transform on SO(3) by Gabor frames and sparse recovery principles, (
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
, 2011, 325-345.
Q. Chen, T. Qian, Y. Wang, G. Ren: B-spline of Blaschke product type, (
Computer and Mathematics with Applications
, 2011, 3669-3681.
D. Constales, R. De Almeida, R.S. Krausshar: Wiman-Valiron theory for the Dirac-Hodge equation on upper half-space of IR^{n+1}, (
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2011, 238-251.
N. Faustino, G. Ren: (Discrete) Almansi type decompositions: an umbral calculus framework based on osp(1|2) symmetries, (
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.,
34, No. 16
, 2011, 1961-1979.
M. Ferreira, G. Ren: Mobius gyrogroups: A Clifford algebra approach (
Journal of Algebra
, 2011, 230-253.
A. Foulquié Moreno, A. Martínez-Finkelshtein, V. L. Sousa: Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials for a weight with a jump on [−1, 1], (
Constructive Approximation
, 2011, 219-263.
R. Krau{ss}har, N. Vieira: The Schrödinger equation on cylinders and the n-torus(
Journal of Evolution Equations
, 2011, 215-237.
Malonek, Helmuth R., Peña Peña, Dixan, Sommen, Frank: A Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem for inframonogenic functions.(
Math. J. Okayama Univ.
, 2011, 167-172.
Min Ku, Daoshun Wang, Jinyuan Du: The boundary behavior of isotonic Cauchy type integral in Clifford analysis, (
Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series
54 (2)
, 2011, 177-186.
Min Ku, D.S. Wang: Half Dirichlet problem for matrix functions on the unit ball in Hermitian Clifford analysis, (
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2011, 442-457.
Min Ku, D.S. Wang: Solutions to the polynomial Dirac equations on unbounded domains in Clifford analysis,(
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2011, 418-427.
J. Morais, H. T. Le: Orthogonal Appell Systems of Monogenic Functions in the Cylinder. (
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2011, 1472-1486.
J. Morais, H. T. Le and W. Sproessig: On some constructive aspects of monogenic function theory in R4. (
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2011, 1685-1706.
Y. Wang, D.H. Li, M. Ku: On compound boundary value problem for a class of metaanalytic functions, (
Journal of Mathematics (Wuhan)
31 (4)
, 2011, 615-620.
S. Yakubovich, N. Vieira: A radial version of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform in the unit ball (
Opuscula Mathematica
, 2011, 137-146.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
M. A. Abul-Ez, R. De Almeida: On the lower order of entire special monogenic functions, (
), ICNAAM 2011: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, Ch. Tsitouras and Z. Anastassi, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1389, 268-271, Halkidiki, Greece, 2011.
Cação, I., Falcão, M.I., Malonek, H.R.: On generalized hypercomplex Laguerre-type exponentials and applications (
), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, B. Murgante et al, 271-286, Santander, Spain, 2011.
Cação, I., Falcão, I., Malonek, H. R.: Monogenic generalized Laguerre and Hermite polynomials and related functions, International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications (ICCA9), Guerlebeck, K, 10 pp, University of Weimar, 2011.
Cação, I., Malonek, H.R.: On an hypercomplex generalization of Gould-Hopper and related Chebyshev polynomials (
), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, B. Murgante et al, 316-326, Santander, Spain, 2011.
Carla Cruz, M. I. Falcão, H. R. Malonek: 3D Mappings by Generalized Joukowski Transformations(
), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, B. Murgante et al.;Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 6784, 358-373, University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), 2011.
C. Cruz, M. I. Falcão, H. R. Malonek: On a quasi-conformal Joukowski type transformation of. second order in Rm+1, 9th International Conference on Clifford Algebras. and their Applications in Mathematical Physics - ICCA9, K. Gürlebeck, 10 pp, Bauhaus-University, Weimar, Germany,, 2011.
M. I. Falcão, Fernando Miranda: Quaternions: A Mathematica Package for Quaternionic Analysis(
), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, B. Murgante et al.;Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 6784, 200-214, University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), 2011.
S. Georgiev, J. Morais: On convergence aspects of Spheroidal monogenics. (
), ICNAAM 2011: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1389, 276-279, Halkidiki, Greece, 2011.
S. Georgiev, J. Morais and W. Sproessig: Trigonometric integrals in the framework of Quaternionic analysis, 9th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, K. Guerlebeck, 12 pp, Weimar, Germany, 2011.
H. T. Le, J. Morais and W. Sproessig: An orthogonal decomposition of the complex quaternionic valued Hilbert space and its applications, 9th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, K. Guerlebeck, 10 pp, Weimar, Germany, 2011.
H. R. Malonek and G. Tomaz: Laguerre polynomials in several hypercomplex variables. and their matrix representation(
), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, B. Murgante et al.;Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 6784, 261-270, University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), 2011.
H. R. Malonek, M. I. Falcão: Linking Clifford Analysis and Combinatorics through bijective methods, 9th International Conference on Clifford Algebras. and their Applications in Mathematical Physics ICCA9, K. Gürlebeck, 11 pp, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany, 2011.
Book Chapters
I. Cação, H. R. Malonek, G. Tomaz: Special polynomials and polynomial bases in hypercomplex function theory, Alberto Cialdea, Giuseppe Dattoli, Matthew Xisheng He, Hari Mohan Srivastava (eds.),
Lecture Notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di Matematica, Volume IX
, 129-151, S.I.M., Basilicata, 2010.
K. Guerlebeck, J. Morais: Geometric characterization of M-conformal mappings, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano and Gerik Scheuermann,
Geometric Algebra Computing: in Engineering and Computer Science
, 327-342, Springer, 1st Edition, 2010.
PhD Thesis
Yingwei Chen:
Approximation theory in holomorphic function spaces
, University of Science and Technology of China, April, 2010, 150 pp, [Supervisor(s): G. Ren].
MSc Thesis
V. Baessa:
Modelação e Simulação Numérica de Problemas Electrostáticos e Magnetostáticos numa Superfície ou num Corpo
, Universidade de Cabo Verde, October, 2010, 48 pp, [Supervisor(s): U. Kähler].
Papers in International Journals with referees
R. Abreu Blaya, J. Bory Reyes, D. Peña Peña, F. Sommen: Holomorphic Extension Theorems in Lipschitz Domains of C^2,
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
20 (1)
, 2010, 1-12.
R. Abreu Blaya, J. Bory Reyes, D. Peña Peña, F. Sommen: Biregular extendability via isotonic Clifford analysis,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
33 (4)
, 2010, 384-393.
D. Barrios Rolanía, A. Branquinho, A. Foulquié Moreno: Dynamics and interpretation of some integrable systems. via multiple orthogonal polynomials (,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
361, no 2
, 2010, 358-370.
G. Bernardes, S. Bernstein, P. Cerejeiras, U. Kähler: Wavelets invariant under finite reflection groups,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2010, 473-484.
A. Branquinho, L. Cotrim and A. Foulquié Moreno: Matrix interpretation of multiple orthogonality (,
Numerical Algorithms
, 2010, 19-37.
I. Cação: Complete orthonormal sets of polynomial solutions of the Riesz and Moisil-Teodorescu systems in R^3,
Numer. Algor.
, 2010, 191-203.
P. Cerejeiras, Q. Chen, U. Kähler: A necessary and sufficient condition for a Bedrosian identity,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2010, 493-500.
Q. Chen, C.A. Micchelli, Y. Wang: Function with spline spectra and applications,
International Journal of Wavelet and Multiresolution Analysis and Information Processing
, 2010, 197-223.
Y. Chen, G. Ren: Jackson’s Theorem in Qp Spaces,
Science in China Series A: Mathematics
, 2010, 367-372.
D. Constales, R. De Almeida, R.S. Krausshar: Basics of a generalized Wiman-Valiron theory for monogenic Taylor series of finite convergence radius,
Mathematische Zeitschrift
266 (3)
, 2010, 665-681.
H. de Ridder, H. de Schepper, U. Kähler, F. Sommen: Discrete Function Theories based on Skew-Weyl relations,
Proceedings of AMS
, 2010, 3241-3256.
M. Fei, P. Cerejeiras, U. Kaehler: Spherical Dunkl-monogenics and a factorization of the Dunkl–Laplacian,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
, 2010, 14 pp.
A. Foulquie Moreno, A. Martinez-Finkelshtein and V.L. Sousa: On a conjecture of A. Magnus concerning the asymptotic behavior of the recurrence coefficients of the generalized Jacobi polynomials,,
Journal of Approximation Theory
162 (4)
, 2010, 807-831.
Guangbin Ren, H. R. Malonek: Decomposition of Polyharmonic Functions with Respect to the Complex Dunkl Laplacian,
Journal of Inequalities and Applications
, 2010, 168-181.
L. Liu, G. B. Ren: Normalized system for wave and Dunkl operators,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
, 2010, 675-683.
L. Liu, G. Ren: Normalized system for wave and Dunkl operators,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
, 2010, 675-683.
H.R. Malonek, R. De Almeida: A note on a generalized Joukowski transformation,
Applied Mathematics Letters
, 2010, 1174-1178.
H. R. Malonek, M. I. Falcão: 3D-mappings by means of monogenic functions and their approximation,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
, 2010, 423-430.
H. R. Malonek, D. Peña Peña, F. Sommen: Fischer decomposition by inframonogenic functions,
CUBO, A Mathematical Journal
12 (2)
, 2010, 189-197.
Paula Cerejeiras, Nelson Vieira: Fundamental solutions of the instationary Schrödinger difference operator,
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,
16 (11)
, 2010, 1349-1365.
D. Peña Peña, F. Sommen: A note on the Fueter theorem,
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
20 (2)
, 2010, 379-391.
D. Peña Peña, F. Sommen: Fueter’s theorem: the saga continues,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
365 (1)
, 2010, 29-35.
G. Ren: Howe duality in Dunkl superspace,
Science in China - Mathematics
, 2010, 3153-3162.
X. You, L. Du, Y. Cheung, Q. Chen: A blind watermarking scheme using new nontensor product wavelet filter banks,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
, 2010, 3271-3284.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
R. Almeida, F. Bastos, A. Teixeira: On Polynomiality of a Predictor-Corrector Variant. Algorithm, ICNAAM 2010: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol.2, 959-963, Rhodes, Greece, 19-25 September, 2010.
I. Cação: Monogenic generalized Hermite polynomials and associated Hermite-Bessel functions, ICNAAM 2010: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol.2, 1455-1458, Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
D. Constales, R. De Almeida, R.S. Krausshar: On a Generalization of Valiron’s Inequality for k-hypermonogenic Functions on Upper Half-Space, ICNAAM 2010: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol.3, 1464-1468, Rhodes, Greece, 19-25 September, 2010.
K. Guerlebeck, J. Morais: On the construction of harmonic conjugates in the context of quaternionic analysis, ICNAAM 2010: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol. 2, 1496-1499, Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
H. R. Malonek, M. I. Falcão: On Special Functions in the Context of Clifford Analysis, ICNAAM 2010, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T. E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol. 2, 1492-1495, Rhodes, Greece, 19-25 September, 2010.
J. Morais, H. T. Le and W. Sproessig: Approximation of monogenic functions by means of monogenic polynomials in R4, ICNAAM 2010: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol. 2, 1488-1491, Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
G. Tomaz, H. R. Malonek†: Special Block Matrices and Multivariate Polynomials, ICNAAM 2010, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, T. E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, Vol. 2, 1515-1518, Rhodes, Greece, 19-25 September, 2010, 2010.
Functional Analysis and Applications Group (FAAG)
Book Chapters
L.P. Castro, H. Fujiwara, M.M. Rodrigues, S. Saitoh: A new discretization method by means of reproducing kernels, L.H. Son, W. Tutschke, edts,
Interactions between Real and Complex Analysis
, 185-223, Science and Technics Publishing House, ISBN: 978-604-67-0032-6, Ministry for Science and Technology of Vietnam, Ha Noi, 2012.
L.P. Castro, H. Fujiwara, S. Saitoh, A. Yamada, M. Yamada: Fundamental Error Estimate Inequalities for the Tikhonov Regularization Using Reproducing Kernels (
), C. Bandle, A. Gilányi, L. Losonczi, M. Plum (eds.),
Inequalities and Applications, International Series of Numerical Mathematics 161
, 87-101, Springer, Basel, 2012.
L.P. Castro, A.S. Silva: Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with piecewise continuous Fourier symbols on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces, L.H. Son, W. Tutschke, edts,
Interactions between Real and Complex Analysis
, 243-255, Science and Technics Publishing House, ISBN: 978-604-67-0032-6, Ministry for Science and Technology of Vietnam, Ha Noi, 2012.
A. P. Nolasco, F.-O. Speck: On some boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a cone of 240º. (
), W. Arendt, J. Ball, J. Behrndt, K.-H. Förster, V. Mehrmann, C. Trunk,
Spectral Theory, Mathematical System Theory, Evolution Equations, Differential and Difference Equations
, 497-513, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 221, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2012.
Papers in International Journals with referees
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou and V. Staicu: Multiple solutions for superlinear p-Laplacian Neumann problems (
Osaka J. Math.
, 2012, 699-740.
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, and V. Staicu: Positive solutions for nonlinear nonhomogeneous periodic eigenvalue problems (
Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) Special issue dedicated to Jean Mawhin
3 (LXI)
, 2012, 129-144.
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, V. Staicu: p-Laplace equations with singular terms and p-superlinear perturbation (
Libertas Math. (new ser.)
, 2012, 77-95.
A. Almeida, D. Drihem: Maximal, potential and singular type operators on Herz spaces with variable exponentes (
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2012, 781-795.
M. Batista, L. Tomé, C. Neves, E. M. Rocha, J. Gomes, J. Coutinho: The Origin of the LCST on the Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium of Thiophene with Ionic Liquids,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
, 2012, 5985-5992.
A. Caetano, A. Carvalho: On the Hausdorff dimension of continuous functions belonging to Hölder and Besov spaces on fractal d-sets (
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
, 2012, 386-409.
L. P. Castro, H. Itou, S. Saitoh: Numerical solutions of linear singular integral equations by means of Tikhonov regularization and reproducing kernels (
Houston Journal of Mathematics
, 2012, 1261-1276.
L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh: Natural outputs and global inputs of linear systems with a finite number of input data (
Applicable Analysis
, 2012, 225-236.
L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh: New convolution and norm inequalities (
Mathematical Inequalities & Applications
15 (3)
, 2012, 707-716.
L.P. Castro, S. Saitoh, Y. Sawano, A.S. Silva: Discrete linear differential equations (
, 2012, 181-198.
L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh, Y. Sawano, A. M. Simões: General inhomogeneous discrete linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients on the whole spaces (
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
, 2012, 307-324.
L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh, N. M. Tuan: Convolutions, integral transforms and integral equations by means of the theory of reproducing kernels (
Opuscula Mathematica
32 (4)
, 2012, 633-646.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Defect numbers of singular integral operators with Carleman shift and almost periodic coefficients (
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2012, 66-76.
J. Chen, K. Murillo, E. M. Rocha: Multiplicity result for a class of elliptic equations with singular term,
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications
, 2012, 5797-5814.
M. Dalla Riva: Energy integral of the Stokes flow in a singularly perturbed exterior domain (
Opuscola Mathematica
, 2012, 647-659.
M. Dalla Riva, P. Musolino: Real analytic families of harmonic functions in a domain with a small hole (
J. Differential Equations
, 2012, 6337-6355.
Eugénio Rocha, Jianqing Chen, Kelly Murillo: Four solutions of an elliptic problem with double singularity (,
, 2012, 169-192.
M.M. Rodrigues: Multiplicity of solutions on a nonlinear eigenvalue problems for. p(x)-Laplacian -like operators(
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
, 2012, 215-227.
S. Yakubovich and M. M. Rodrigues: Fundamental solutions of the fractional two-parameter telegraph equation(
Integral Transforms and Special Functions
23 (7)
, 2012, 509 pp.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
L. P. Castro, S. Saitoh: Applications of reproducing kernels to fractional functions and convolution inequalities, Progress in Analysis. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation, Volume 1, (ed.: V.Burenkov et al.), 230-237, Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2012.
L. P. Castro, A. M. Simões: Integral equation methods in problems of wave diffraction by a strip with higher order reactance conditions (
), American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc. 1493 (Ed.: S. Sivasundaram), 904-910, NY, 2012.
M.Dalla Riva, P.Musolino:
. Effective conductivity of a singularly perturbed periodic two-phase composite with imperfect thermal contact at the two-phase interface, , 9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences: ICNPAA 2012, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 264-268, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
T. Matsuura, S. Saitoh: Inversion formulas and numerical experiments in the wave equation by reproducing kernels and Tikhonov regularization, Progress in Analysis. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation, Volume 1, (ed.: V.Burenkov et al.), 282-289, Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2012.
M. M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira: Multidimensional fractional Schrödinger equation(
), American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc. 1493, (Ed.: S. Sivasundaram), 798-804, NY, 2012.
PhD Thesis
A.S. Silva:
Regularity of Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators
, University of Aveiro, December, 2011, 177 pp, [Supervisor(s): L.P. Castro].
A. Simões:
Sommerfeld type Problems with Higher order Boundary Conditions
, Universidade da Beira Interior, June, 2011, 197 pp, [Supervisor(s): L. P. Castro].
Papers in International Journals with referees
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou and V. Staicu: Nonlinear Resonant periodic problems with concave terms (,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
, 2011, 342-364.
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou and V. Staicu: Positive solutions for nonlinear periodic problems with concave terms (,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
, 2011, 866-883.
A. Almeida, A. Caetano: Real interpolation of generalized Besov-Hardy spaces and applications (
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
, 2011, 691-719.
P.L. Butzer, P.J.S.G. Ferreira, J.R. Higgins, S. Saitoh, G. Schmeisser, R.L. Stens: Interpolation and Sampling: E.T. Whittaker, K. Ogura and Their Followers (
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
, 2011, 320-354.
A. Caetano: On the type of convergence in atomic representations (
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
, 2011, 875-883.
A. Caetano, A. Gogatishvili, B. Opic: Embeddings and the growth envelope of Besov spaces involving only slowly varying smoothness (
Journal of Approximation Theory
, 2011, 1373-1399.
A. Caetano, A. Gogatishvili, B. Opic: Compact embeddings of Besov spaces involving only slowly varying smoothness (
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
, 2011, 923-940.
A. Caetano, S. Lopes: Spectral theory for the fractal Laplacian in the context of h-sets (
Mathematische Nachrichten
, 2011, 5-38.
A. Caetano, S. Lopes: The fractal Dirichlet Laplacian (
Revista Matemática Complutense
, 2011, 189-209.
A. Carvalho: Hausdorff dimension of scale-sparse Weierstrass-type functions (
Fund. Math.
, 2011, 1-13.
L. P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Wave diffraction by a 270 degrees wedge sector with Dirichlet, Neumann and impedance boundary conditions (
Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst.
, 2011, 96-99.
L. P. Castro, D. Kapanadze, R. Duduchava: Electromagnetic scattering by cylindrical orthotropic waveguide irises (
Georgian Mathematical Journal
, 2011, 99-120.
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: On the solvability of singular integral equations with reflection on the unit circle (
Integral Equations and Operator Theory
, 2011, 63-99.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Fredholm property of matrix Wiener-Hopf plus and minus Hankel operators with piecewise almost periodic symbols (
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
, 2011, 39-62.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Semi-Fredholm theory for Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators on Muckenhoupt weighted Lebesgue spaces (
Math. Eng. Sci. Aerosp. MESA
, 2011, 341-353.
T. Ehrhardt, A. P. Nolasco, F.-O. Speck: Boundary integral methods for wedge diffraction problems: the angle $2pi/n$, Dirichlet and Neumann conditions (
Operators and Matrices
, 2011, 1-40.
Jianqing Chen, Eugenio M. Rocha: Existence of stable standing waves and instability of. standing waves to a class of quasilinear Schrodinger. equations with potential,
Dynamics of PDE
, 2011, 89-112.
N. S. Papageorgiou, E. M. Rocha: Existence of three nontrivial solutions for asymptotically p-linear noncoercive p-Laplacian equations,
Nonlinear Analysis TMA
, 2011, 5314-5326.
N. S. Papageorgiou, A. I. Santos Coelho Rodrigues and V. Staicu: On resonant Neumann problems: multiplicity of solutions (,
Nonlinear Analysis
, 2011, 6487-6498.
M.M.Rodrigues: Lyapunov inequalities for nonlinear p-Laplacian problems with. weight functions(
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis
, 2011, 1497 -1506.
M.M.Rodrigues: Analysis of Adomian series solution to a class of nonlinear ordinary system of Raman type(
Applied Mathematics E-Notes
, 2011, 50-60.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
L. P. Castro, A. Ramos: Hyers-Ulam stability for a class of Fredholm integral equations, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 171-176, UK, 2011.
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: Splitting property for singular integral operators with a weighted shift, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 177-184, UK, 2011.
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: Continuous coefficient representations for singular integral operators with shift, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 185-192, UK, 2011.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with semi-almost periodic symbols on weighted Lebesgue spaces, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 193-202, UK, 2011.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: On the invertibility of classes of integral operators via generalized factorizations (
), American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc. 1404, M. D. Todorov et al, 242-249, NY, 2011.
J. Chen, K. Murillo, E. M. Rocha: Two nontrivial solutions of a class of elliptic equations with singular term, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, DCDS Supplement 2011. Proceedings of the 8th AIMS International Conference, Wei Feng et al , 272-281, Dresden (Germany), 2011.
Dalila Almeida, Dina Seabra, Enide Martins, Isabel Brás, João Santos, Paula Oliveira:
Análise Matemática: unidades teórico-práticas
, Universidade de Aveiro, 2010.
Book Chapters
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, and V. Staicu: S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou, and V. Staicu -- Three nontrivial solutions for $p$-Laplacian Neumann problems with a concave nonlinearity near the origin, Arie Leizarowitz, Boris S. Mordukhovich, Itai Shafrir and Alexander J. Zaslavski,
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization I: Nonlinear Analysis
, 25-43, AMS (Contemporary Mathematics series) and Bar-Ilan University, USA, 2010.
G. Bogveradze, L. P. Castro: Fredholm Characterization of Wiener-Hopf-Hankel Integral Operators with Piecewise Almost Periodic Symbols, C. Constanda et al,
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
, 65-74, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2010.
L. P. Castro, A. Ramos: Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of Volterra Integral Equations with a Delay, C. Constanda et al,
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
, 85-94, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2010.
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: Invertibility of Singular Integral Operators with Flip through Explicit Operator Relations, C. Constanda et al,
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
, 105-114, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2010.
L. P. Castro, A. Silva: Fredholm Index Formula for a Class of Matrix Wiener-Hopf Plus and Minus Hankel Operators with Symmetry, C. Constanda et al,
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
, 95-104, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2010.
PhD Thesis
E. Rojas:
A Study of Singular Integral Operators with Shift
, university of Aveiro, December, 2010, 182 pp, [Supervisor(s): L. P. Castro].
Papers in International Journals with referees
S.-E. Takahasi, J.M. Rassias, S. Saitoh, Y. Takahashi: Refined generalizations of the triangle inequality on Banach spaces,
Math. Inequal. Appl.
, 2010, 733-741.
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou and V. Staicu: Existence and multiplicity of solutions for resonant nonlinear Neumann problems,
Topological Meth. Nonlinean Anal
, 2010, 235-252.
S. Aizicovici, N. S. Papageorgiou and V. Staicu: Multiple positive solutions for a p-Laplacian Dirichlet problem with superdiffusive reaction,
Houston. J. Math
, 2010, 313-333.
A. Almeida, A. Caetano: Generalized Hardy spaces,
Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series)
, 2010, 1673-1692.
A. Almeida, P. Hästö: Besov spaces with variable smoothness and integrability,
Journal of Functional Analysis
, 2010, 1628-1655.
L. P. Castro, Q. Chen, S. Saitoh: Source Inversion of Heat Conduction from a Finite Number of Observation Data,
Applicable Analysis
, 2010, 801-813.
L. P. Castro, D. Kapanadze: Exterior Wedge Diffraction Problems with Dirichlet, Neumann and Impedance Boundary Conditions,
Acta Appl. Math.
, 2010, 289-311.
L. P. Castro, E. Pesetskaya: A Transmission Problem with Imperfect Contact for an Unbounded Multiply Connected Domain,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2010, 517-526.
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: Explicit solutions of Cauchy singular integral equations with weighted Carleman shift,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2010, 128-133.
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: Moore-Penrose invertibility of singular integral operators with Carleman shift,
Bull. Greek Math. Soc.
, 2010, 83-97.
L. P. Castro, E.M. Rojas, S. Saitoh: Inversion from different kinds of information and real inversion formulas of the Laplace transform from a finite number of data,
Math. Eng. Sci. Aerosp. MESA
, 2010, 181-190.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Fredholm Property of Matrix Wiener-Hopf plus and minus Hankel Operators with Semi-Almost Periodic Symbols,
, 2010, 217-234.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Fredholm property of matrix Wiener-Hopf plus and minus Hankel operators with piecewise almost periodic symbols,
Bull. Greek Math. Soc.
, 2010, 99-113.
J. Chen, N. S. Papageorgiou, E. M. Rocha: Twin positive solutions for singular nonlinear elliptic equations,
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis
, 2010, 187-201.
J. Chen, E. M. Rocha: Sharp constant for a 2D anisotropic Sobolev inequality with critical nonlinearity,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
, 2010, 685-692.
J. Chen, E. M. Rocha: Positive solutions for elliptic problems with critical nonlinearity and combined singularity,
Mathematica Bohemica
, 2010, 413-422.
K. Iwamura, T. Matsuura, S. Saitoh: A numerical construction of a natural inverse of any matrix by using the theory of reproducing kernels with the Tikhonov regularization,
Far East J. Math. Edu.
, 2010, 141-149.
T. Matsuura1, S. Saitoh: Integral and Direct Representations of Nonlinear Inverse Mapping,
Applied Mechanics and Materials
, 2010, 476-484.
N. S. Papageorgiou, S. R. Andrade Santos and V. Staicu: Nontrivial solutions for nonvariational quasilinear Neumann problems,
Topological Meth. Nonlinear Anal.
, 2010, 39-60.
N. S. Papageorgiou and V. Staicu: Multiple nontrivial solutions for doubly resonant periodic problems,
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
, 2010, 347-359.
N. S. Papageorgiou, E. Rocha and V. Staicu: On the existence of three nontrivial smooth solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations,
J. Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
, 2010, 115-136.
E. M. Rocha and M. M. Rodrigues: On Approximate Solutions to the Wavefront Speed of Reaction-Diffusion-Convection Problem in Nonuniform Media,
Asymptotic Analysis
, 2010, 9 pp.
M.M. Rodrigues and E.M. Rocha: The convergence analysis of the decomposition method for the (1+1)-parabolic problem in nonuniform media,
Acta Applicanda Mathematicae
112 (3)
, 2010, 299-308.
S. Saitoh: Theory of Reproducing Kernels: Applications to Approximate Solutions of. Bounded Linear Operator Equations on Hilbert Spaces,
American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2
, 2010, 107-134.
Y. Sawano, M. Yamada, S. Saitoh: Singular integral inequalities and natural regularizations,
Math. Inequal. Appl.
, 2010, 289-303.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
L. P. Castro, E. M. Rojas: Bounds for the Kernel Dimension of Singular Integral Operators with Carleman Shift, American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc. 1301, M. D. Todorov et al, 68-76, NY, 2010.
L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva: Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel Operators with Almost Periodic Symbols on Weighted Lebesgue Spaces, American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc. 1301, M. D. Todorov et al, 77-84, NY, 2010.
L. P. Castro, A. M. Simões: On the Solvability of a Problem of Wave Diffraction by a Union of a Strip and a Half-Plane, American Institute of Physics, AIP - Conf. Proc. 1301, M. D. Todorov et al, 85-96, NY, 2010.
M. Yamada, S. Saitoh: Explicit and direct representations of the solutions of nonlinear simultaneous equations, Progress in Analysis and its Applications,. Proceedings of the 7th International ISAAC Congress, World Scientific, M. Ruzhansky and J. Wirth, 372-378, London, 2010.
Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics Group (GGDG)
No results found
No results found
No results found
History of Mathematics Group (HMG)
MSc Thesis
Paula Cristina dos Santos Carvalho:
“Matemática no Jardim de Infância – técnicas de ensino e motivação para a aprendizagem dos números e operações”
, UTAD, February, 2012, 120 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cecília Costa].
Papers in National Journals with referees
Catarino, P., Costa, C.: Comemorações com Geometria e Criatividade: dois estudos de caso com educadoras de infância,
Indagatio Didactica
, 2012, 174-202.
Catarino, P., Costa, C., Nascimento, M.M.S.: O Nónio de Pedro Nunes no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico,
Educação e Matemática
, 2012, 36-41.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
COSTA, C., LOPES, I., NASCIMENTO, M.M.S. CATARINO, P.: O ensino de Matemática no Ensino Primário, no séc. XX: uma escola, em contexto rural, no Norte de Portugal, III Fórum Ibérico de Museologia da Educação, Moreno, Martínez, P.L. & Vicente, A. S, 211-225, Universidade de Múrcia, Múrcia, Espanha, 2012.
Kharlamov, Alexander A., Kharlamova, Vera I.: Life and oeuvre of Francisco Gomes Teixeira (1851-1933)(
), Xth International Kolmogorov readings 2012, Afanassyev et al, 205-209, Yaroslavl (Rússia), 2012.
Kharlamova, Vera I., Kharlamov, Alexander A.: On the pedagogical and scientific work of Francisco Gomes Teixeira, a Portuguese mathematician at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, (
), Xth International Kolmogorov Readings 2012, Afanassyev et al, 209-212, Yaroslavl, Rússia, 2012.
Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees
Gonçalves, R., Costa, C.: A mediação do professor e a exploração de uma atividade de modelação matemática no ensino da álgebra linear, Encontro de Investigação em Educação Matemática, L. Santos & A. P. Canavarro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Educação Matemática, 187-199, Castelo de Vide, 2012.
José Bessa, Lucinda SERRA, Teresa Neto:
MATEMÁTICA. Guia do Professor. 10º ano de escolaridade
, Ministério da Educação Timor Leste, 2011.
José Bessa, Lucinda Serra, Teresa Neto:
MATEMÁTICA. Manual do Aluno. 10º ano de escolaridade
, Ministério da Educação Timor-Leste, 2011.
PhD Thesis
Pedro J. A. Tadeu:
Investigar para Ensinar a Fazer Matemática: novos desenvolvimentos no cálculo de distâncias e pontos notáveis de triângulos
, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, October, 2011, 247 pp, [Supervisor(s): José Vitória, Cecília Costa].
MSc Thesis
Domingos Dias:
Ensaio Etnomatemático sobre o Grupo Étnico Nyaneka-nkhumbi do Sudoeste de Angola
, Universidade do Porto, December, 2011, 100 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cecília Costa].
Dulce Abreu:
Compêndio de matemática de Sebastião e Silva: cálculo diferencial
, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2011, 120 pp, [Supervisor(s): Helmuth R. Malonek].
Maria Isabel Vilela Alves:
Uma experiência de aprendizagem com o geogebra no 8.º ano de escolaridade: o estudo da mediatriz
, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, October, 2011, 98 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cecília Costa].
Papers in National Journals with referees
Costa C., Nascimento Maria M., Catarino, P., Fernandes, R.: Trabalhando os Jugos em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
, 2011, 93-113.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Anabela Ramos, Helmuth Malonek: Um biógrafo de Euler em 1932 em Coimbra:. Rudolf Fueter, V Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática, Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco, 89-97, Castelo Branco, 2011.
Cecília Costa, Helmth Malonek: Testemunhos de reconhecimento: cartas de. Oskar Perron e Konrad Knopp a Vicente Gonçalves, V Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática, Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco , 99-109, Castelo Branco, 2011.
Cecília Costa, M. M. S. Nascimento, Paula Catarino, Rui Fernandes: The yoke: (ethno)materials for math classes, 6th ESU in History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner e C. Tzanakis , 553-561, Viena, Austria, 2011.
Cecília Costa, Paula Catarino, M.M.S. Nascimento: The alto douro “wine coopers’ pi” (, INTE2011 - Internacional Conference on New Horizons in Education, Aytekin İŞMAN e Carlos S. REIS, 780-785, IPG, Guarda, Portugal, 2011.
Domingos Dias, Cecília Costa: Ethnomathematic essay on ornaments of south-western Angola Nyaneka-nkhumbi women, INTE2011 - Internacional Conference on New Horizons in Education, Aytekin İŞMAN e Carlos S. REIS, 428 pp, IPG, Guarda, Portugal, 2011.
Isabel Alves, Cecília Costa, Pedro Tadeu: A learning experience with geogebra in 8th grade: the study of the mediatrix (, International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN Prof. Dr. Carlos Sousa Reis, 114-119, IPG, Guarda, Portugal, 2011.
Kharlamova, Vera I., Malonek, Helmuth R.: International mathematical journals at the end of the 19th century: The portuguese journal of Francisco Gomes Teixeira “Jornal de sciencias mathematicas e astronómicas”, IXth Kolmogorov Readings 2011, Afanassyev et al , 287-291, Yaroslavl (Russia), 2011.
Pedro Tadeu, Cecília Costa: Fruits of bologna process: a teaching experience with geogebra at university level, International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN Prof. Dr. Carlos Sousa Reis, 403-408, IPG, Guarda, portugal, 2011.
Reports and Other Publications
José Bessa, Lucinda SERRA, Teresa Neto: MATEMÁTICA, Programa 10º, 11º e 12º anos de escolaridade, Ministério da Educação Timor-Leste Dili, 2011.
Lucinda SERRA, Margarida Fonseca: Projecto: Matemática no Pré-escolar, Ano Escolar 2011-2012, Valença, 2011.
Costa, Cecília, Catalão, Daniela:
Aprender om o Tangram: Tarefas de matemática para o ensino básico
, UTAD, Série Didáctica Ciências Puras, nº 55, 2010.
Book Chapters
Costa,C., Tadeu, P., Vitória, J.: Geometric Application of an Analytic (In)Equality of (Ostrowski) Mitrinovic, Y. J. Cho, J. K. Kim, S. S. Dragomir,
Inequality Theory and Applications. Volume 6
, 1-9, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2010.
Malonek, Helmuth R., Kharlamova, Vera I.: It all began with publications in Teixeiras' Journal: some remarks on August Gutzmer, Assis Azevedo M. Elfrida Ralha Lisa Santos ,
Research Seminar on History and Epistomology of Mathematics
, 59-71, Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho - CMAT, Braga, 2010.
Vitória, J., Vicente, M.A.F., Santos, J.M.F., Costa, C., Tadeu, P.: On an Inequality by Fan and Todd, Y. J. Cho, J. K. Kim, S. S. Dragomir,
Inequality Theory and Applications. Volume 6
, 1-12, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2010.
MSc Thesis
ASSUNÇÃO, Maria Margarida:
Comunicação matemática e actividades de natureza investigativa no 1º CEB
, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, March, 2010, 184 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cecília Costa].
MOREIRA, Sofia Bourbon:
Impacto de um programa de expressão motora na abordagem do domínio da matemática pré-escolar
, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, December, 2010, 159 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Mourão, Cecília Costa].
Papers in International Journals with referees
COSTA, Cecília, Martins, Fernando, Serôdio, Rogério, Tadeu, Pedro, Facas Vicente, M.A., Vitória, J.: Conjugacy and Geometry II – Moore-Penrose inverse and feet of perpendiculars,
Far East Journal of Mathematical Education
, 2010, 25-48.
Papers in National Journals with referees
Costa, Cecília: Sobre a correspondência epistolar de A. Mira Fernandes a matemáticos portugueses,
Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática
, 2010, 89-124.
Costa, Cecília, Vicente, M.A. Facas, Beites, P., Martins, F., Serôdio, R., Tadeu, P.: Produto vectorial em IR7: Projecção de um ponto sobre uma recta,
Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática
, 2010, 19-35.
Maria Manuel S. Nascimento, Paula Catarino, Cecília Costa: Douro, poema geométrico: vertente de sentido matemático,
Revista de Letras, II
, 2010, 271-283.
Papers in National Journals without referees
Costa, Cecília: Leonard Eugene Dickson (1874-1954),
Jornal de Mathematica Elementar
, 2010, 1-4.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Kharlamova, Vera I.: The Visit of Academician N. M Krylov to Portugal in 1927 (russ.), VIIIth Kolmogorov Readings 2010, Afanassyev et al, 436-444, Yaroslavl (Russia), 2010.
Malonek, Helmuth R.: From Quaternions to Clifford Analysis, VIIIth Kolmogorov Readings 2011, , from 2011-05-17 to 2011-05-20, Afanassyev et al, 418-427, Yaroslavl, Russia, 2010.
Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees
P. Pérez, P. González, J. Serra, E. García, H. Leite, Lucinda Serra: A DIVULGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA COMO EXPERIENCIA MULTIDISCIPLINAR: O DOCUMENTAL ?CIENCIA NO CAMIÑO?, XXIII CONGRESO DE ENCIGA, P.Estévez Alonso, Manuel Bermejo Patiño , 216-226, Naron, 2010.
Optimization, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Group (OGTCG)
A. Plakhov:
Exterior billiards: systems with impacts outside bounded domains. (,
, Springer XIII, 284 p., 108 illus. ISBN 978-1-4614-4480-0, 2012.
PhD Thesis
Liliana Manuela Cerveira Costa:
Politopo de Birkhoff aciclíco
, Aveiro, January, 2012, 147 pp, [Supervisor(s): Enide Andrade Martins, Carlos Martins Fonseca].
MSc Thesis
Alice Paiva:
CheckPGM: conversor para cablagens
, University of Aveiro, July, 2012, 81 pp, [Supervisor(s): João Pedro Cruz].
Ayagi da Mota Dias:
Matroides e problemas de otimização combinatória
, Aveiro, December, 2012, 79 pp, [Supervisor(s): Agostinho Agra].
Gabriela Duarte Sobral de Jesus:
Aproximação numérica de valores próprios de matrizes reais (
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2012, 142 pp, [Supervisor(s): Jorge Sá Esteves, Isabel Brás].
Julieta M. A. Lopes:
O problema da gestão ótima da diversidade de cablagens
, Aveiro, December, 2012, 72 pp, [Supervisor(s): Agostinho Agra].
Liliana Vechina Nunes:
O problema de planeamento de redes com custo ótimo para o utilizador
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2012, 62 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rosa Figueiredo].
Natália da Fonseca Nogueira:
Modelos para localização e conexão de facilidades baseados em fluxos
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2012, 50 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at
Papers in International Journals with referees
N. M. M. Abreu, D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, B. San Martin: On the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectrum of a graph with k pairwise co-neighbor vertices (
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2012, 2308-2316.
Agostinho Agra, Miguel F. Constantino: Mixing polyhedra with two non divisible coefficients. (
Mathematical Programming
, 2012, 45-87.
M.Andjelic, C.M.da Fonseca, S.K.Simic, D.V.Tosic: (
). Connected graphs of fixed order and size with maximal $Q$-index: Some spectral bounds,
Discrete Applied Mathematics
, 2012, 448-459.
M.Andjelic, C.M.da Fonseca, S.K. Simic, D.V.Tosic: (
). Some further bounds for the $Q$-index of nested split graphs,
Journal of Mathematical Sciencies
, 2012, 193-198.
M.Andjelic, T. Koledin, Z. Stanic: (
). Nested graphs with bounded second largest (signless Laplacian) eigenvalue,
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
, 2012, 181-201.
Antonio L. Bajuelos, Santiago Canales, Gregorio Hernández, Mafalda Martins (University of Aveiro, Portugal): A Hybrid Metaheuristic Strategy for Covering with Wireless Devices,
Journal of Universal Computer Science
, 2012, 1906-1932.
A Plakhov: Billiards, scattering by rough obstacles, and optimal mass transportation. (
J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.)
, 2012, 233-245.
N. Bebiano, R. Lemos, J. da Providência: On a reverse Heinz-Kato-Furuta inequality (
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2012, 1892-1905.
N. Bebiano, R. Lemos, J. da Providência, G. Soares: Operator inequalities for J-contractions (
Math. Ineq. Appl.
15 (4)
, 2012, 883-897.
A. L., Canales S., Hernández G., Martins A. M.: A Hybrid Metaheuristic Strategy for Covering with Wireless Devices (
Journal of Universal Computer Science
, 2012, 1906-1932.
D. M. Cardoso, J. O. Cerdeira: The minimum weight t-composition of an integer (
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
182 (2)
, 2012, 210-215.
D. M. Cardoso, V. V. Lozin: On hereditary properties of the class of graphs with convex quadratic stability (
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
182 (2)
, 2012, 227-232.
D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins, V. Trevisan, M. Robbiano: Computing the Laplacian spectra of some graphs (
Discrete Applied Mathematics
160 (18)
, 2012, 2645-2654.
D. M. Cardoso, M. E. Silva, J. Szymanski: A generalization of chromatic polynomial of a graph subdivision (
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
182 (2)
, 2012, 246-254.
Carlos J. Luz: Approximating the maximum size of a k-regular induced subgraph by an upper bound on the co-k-plex number,
Journal of Mathematical Sciences
, 2012, 216-226.
L. Costa, E. A. Martins: Faces of faces of the acyclic Birkhoff Polytope (
Journal of Mathematical Science
, 2012, 144-158.
Frank Hausser, E.Lakshtanov: Return Radius and volume of recrystallized material in Ostwald Ripening.
Phys. Rev. E
, 2012, 062601 pp.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: Optimality Criteria without Constraint Qualification for Linear Semidefinite Problems (URL:,
182, n.2
, 2012, 126-143.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: Implicit Optimality Criterion for Implicit optimality criterion for convex SIP problem with box constrained index set (URL:,
20, n. 2
, 2012, 475-502.
S. Kryzhevich: Mathematical Models of Discontinuous Dynamical Systems and their Geometric Invariants. (
Differential Equations and Control Processes
no 2
, 2012, 106-128.
E.Lakshtanov,B.Vainberg: A priori estimates for high frequency scattering by obstacles of arbitrary shape.
Comm. Part. Diff. Equations
, 2012, 1789-1804.
E.Lakshtanov, V.Roshchina: Finiteness in the Card Game of War
American Math. Monthly
, 2012, 318-323.
E.Lakshtanov, B.Sleeman, B.Vainberg: High frequency scattering with impedance b.c. on classically invisible body.
SIAM J. Appl. Math.
, 2012, 646-669.
E. Lakshtanov, B. Vainberg: Bounds on positive interior transmission eigenvalues.
Inverse Problems
, 2012, 1-13.
E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg: Remarks on interior transmission eigenvalues, Weyl formula and branching billiards.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
, 2012, 125-202.
E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg: Ellipticity in the interior transmission problem in anisotropic media.
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
, 2012, 1165-1174.
Layek, G. C.; Kryzhevich, S. G.; Gupta, A. S.; Reza, M.: Steady magnetohydrodynamic flow in a diverging channel with suction or blowing.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
May 15
, 2012, 1-21.
Manuel Abellanas, Antonio Leslie Bajuelos, Santiago Canales, Mercè Claverol, Gregorio Hernández, Inês Matos: Connecting Red Cells in a Bicolour Voronoi Diagram (
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2012, 210-219.
Paula Carvalho: A note on strongly regular graphs and (k, au )-regular sets,
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
, 2012, 3-8.
Pedro Cruz, Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra: Exercise templates with Sage (
Tbilisi Mathematical Journal
, 2012, 37-44.
A. Plakhov: Optimal roughening of convex bodies. (
Canad. J. Math.
, 2012, 1058-1074.
I. Sciriha, D. M. Cardoso: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Hamiltonian Graph (
. Full text at
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
, 2012, 127-150.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
A. Agra, M. Christiansen, L. M. Hvattum, R. Figueiredo, M. Poss, and C. Requejo: Layered Formulation for the Robust Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. (
), ISCO 2012, LNCS, 249-260, Athens, Greece, 2012.
Eloísa Macedo, Adelaide Freitas: Statistical Methods and Optimization in Data Mining (, III International Conference of Optimization and Applications OPTIMA2012, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS (Russia), 1-5, Costa da Caparica, Almada, Portugal, 2012.
Eloísa Macedo, Jorge Sá Esteves: A Least-Squares Approach for Testing the Slater Condition in Semidefinite Programs (
). (ISBN 978-84-615-5392-1, Vol. II), 12th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Jorge Vigo, 773-784, Manga del Mar Menor, Múrcia, Espanha, 2012.
Jorge Sá Esteves, José Craveirinha: A Bicriterion Server Allocation Problem for a Queueing Loss System (
), 12th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Jesus Vigo, 1087-1093, Manga del Mar Menor, Múrcia, Espanha, 2012.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: New CQ-free optimality criterion for convex SIP problems with polyhedral index sets, III International conference on Optimization methods and applications- OPTIMA 2012, University of Évora and Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 139-144, Portugal, Costa de Caparica, 2012.
Rosa Figueiredo, Pedro H. Gonzalez Silva, Michael Poss: Transmission expansion Planning with re-design: A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure, ICORES 2012 International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Carlos J. Luz Fernando Valente, 380-385, Algarve, Portugal, 2012.
A. Hall, C. Neves, A. Pereira:
Grande Maratona de Estatística no SPSS
, Escolar Editora, 2011.
PhD Thesis
Cristina Carmona Márquez:
Modelo Bayesiano Adaptativo del Alumno en Repositorios de Objetos de Aprendizage
, Universidad de Málaga, June, 2011, 250 pp, [Supervisor(s): Eva Millán, Gladys Castillo].
Milica, Andjelic:
Resultados espectrais relacionados com a estrutura dos grafos
, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2011, 104 pp, [Supervisor(s): Domingos M. Cardoso, Slobodan K. Simic], available at
MSc Thesis
Alexandra Alves:
Algorithms for determining the cover region by a k-transmitter
, University of Aveiro, June, 2011, 100 pp, [Supervisor(s): Antonio Leslie Bajuelos Dominguesz].
Ana Micaela Gomes Batista:
Algoritmos de Minimização de Autómatos
, University of Aveiro, December, 2011, 77 pp, [Supervisor(s): António Ferreira Pereira].
Maria Elena Nunes Oliveira Costa:
Grafos fortemente regulares e combinatória
, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2011, 58 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paula Carvalho, Paula Rama].
Salomé Santos:
Fault Recovery in Wireless Network using Geometric Recoloring Methods
, University of Aveiro, June, 2011, 116 pp, [Supervisor(s): Antonio Leslie Bajuelos Dominguez].
Tânia Baptista Guedes:
Polinómios fracionários na modelação do preço de imóveis
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2011, 59 pp, [Supervisor(s): Gladys Castillo, Isabel Pereira].
Papers in International Journals with referees
N. M. Abreu, D. M. Cardoso, I. Gutman, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano: Bounds for the signless Laplacian Energy (
Linear Algebra and its Appl.
, 2011, 2365-2374.
A. Agra, C. Avelino, A. Cerveira, A. Delgado, M. Poss: Lot-sizing and scheduling in a glass container manufacture company. (
International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimization
, 2011, 729-745.
A.Aleksenko: A spectrum associated with Minkowski diagonal continued fraction, Zbl pre06229054. (
Chebyshevskiui Sbornik
, 2011, 33-38.
A.Aleksenko, E.Lakshtanov: Examples of Admissible Simplification of Mathematical Theories. (
, 2011, 1523-1529.
M. Andjelic, C. M. da Fonseca: (
). Sufficient conditions for positive definiteness of tridiagonal matrices revisited,
, 2011, 155-159.
M. Andjelic, C.M. da Fonseca, R. Mamede: (
). On the number of P-vertices of some graphs,
Linear Algebra and its Applications
, 2011, 514-525.
M.Andjelic, C.M.da Fonseca, S.K.Simic, D.V.Tosic: (
). On bounds for the index of double nested graphs,
Linear Algebra and its Applications
435 (10)
, 2011, 193-210.
P. Bachurin, K. Khanin, J. Marklof and A. Plakhov: Perfect retroreflectors and billiard dynamics. (
J. Modern Dynam.
, 2011, 33-48.
D. M. Cardoso, I. Gutman, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano: A Generalization of Fiedler lemma and some applications (
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
, 2011, 929-942.
D. M. Cardoso, N. Korpelainen, V. V. Lozin: On the complexity of the dominating induced matching problem in hereditary classes of graphs (
Discrete Appl. Math.
, 2011, 521-531.
Carlos J. Luz: Improving an upper bound on the size of k-regular induced subgraphs,
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
, 2011, 882-894.
Célia T. L. M. Pereira, P. Cruz, Delfim F. M. Torres: A Discrete Algorithm to the Calculus of Variations (
Int. J. Math. Stat. (IJMS)
, 2011, 26-41.
O. Fedotova, G. Castillo, L. Teixeira, H. Alvelos: Software effort prediction: an empirical evaluation of methods to treat missing values with RapidMiner,
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
, 2011, 6064-6072.
R.M.V. Figueiredo, M. Labbe, C.C. de Souza.: An exact approach to the problem of extracting an embedded network matrix,
Computers & Operations Research
, 2011, 1483-1492.
Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, Rosa M.V. Figueiredo, António Pereira, Cristina Requejo: Scheduling with sequence-dependent batch setup times: planning tests for a pharmaceutic industry (
International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
2 (3)
, 2011, 237-287.
Manuel Abellanas, Antonio L. Bajuelos, Inês Matos: Minimizing the Range for k-Covered Paths on Sensor Networks (
The Computer Journal
55 (1)
, 2011, 69-81.
Manuel Abellanas, Antonio Leslie Bajuelos, Ferran Hurtado, Inês Matos: Coverage restricted to an angle (
Operations Research Letters
39, 4
, 2011, 241-245.
Martins I., Guedes T., Rama P., Ramos J., Tchemisova T.: Modelling the problem of the food distribution by the Portuguese food banks (URL:,
, 2011, 313-341.
R.M. Morais, C. Pavan, A. Nolasco Pinto, C. Requejo: Genetic Algorithm for the Topological Design of Survivable Optical Transport Networks (
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
, 2011, 17-26.
A. Plakhov: Mathematical retroreflectors. (
Discr. Contin. Dynam. Syst.-A
, 2011, 1211-1235.
A. Plakhov and V. Roshchina: Invisibility in billiards. (
, 2011, 847-854.
O. Rojo, M. Robbiano, D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins: Spectra of weighted rooted graphs having prescribed subgraphs at some levels (
Electron. J. Linear Algebra
, 2011, 653-671.
B.Sleeman, E.Lakshtanov: Acoustically invisible gateways.
Inverse Problems and Imaging
, 2011, 203-217.
Vasco Moço Mano, E. A. Martins, Luís Almeida Vieira: Feasibility conditions on the parameters of a strongly regular graph (
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
, 2011, 607-613.
Papers in National Journals with referees
B. M.Faria, G. Castillo, N. Lau, L.P. Reis: Classification of FC Portugal Robotic Soccer Formations: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms,
, 2011, 4-9.
G. Galperin and A. Plakhov: A geometric problem that leads to the billiard law of reflection [in Russian],
Mathematical Education
, 2011, 175-180.
A. Yu. Plakhov: Invisible bodies with specular surface [Nevidimye tela s zerkal'noy poverhnost'yu],
Akustika neodnorodnyh sred, Ezhegodnik RAO
vyp. 12
, 2011, 103-106.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Agostinho Agra, Mahdi Doostmohammadi: A Polyhedral Study of Mixed 0-1 Sets, VII ALIO/EURO - Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Ana Viana, Miguel Gomes, João Pedro Pedroso, Maria Teresa Costa,, 57-59, Porto, Portugal, 2011.
A. Agra, J. Orestes Cerdeira, C. Requejo: Lower and upper bounds. for large size instances of the optimal diversity management problem, VII ALIO-EURO - Workshop on Applied Combinatorial. Optimization, ALIO-EURO 2011, 226-228, Porto, Portugal, 2011.
M.Baena-Garcia, J.M. Carmona-Cejudo, G.Castillo, and R.Morales-Bueno: Online Calculation of Word-Clouds for Efficient Label Summarization, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), eds, 1056-1061, Cordoba, 2011.
M.Baena-Garcia, J.M. Carmona-Cejudo, G.Castillo, and R.Morales-Bueno: TF-SIDF: Term Frequency, Sketched Inverse Document Frequency, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), eds, 1044-1049, Cordoba, 2011.
Bajuelos A., Canales S., Hernández G., Martins A.M.: Solving the minimum vertex floodlight problem with hybrid metaheuristics (
), XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Pedro Ramos (Universidad de Alcalá) Vera Sacristán (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), 83-86, Alcalá de Henares, 2011.
P. Batista, G. Castillo, J. Marques, E. Castro: Attribute Selection in Hedonic Pricing Modeling applied to the Portuguese Urban Housing Market, 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Luis Antunes H. Soa Pinto Rui Prada Paulo Trigo, 550-565, Lisbon, 2011.
J.M. Carmona-Cejudo, G.Castillo, M.Baena-Garcia and R.Morales-Bueno: A Comparative Study on Feature Selection and Adaptive Strategies for Email Foldering, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), eds, 1294-1299, Cordoba, 2011.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: First-order optimality criterion for convex Semi-infinite problems with analytic constraints, ICMANW-2011, International Conference "Mathematics and its applications- a New Wave", Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, 210-220, Tmil Nadu, India, 2011.
Manuel Abellanas, Antonio Leslie Bajuelos, Santiago Canales, Mercè Claverol, Gregorio Hernández, Inês Matos: Connecting Red Cells in a Bichromatic Voronoi Diagram (
), Proceedings of the XIV Encuentros de Geometría Computacional (XIV EGC), Pedro Ramos (Universidad de Alcalá) Vera Sacristán (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), 173-176, Alcalá de Henares, Espanha, 2011.
C. Requejo, A. Agra, A. Cerveira, E. Santos: On the weight constrained. minimum spanning tree problem (
), International Network Optimization Conference, Lectures Notes in Computer. Science, Vol 6701, J. Pahl T. Reiners S. Voss, 156-161, Hamburg, Germany, 2011.
C. Requejo, E. Santos: Lagrangean based algorithms for the weightconstrained. minimum spanning tree problem, VII. ALIO-EURO - Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, ALIO-EURO 2011, 38-41, Porto, Portugal, 2011.
Papers in National Conference Proceedings with referees
Pedro Cruz, Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra: Arquivo de Exercícios Resolvidos Parametrizados (Projecto MEG), Actas da Conferência Ibérica em Inovação na Educação com TIC (ieTIC 2011). 15 a 17 de Julho de 2011, M, 1-2, Bragança - Portugal, 2011.
Book Chapters
Cristina Carmona, Gladys Castillo, Eva Millán: An Adaptive Bayesian Student Model for Discovering the Student’s Learning Style and Preferences, C. Romero, S.Ventura, M.Pechenizkiy and Ryan S.J.D. Baker,
Handbook of Educational Data Mining
, 493-503, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series, CRC Press, 2010.
PhD Thesis
Alena Aleksenko:
Problems of minimal aerodynamic resistance
, University of Aveiro, April, 2010, 100 pp, [Supervisor(s): Alexander Plakhov].
MSc Thesis
Eloísa Macedo:
Estudo prático de regularidade de problemas de Programação Semidefinida
, University of Aveiro, December, 2010, 114 pp, [Supervisor(s): Tatiana Tchemisova Cordeiro].
Eloisa Catarina Monteiro de Figueiredo Amaral e Macedo:
One practical study of regularity of Semidefinite Programming problems
, University of Aveiro, December, 2010, 92 pp, [Supervisor(s): Tatiana Tchemisova Cordeiro].
Paulo Batista:
Data mining na identificação de atributos valorativos da habitação
, Aveiro, December, 2010, 168 pp, [Supervisor(s): Gladys Castillo, João Marques], available at
Data mining na identificação de atributos valorativos da habitação
Pedro Miguel Henriques Correia:
Problemas da Árvore de Suporte de Custo Mínimo com Restrição de Salto
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2010, 184 pp, [Supervisor(s): Cristina Requejo], available at
Papers in International Journals with referees
Agostinho Agra, Miguel Constantino: A compact formulation of a mixed-integer set,
, 2010, 729 -745.
M. Andjelic, S.K. Simic: (
). Some notes on the threshold graphs,
Discrete Mathematics
, 2010, 2241-2248.
A Plakhov and A Aleksenko: The problem of the body of revolution of minimal resistance. (,,
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.
, 2010, 206-220.
A Plakhov and S Samko: An inverse problem of Newtonian aerodynamics. (,,
MESA (Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace)
, 2010, 351-369.
A Plakhov, T Tchemisova and P Gouveia: Spinning rough disk moving in a rarefied medium. (,,
Proc. R. Soc. A.
, 2010, 2033 -2055.
N. Bebiano, R. Lemos, J. da Providência, G. Soares: Trace inequalities for logarithms and powers of J-Hermitian matrices (,
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2010, 3172-3182.
N. Bebiano, R. Lemos, J. da Providência, G. Soares: Further developments of Furuta inequality of indefinite type (,
Math. Inequal. Appl.
13 (3)
, 2010, 523-535.
D. M. Cardoso, P. Rowlinson: Spectral upper bounds for the order of a k-regular induced subgraph,
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2010, 1031-1037.
D. M. Cardoso, I. Sciriha, C. Zerafa: Main eigenvalues and (k,t)-regular sets,
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2010, 2399-2408 .
L. Costa, E. A. Martins: Faces of faces of the Tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope,
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2010, 1384-1404.
O.German, E.Lakshtanov: "Minesweeper" and spectrum of discrete Laplacians,
Applicable Analysis
, 2010, 1907-1916.
O.German, E.Lakshtanov: Application of harmonic analysis for creating of pen-and-pencil games,
Math. Notes
, 2010, 888-890.
I. Gutman, M. Robbiano, E. A. Martins, D. M. Cardoso, L. Medina, O. Rojo: Energy of Line Graphs,
Linear Algebra Appl.
, 2010, 1312-1323.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Convex Semi-Infinite Programming,
Optimization Methods and Software
25, nº 2
, 2010, 279-297.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V, Yermalinskaya S.A.: Convex Semi-Infinite Programming: Implicit. Optimality Criterion Based on the Concept of Immobile Points,
JOTA- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
145, nº 2
, 2010, 325-342.
E.Lakshtanov: Spectral properties of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for exterior Helmholtz problem and its applications to scattering theory,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
, 2010, 1-7.
E. Lakshtanov, B. Vainberg: Resonance regimes of scattering by small bodies with impedance boundary condition,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
, 2010, 1-16.
Manuel Baena-Garcia, Rafael Morales-Bueno, Jose Maria Carmona-Cejudo, Gladys Castillo: Counting word avoiding factors,
The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
, 2010, 00-00.
Paula Carvalho, Paula Rama: Integral graphs and (k,t)-regular sets,
Linear Algebra and its Applications
, 2010, 2409-2417.
Pedro A. F. Cruz, Delfim F. M. Torres, Alan S. I. Zinober: A Non-Classical Class of Variational Problems (
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Problems (IJMMO)
, 2010, 227-236.
M. Robbiano, E. A. Martins, I. Gutman: Extending a theorem by Fiedler and applications to graph energy,
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
, 2010, 145-156.
M. Robbiano, E. A. Martins, R. Jimenez, B. San Martin: Upper bounds on the Laplacian energy of some graphs,
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
, 2010, 97-110.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Adelaide Cerveira, Agostinho Agra, Fernando Bastos, Humberto Varum: A Branch and Bound Approach for Truss Topology Design Problems with Valid Inequalities, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1281, edited by Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios, Ch. Tsitouras, 2177-2182, Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
Brígida Mónica Faria, Luís Paulo Reis, Nuno Lau, Gladys Castillo: Machine Learning Algorithms applied to the Classification of Robotic Soccer Formations and Opponent Teams, IEEE - International Conference on Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6501-9, 344-349, Singapur, 2010.
G.Castillo, L.Descalço, S.Diogo, E.Millán, P.Oliveira, B.Anjo: Computerized Evaluation. and Diagnosis of Student's Knowledge Based on Bayesian Networks, Sustaining TEL: From. Innovation to Learning and Practice. 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced. Learning, EC-TEL 2010, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence v.6383, Springer Verlag, 494-499, Barcelona, 2010.
Cristina Requejo, Agostinho Agra, Adelaide Cerveira, Eulália Santos: Formulations for the weight-constrained minimum spanning tree problem (
), International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1281, edited by Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios, Ch. Tsitouras, 2166-2169, Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
Kostyukova O.I., Tchemisova T.V.: Subspace of immobile indices in study of convex semidefinite problems, Proceedings of 4th International Conference "Tanaev's Readings", Joined Institute of the problems of Informatics, Belarusian Academy of Sciences, 10 pp, Minsk, Belarus, 2010.
Papers in National Conference Proceedings without referees
R. Lemos, N. Bebiano, J. da Providência, G. Soares: Transformação de Aluthge Generalizda de Tipo indefinido, VIII Encontro de Algebristas Portugueses, Universidade da Beira Interior, 85-99, Covilhã, 2010.
Paulo Batista, Gladys Castillo, João Marques: Técnicas de Data Mining na indução de modelos de formação de preço no mercado imobiliário em Portugal Continental, JOCLAD 2010, XVII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, eds, 00-00, Lisboa, 2010.
Reports and Other Publications
Agostinho Agra, Catarina Avelino, Adelaide Cerveira, Alexandrino Delgado, Michael Poss: Report on Lotsizng and sheduling in BA Vidro, Report on the problem presented by BA Vidro at the 74th European Study Group with Industry, Aveiro, Portugal, 2010.
Cláudia Neves, Elisabete Ferreira, Eloísa Macedo: How far can we go in aluminium extrusion?, Working Group Report, 74th ESGI, Aveiro, Portugal, 2010.
I. Martins, T. Guedes, P. Rama, J. Ramos, T. Tchemisova: Report on Food distribution by a food bank among local social solidarity institutions, Report on the problem presented by Banco alimentar at the 74th European Study Group with Industry, Aveiro, Portugal, 2010.
J. Orestes Cerdeira, P. Cruz, R. Figueiredo, A. Pereira, C. Requejo: Report on Bluepharma, 74th European Study Group with Industry, Report on a problem presented by a pharmaceutical company at the 74th European Study Group with Industry, Department of Mathematics,. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 2010.
J. Sá Esteves, J. Craveirinha.: On a Bicriterion Server Allocation Problem for a Multidimensional Erlang Loss System, Cadernos de Matemática Research Report, Dep. of Mathematics, Univ. Aveiro, 2010.
Probability and Statistics Group (PSG)
Book Chapters
Costa, Marco, Monteiro, Magda, Gonçalves, A. Manuela: Kalman filtering approach in the calibration of radar rainfall data: a comparative analysis of state space representations. (
), Olga E. Martín and Tricia M. Roberts,
Rainfall: Behavior, Forecasting and Distribution
, 167-184, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012.
Guedes Soares, C., Scotto, M.G.: Long term and extreme value models of wave data. (
), Carlos Guedes Soares; Y. Garbatov; N. Fonseca; A.P. Texeira,
Marine Technology and Engineering: CENTEC Anniversary Book
, 97-108, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Lisbon, 2012.
MSc Thesis
Eduarda Santos:
Determinantes da Literacia Económica e Financeira
, University of Aveiro, December, 2012, 110 pp, [Supervisor(s): Celeste Varum, Vera Afreixo].
Irina Silva:
As crianças conseguem aprender sobre economia?
, University of Aveiro, December, 2012, 110 pp, [Supervisor(s): Celeste Varum, Vera Afreixo].
Soheila Aghlmandi:
Outliers detection in INAR(1) model with negative binomial innovations
, Aveiro, July, 2012, 68 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Pereira].
Papers in International Journals with referees
Barczy, M., Ispany, M., Pap, G., Scotto, M.G., Silva, M.E.: Additive outliers in INAR(1) models. (
Statistical Papers
, 2012, 935-949.
Filipa M. B. Lã, J. Sundberg, D. Howard, P. Sa-Couto, A. Freitas: Effects of the Menstrual Cycle and Oral Contraception on Singer’s Pitch Control. (
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
, 2012, 247-261.
A. Freitas, J. Hüsler, M.G. Temido: Limit laws for maxima of a stationary random sequence with random sample size. (
, 2012, 116-131.
Monteiro, A., Carvalho, A., Ribeiro, I., Scotto, M.G., Barbosa, S., Alonso, A., Baldasano, J.M., Pay, M.T., Miranda, A.I., Borrego, C.: Trends in ozone concentrations in the Iberian Peninsula by quantile regression and clustering. (
Atmospheric Environment
, 2012, 184-193.
M. Monteiro, M.G. Scotto, I. Pereira: Integer-valued self-exciting threshold autoregressive processes. (
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
, 2012, 2717-2737.
A. Prats, Sergio, H. MacDonald, Lee, Monteiro, Magda, J.D. Ferreira, Antonio, O.A. Coelho, Celeste, J. Keizer, Jacob: Effectiveness of forest residue mulching in reducing post-fire runoff and erosion in a. pine and a eucalypt plantation in north-central Portugal. (
, 2012, 115-124.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
António Gomes, Ricardo Torcato, Soraia Alaa, Vera Afreixo: Learning environments and pedagogical model of an engineering design degree program, 19th International Product Development Management Conference, 00 pp, University of Manchester, UK, 2012.
Conceição Rocha, Teresa Mendonça, Mendes de Oliveira, M. Eduarda Silva. : A linear model for estimating propofol individualized dosage (
), 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Benyo, Balazs Andreassen, Steen Feng, David Dagan Carson, Ewart Chase, J. Geoffrey Kovács, Levente, 337-342, Budapeste, Hungary, 2012.
Costa, Marco, Monteiro, Magda: A note on prediction bias for state space models with estimated parameters. (
), International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, American Institute of Physics, 2090-2093, Kos, Greece, 2012.
Costa, Marco, Monteiro, Magda, Gonçalves, A. Manuela: Kalman filtering approach in the calibration of radar rainfall data. (
), 27th Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Komarek, Arnost & Nagy, Stanislav, 55-61, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings without referees
A. Freitas, S. Roque: A comparison of several background correction and normalization methods on microarry data, 27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Arnost Komarek Stanislav Nagy, 507-512, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012.
A. C. Moreira, P. Macedo, M. C. Costa, V. Moutinho:
Exercícios de Estatística com recurso ao SPSS (
, Edições Sílabo, 2011.
Book Chapters
Scotto, M.G., Barbosa, S.M., Alonso, A.M.: Model-Based Clustering of Extreme Sea Level Heights. (
), L. L. Wright,
Sea Level Rise, Coastal Engineering, Shorelines and Tides
, 277-293, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011.
MSc Thesis
James Monteiro Aparício:
A simetria das sequências de ADN
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2011, 135 pp, [Supervisor(s): Carlos Alberto da Costa Bastos, Vera Mónica Almeida Afreixo].
Marco Henrique Vieira Marto:
Estimação clássica e bayesiana de parâmetros do modelo Globulus 2.1
, Aveiro, October, 2011, 145 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Maria Simões Pereira].
Sara Marques:
Metodologias para a aplicação de modelos. de redes neuronais do tipo causal na. previsão de séries temporais
, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, October, 2011, 50 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria do Carmo Miranda Guedes, Maria Eduarda Silva].
Susana Maria Borges Matias de Abreu e Vasconcelos:
Ferramentas para processamento de distâncias. inter-simbólicas no ADN
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2011, 80 pp, [Supervisor(s): Carlos Alberto da Costa Bastos, Vera Mónica Almeida Afreixo].
Tânia Baptista Guedes:
Polinómios faccionários na modelação do preço de imóveis
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2011, 60 pp, [Supervisor(s): Gladys Castillo Jordán, Isabel Maria Simões Pereira].
Papers in International Journals with referees
V. Afreixo, C.A.C. Bastos, A.J. Pinho, S.P. Garcia, P.J.S.G. Ferreira: Genome analysis with distance to the nearest dissimilar nucleotide. (
Journal of Theoretical Biology
, 2011, 52-58.
S.M. Barbosa, M.G. Scotto, A.M. Alonso: Summarising changes in air temperature over Europe by quantile regression and clustering. (
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
, 2011, 3227-3233.
Carlos A. C. Bastos, Vera Afreixo, Armando J. Pinho, Sara P. Garcia, João M. O. S. Rodrigues, Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira: Inter-dinucleotide distances in the human genome: an analysis of the whole-genome and protein-coding distributions. (
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics
, 2011, 172 pp.
A. Freitas, V. Afreixo, M. Pinheiro, J. L. Oliveira, G. Moura, M. Santos: Improving the performance of the iterative signature algorithm for the identification of relevant patterns. (
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
, 2011, 71-83.
Jácome C, Oliveira D, Marques A, Sá-Couto P: Prevalence and impact of urinary incontinence among female athletes. (
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
, 2011, 60-63.
H. Miranda, M. Souto de Miranda: Combining robustness with efficiency in the estimation of the variogram. (
Mathematical Geosciences
, 2011, 363-377.
G. Moura, M. Pinheiro, A. Freitas, J. L. Oliveira, J. C. Frommlet, L. Carreto, A. R. Soares, A. R. Bezerra, M. A.S. Santos: Species-Specific Codon Context Rules Unveil Non-Neutrality Effects of Synonymous Mutations. (
, 2011, e26817 pp.
P.N. Pegas, C.A. Alves, M.G. Scotto, M.G. Evtyugina, C.A. Pio, M.C. Freitas: Risk factors and prevalence of asthma and rhinitis among primary school children in Lisbon. (
Portuguese Journal of Pulmonology
, 2011, 109-116.
M.G. Scotto, S.M. Barbosa, A.M. Alonso: Extreme value and cluster analysis of European daily temperature series. (
Journal of Applied Statistics
, 2011, 2793-2804.
Simões JFFL, Jesus LMT, Voegeli D, Sa-Couto P, Fernandes J, Morgado M: Assessment of comatose patients: a Portuguese instrument based on the Coma Recovery Scale – Revised and using nursing standard terminology (
Journal of Advanced Nursing
, 2011, 1129-1140.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Carlos A. C. Bastos, Vera Afreixo, Armando J. Pinho, Sara P. Garcia, João M. O.S. Rodrigues, Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira: Distances between dinucleotides in the human genome. (
), IWPACBB 2011, Springer, 205 pp, Salamanca - Spain, 2011.
Coimbra B, Jesus LMT, Sá-Couto P: Fricative Spectra in Normal and Hearing Impaired Children with Cochlear, Proceedings of 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation (ESPCI 2011), Thomas P. Nikolopoulos, 1-1, Athens, Greece, May 12-15, 2011.
Coimbra B, Jesus LMT, Sá-Couto P: Vowel Acoustics in Normal and Hearing Impaired Children with Cochlear Implant, 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation (ESPCI 2011), Thomas P. Nikolopoulos, 1-1, Athens, Greece, May 12-15, 2011.
Oliveira C, Martins P, Teixeira A, Marques I, Sá-Couto P: An articulatory and acoustic study of the European Portuguese /l/, 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2011), W.S. Lee and E. Zee, 1538-1542, Hong Kong, China, August 17-21, 2011, 2011.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings without referees
P. Macedo, E. Silva, M. Scotto: Maximum entropy estimators to assess technical efficiency with state-contingent production frontiers (
), ISI 2011 - 58th World Statistics Congress, International Statistical Institute, 3890-3895, Dublin, Ireland, 2011.
PhD Thesis
Anabela Virgínia dos Santos Flores da Rocha:
Estimação robusta em modelos lineares de equações simultâneas
, Aveiro, March, 2010, 237 pp, [Supervisor(s): M. Souto de Miranda, João Branco].
Magda Sofia Valério Monteiro:
Contributos para a Análise Estatística de Séries de Contagem
, Aveiro, June, 2010, 213 pp, [Supervisor(s): Isabel Maria Simões Pereira, Manuel González Scotto].
MSc Thesis
Carla Patrícia Santos Costa:
Um estudo sobre a robustez do teste-F
, Aveiro, December, 2010, 114 pp, [Supervisor(s): M. Souto de Miranda].
Elisabete Ferreira:
Métodos biplot aplicados a dados de Biologia Molecular
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2010, 89 pp, [Supervisor(s): Adelaide Freitas, Vera Afreixo].
Sara dos Santos Escudeiro:
Análise estatística de dados de biologia molecular
, Universidade de Aveiro, June, 2010, 118 pp, [Supervisor(s): Vera Afreixo, Adelaide Freitas].
Papers in International Journals with referees
C.A. Alves, M.G. Scotto, M.C. Freitas: Air pollution and emergency admissions for cardiorespiratory diseases in Lisbon (Portugal),
Química Nova
, 2010, 337-344.
M. Barczy, M.Ispany, G. Pap, M.G. Scotto, M.E. Silva: Innovational outliers in INAR(1) models,
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
, 2010, 3343-3362.
C. Costa, M.G. Scotto, I. Pereira: Optimal alarm systems for FIAPARCH processes,
, 2010, 37-55.
A. Hall, M.G. Scotto, Cruz, J.P.: Extremes of integer-valued moving average sequences,
, 2010, 359-374.
M. Lousada, L.M.T. Jesus, A. Hall: Temporal acoustic correlates of the voicing contrast in European Portuguese stops,
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
, 2010, 261-275.
P. Macedo, M.G. Scotto, E. Silva: A general class of estimators for the linear regression model affected by collinearity and outliers,
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
, 2010, 981-993.
P. Macedo, M.G. Scotto, E. Silva: On the choice of the ridge parameter: a maximum entropy approach,
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
, 2010, 1628-1638.
P. Macedo, E. Silva: A stochastic production frontier model with a translog specification using the generalized maximum entropy estimator,
Economics Bulletin
, 2010, 587-596.
M. Monteiro, M.G. Scotto, I. Pereira: Integer-valued autoregressive processes with periodic structure,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
, 2010, 1529-1541.
C. Neves, A. Pereira: Detecting finiteness in the right endpoint of light-tailed distributions,
Statistics & Probability Letters
, 2010, 437-444.
I. Pereira, T. Safadi: Bayesian analysis of FIAPARCH model: an application to São Paulo market,
International Journal of Statistics and Economics
, 2010, 49-63.
Sá-Couto CD, Andriessen P, van Meurs WL, Sá-Couto PM, Ayres-de-Campos D: A model for educational simulation of hemodynamic transitions at birth,
Pediatric Research
, 2010, 158-165.
M.G. Scotto, A.M. Alonso, S.M. Barbosa: Clustering time series of sea levels: extreme value approach,
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
, 2010, 215-225.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Armando J. Pinho, Sara Pinto Garcia, Paulo J S G Ferreira, Vera Afreixo, Carlos A C Bastos, António J. R. Neves, João M. O. S. Rodrigues.: Exploring Homology Using the Concept of Three-State Entropy Vector, Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, 5th IAPR International Conference, PRIB 2010, 161-170, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2010.
S. Gouveia, C. Rocha, A. P. Rocha, M. E. Silva: Least Squares versus Quantile Regression, Computers in Cardiology, Alan Murray, 1-4, Belfast, Nothern Ireland, U.K., 2010.
Vera Afreixo and Adelaide Freitas: Cramér coefficient in genome evolution, 4th International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics 2010, Springer, 101-107, Portugal, 2010.
Systems and Control Group (SCG)
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres:
Introduction to the Fractional Calculus of Variations
, Imperial College Press, London & World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2012.
Book Chapters
A. R. S. Marcal, T. Mendonca, C. S. P. Silva, M. A. Pereira, J. Rozeira: Evaluation of the Menzies method potential for automatic dermoscopic image analysis, P. D. Giamberardino D. lacoviello R. M. N Jorge J. M. R. S. Tavares,
Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications III
, 103-108, CRC Press Taylor & Fancis Group, Rome, Italy, 2012.
Ricardo Almeida, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Euler-Lagrange differential equations via Caputo derivatives(
), D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo,
Fractional Dynamics and Control
, 109-118, Springer, New York, 2012.
C. S. P. Silva, A. R. S. Marçal, M. A. Pereira, T. Mendonça, J. Rozeira: Separability Analysis of Color Classes on Dermoscopic Images, A. J. C. Campilho M. S. Kamel,
, 268-277, Springer, Aveiro, Portugal, 2012.
PhD Thesis
Artur Miguel Capêllo Brito da Cruz:
Symmetric Quantum Calculus
, University of Aveiro, October, 2012, 138 pp, [Supervisor(s): Delfim F. M. Torres, Natália Martins].
Helena Sofia Ferreira Rodrigues:
Optimal Control and Numerical Optimization Applied to Epidemiological Models
, University of Aveiro, December, 2012, 162 pp, [Supervisor(s): Delfim F. M. Torres, Maria Teresa Torres Monteiro].
Nuno R. O. Bastos:
Fractional Calculus on Time Scales
, Universidade de Aveiro, February, 2012, 134 pp, [Supervisor(s): Delfim F. M. Torres].
Papers in International Journals with referees
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Towards a Combined Fractional Mechanics and Quantization (
Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.
, 2012, 407-417.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Multiobjective fractional variational calculus in terms of a combined Caputo derivative (
Applied Mathematics and Computation
218 (9)
, 2012, 5099-5111.
Artur M. C. Brito da Cruz, Natália Martins: The q-Symmetric Variational Calculus. (
Comput. Math. Appl.
64, nº 7
, 2012, 2241-2250.
Artur M. C. Brito da Cruz, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Higher-order Hahn quantum variational calculus (
Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications
, 2012, 1147-1157.
J.J. Climent, D. Napp, C. Perea, R. Pinto: A construction of MDS 2D convolutional codes of rate 1/n based on superregular matrices (,
Linear Algebra and its Applications
, 2012, 766-780.
Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal control strategies for tuberculosis treatment: a case study in Angola
Numer. Algebra Control Optim.
, 2012, 601-617.
Ewa Girejko, Agnieszka Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: The contingent epiderivative and the calculus of variations on time scales (
, 2012, 251-264.
Ewa Girejko, Delfim F. M. Torres: The existence of solutions for dynamic inclusions on time scales via duality (
Applied Mathematics Letters
, 2012, 1632-1637.
Fernando C. Silva, Rita Simões: Row and column rank partitions under small perturbations,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
60 (1)
, 2012, 1-9.
R. A. C. Ferreira: Nonnegative Solutions of a Fredholm Type Integral Equation with Applications to Boundary Value Problems,
Acta Appl. Math.
, 2012, 45-56.
R. A. C. Ferreira: A uniqueness result for a fractional differential equation,
Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.
, 2012, 611-615.
R. A. C. Ferreira, C. S. Goodrich: Positive solution for a discrete fractional periodic boundary value problem,
Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. A Math. Anal.
, 2012, 545-557.
Gastão S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres: Noethers Symmetry Theorem for Variational and Optimal Control Problems with Time Delay (
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization
, 2012, 619-630.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres, Alan Zinober: Dengue disease, basic reproduction number and control (
Int. J. Comput. Math.
, 2012, 334-346.
Jacky Cresson, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Time scale differential, integral, and variational embeddings of Lagrangian systems (
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
, 2012, 2294-2301.
Khaled A. Aldwoah, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: The power quantum calculus and variational problems (
Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. B Appl. Algorithms
, 2012, 93-116.
Margarida Martins da Silva, Torbjörn Wigren, Teresa Mendonça: Nonlinear Identification of a Minimal Neuromuscular. Blockade Model in Anesthesia,
, 2012, 181-188.
F. Miranda: Numerical methods of stabilizer construction via guidance control (
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2012, 1670-1680.
F. Miranda: Guidance stabilization of satellites using the geomagnetic field. (
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
, 2012, 9 pp.
Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Delfim F. M. Torres: Existence and uniqueness of a positive solution to generalized nonlocal thermistor problems with fractional-order derivatives (
Differ. Equ. Appl.
, 2012, 267-276.
Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, El Hassan El Kinani, Delfim F. M. Torres: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Functional Integro-differential Fractional Equations (
Electron. J. Differential Equations
, 2012, 1-9.
Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Higher-order infinite horizon variational problems. in discrete quantum calculus. (
Comput. Math. Appl.
64, no. 7
, 2012, 2166-2175.
Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Necessary optimality conditions for higher-order infinite horizon variational problems on time scales (
J. Optim. Theory Appl.
, 2012, 453-476.
P. Rapisarda, P. Rocha: Lyapunov functions for time-relevant 2D systems, with application to quarter-plane stability (
, 2012, 1998-2006.
Ricardo Almeida: Fractional variational problems with the Riesz-Caputo derivative((
Applied Mathematics Letters
, 2012, 142-148.
Ricardo Almeida, Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Isoperimetric problems of the calculus of variations with fractional derivatives (
Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed.
, 2012, 619-630.
Ricardo Almeida, Shakoor Pooseh, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional variational problems depending on indefinite integrals((
Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications
, 2012, 1009-1025.
Ricardo Almeida, Shakoor Pooseh, Delfim F. M. Torres: Expansion formulas in terms. of integer-order derivatives for the Hadamard fractional integral and derivative(
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
, 2012, 301-319.
Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Approximation of fractional integrals by means of derivatives (
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
64, no 10
, 2012, 3090-3100.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Calculus of Variations in Terms of a Generalized Fractional Integral with Applications to Physics (,
Abstract and Applied Analysis
, 2012, 24 pp.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Variational Calculus with Classical and Combined Caputo Derivatives (
Nonlinear Analysis
75 (3)
, 2012, 1507-1515.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: Calculus of variations with classical and fractional derivatives,
Math. Balkanica
, 2012, 191-202.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
J.-J. Climent, D. Napp, C. Perea, R. Pinto: MDS 2D convolutional codes, 20th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2012, I. Mareels, M. Kuijper, 1-5, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
J. Almeida, H. Alonso, P. Rocha: Online Damage Identification in Euler-Bernoulli Beams using theExtended Kalman Filter (
), 10th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control - Controlo 2012, Morgado Dias, 1-5, Funchal, Portugal, 2012.
J. Almeida, H. Alonso, P. Rocha: Comparing the Extended Kalman Filter with an Hopfield NeuralNetwork for on-line damage detection in Euler-Bernoulli beams (
), 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, IJSI-2012, P. Castro, 1-6, Porto, Portugal, 2012.
Cristiana J. Silva, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal control applied to tuberculosis models. (
), The IEA-EEF European Congress of Epidemiology 2012, European Journal of Epidemiology, 140-141, Porto, Portugal, 2012.
), 20th International Symposium on. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 1-4, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
P. M. Ferreira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha, J. Rozeira: An annotation tool for dermoscopic image segmentation, 1st International Workshop on Visual Interfaces for Ground Truth Collection in Computer Vision Applications, -, 1-6, Capri, Italy, 2012.
Gastão S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Noether's Theorem with Classical and. Riemann-Liouville Derivatives, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, R. Beard , 1-6, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012.
Gastão S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional isoperimetric Noether's theorem in the Riemann--Liouville sense, FDA'2012, The Fifth Symposium. on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun and Dumitru Baleanu , 7 pp, Hohai University, Nanjing, China, 2012.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Modeling and Optimal Control Applied to a Vector Borne Disease, 12th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2012, J. Vigo-Aguiar, 1063-1070, Murcia, 2012.
Isabel Brás and Ewa Pawłuszewicz: KERNEL BEHAVIORS ON TIME SCALES. (
),, Controlo 2012, 10th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Associação Portuguesa de Controlo Automatico (APCA), 33-38, Funchal, Portugal, 2012.
J. M. Lemos, J. Gomes, B. Costa, P. Gambus, E. W. Jensen, T. Mendonça: A bi-phase algorithm to identify hypnotic models of patients subject to deep sedation for ultrasonographic endoscopy, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012), -, 0-0, Brussels, Belgium, 2012.
J. S. Marques, C. Barata, T. Mendonça: On the Role of Texture and Color in the Classification of Dermoscopy Images, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, -, 4378-4381, San Diego, USA, 2012.
T. Mendonça, H. Alonso, M. M. Silva, S. Esteves, M. Seabra: Comparing different identification approaches for the depth of anesthesia using BIS measurements, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID'12), -, 781-785, Brussels, Belgium, 2012.
F. Miranda: Differential inclusions and optimization problem on time scales (
), ICNAAM 2012: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP - American Institute of Physics (Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios, Ch. Tsitouras, Zacharias Anastassi), 745-748, Kos, Greece, 2012.
F. Miranda, G. Smirnov: High-order observability conditions for control systems (
), 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2011), Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering, vol. 6, in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 129 (Z. Qian, L. Cao, W. Su, T. Wang, H. Yang), 223-229, Changchun, China, 2012.
F. Nogueira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha: Output Reference Tracking for MISO Positive Systems in General Anesthesia, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (IFAC BMS'12), -, 0-0, Budapest, Hungary, 2012.
Paolo Vettori, Ricardo Pereira: On the stability of linear fractional difference systems (
), 10th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – CONTROLO’12, Morgado Dias et al, 6 pp, University of Madeira, Portugal, 2012.
P. Rapisarda, P. Rocha: Positive realness and Lyapunov functions for switched behaviors (
), 20th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2012, I. Mareels, M. Kuijper, 1-5, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
C. Rocha, T. Mendonça, Mendes de Oliveira, M. E. Silva: A linear model for estimating propofol individualized dosage, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (IFAC BMS'12), -, 0-0, Budapest, Hungary, 2012.
P. Rosa, J. M. Lemos, T. Mendonça, C. Silvestre: A Set-Valued Observer Approach to Multiple-Model Adaptive Control of Neuromuscular Blockade, 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), -, 0-0, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
R. Sebastião, M. M. Silva, J. Gama, T. Mendonça: Contributions to a Decision Support System Based on Depth of Anesthesia Signals, 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical. Systems (CBMS 2012), -, 0-0, Rome, Italy, 2012.
R. Sebastião, M. M. Silva, R. Rabiço, J. Gama, T. Mendonça: Online evaluation of a changes detection algorithm for depth of anesthesia signals, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (IFAC BMS'12), -, A-0076, Budapest, Hungary, 2012.
Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Discrete Direct Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations (
), FDA2012, The Fifth Symposium. on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun and Dumitru Baleanu, 6 pp, Hohai University, Nanjing, China, 2012.
M. M. Silva, R. Rabiço, T. Mendonça, T. Wigren: Control of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade via online identification of a two-parameters Wiener model, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID'12), -, 571-576, Brussels, Belgium, 2012.
M. M. Silva, T. Wigren, T. Mendonça: Exactly linearizing adaptive control of propofol and remifentanil using a reduced Wiener model for the depth of anesthesia, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'12), (to appear in), 0-0, Maui, Hawai, 2012.
H. Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Modeling and Optimal Control Applied to a Vector Borne Disease, 12th International Conference. on Computational and Mathematical Methods. in Science and Engineering, CMMSE'2012, J. Vigo-Aguiar, 1063-1070, Murcia, 2012.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Variable Order Fractional Variational Calculus for Double Integrals, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, R. Beard, 6 pp, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: A Generalized fractional calculus of variations with applications, The 20th International Symposium. on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), 4 pp, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Green's Theorem for Generalized Fractional Derivatives, FDA'2012, The Fifth Symposium. on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun and Dumitru Baleanu, 5 pp, Hohai University, Nanjing, China, 2012.
M. Teixeira, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha: Tracking the NMB level via a switching system mass control strategy, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (IFAC BMS'12), -, 0-0, Budapest, Hungary, 2012.
Book Chapters
Ricardo Pereira, Paula Rocha, Rita Simões: On the global reachability of structured 2D state space systems, J. Cardoso, K. Hüper, P. Saraiva (eds),
Textos de Matemática - Mathematical papers in honour of Fátima Silva Leite
, 85-94, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra, 2011.
PhD Thesis
Cláudia Noémia Soares de Sousa:
Control of uncertain compartmental systems
, Universidade de Aveiro, March, 2011, 88 pp, [Supervisor(s): Maria Paula Macedo Rocha Malonek, Teresa Maria de Gouveia Torres Feio Mendonça], available at
Papers in International Journals with referees
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Euler-Lagrange equations for composition functionals in calculus of variations on time scales (
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
, 2011, 577-593.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional calculus of variations for a combined Caputo derivative (
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
14 (4)
, 2011, 523-537.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Backward variational approach on time scales with an action depending on the free endpoints (
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A
, 2011, 401-410.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: A general backwards calculus of variations via duality (
Optimization Letters
5 (4)
, 2011, 587-599.
Agnieszka Malinowska, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Transversality Conditions for Infinite Horizon Variational Problems on Time Scales (
Optimization Letters
, 2011, 41-53.
M. Bohner, R. A. C. Ferreira: Some Discrete Fractional Inequalities of Chebyshev Type,
Afr Diaspora J. Math.
11 (2)
, 2011, 132-137.
Diego Napp, Paolo Rapisarda, Paula Rocha: Lyapunov stability of finite-dimensional 2D behaviors (
International Journal of Control.
, 2011, 737-745.
Diego Napp, Paolo Rapisarda, Paula Rocha: Time-relevant stability of 2D systems (
, 2011, 2373-2382.
Diego Napp, Paula Rocha: Stabilization of discrete 2D behaviors by regular partial interconnection (
Mathematics of Control signal and Systems.
, 2011, 295-316.
Dorota Mozyrska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Modified Optimal Energy and Initial Memory of Fractional Continuous-Time Linear Systems (
Signal Process.
, 2011, 379-385.
Dorota Mozyrska, Ewa Pawluszewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: Inequalities and majorisations for the Riemann-Stieltjes integral on time scales (
Math. Inequal. Appl.
, 2011, 281-293.
Ewa Girejko, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Delta-Nabla Optimal Control Problems (
Journal of Vibration and Control
, 2011, 1634-1643.
Ewa Girejko, Dorota Mozyrska, Malgorzata Wyrwas: Contingent epiderivatives of functions on time. scales,
Journal of Convex Analysis
, 2011, 1047-1064.
R. A. C. Ferreira: Positive solutions for a class of boundary value problems with fractional q-differences,
Comput. Math. Appl.
, 2011, 367-373.
Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: LHôpital-Type Rules for Monotonicity with Application to Quantum Calculus (
Int. J. Math. Comput.
, 2011, 99-106.
Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Generalizing the variational theory on time scales to include the delta indefinite integral (
Comput. Math. Appl.
, 2011, 2424-2435.
Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Necessary conditions for linear noncooperative N-player delta differential games on time scales (
Discuss. Math. Differ. Incl. Control Optim.
31 (1)
, 2011, 23-37.
Nuno R. O. Bastos, Dorota Mozyrska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Derivatives and Integrals on Time Scales via the Inverse Generalized Laplace Transform (
Int. J. Math. Comput.
, 2011, 1-9.
Nuno R. O. Bastos, Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Necessary Optimality Conditions for Fractional Difference Problems of the Calculus of Variations (
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
, 2011, 417-437.
Nuno R. O. Bastos, Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Discrete-Time Fractional Variational Problems (
Signal Process.
, 2011, 513-524.
Paula Rocha, Jan Willems: Markovian properties for 2D behavioral systems described by PDEs: the scalar case (
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,
, 2011, 1-10.
J. F. Pinto da Costa, Hugo Alonso, L. Roque: A weighted principal component analysis and its application to gene expression data (
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
, 2011, 246-252.
Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Nondifferentiable variational principles in terms of a quantum operator((
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
, 2011, 2231-2241.
Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Necessary and sufficient conditions for the fractional calculus of variations with Caputo derivatives((
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
, 2011, 1490-1500.
Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional variational calculus for nondifferentiable functions((
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
, 2011, 3097-3104.
Rui A. C. Ferreira, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimality conditions for the calculus of variations with higher-order delta derivatives (
Appl. Math. Lett.
, 2011, 87-92.
Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional $h$-difference equations arising from the calculus of variations (
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math.
, 2011, 110-121.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Calculus of Variations for Double Integrals (
Balkan J. Geom. Appl.
, 2011, 102-113.
M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Helena Sofia Rodrigues: Combining the regularization strategy and the SQP to solve MPCC - a MATLAB implementation,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
, 2011, 5348-5356.
Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: The Second Euler-Lagrange Equation of Variational Calculus on Time Scales (
European Journal of Control
, 2011, 9-18.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
J. Almeida, M. M. Silva, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha: A compartmental model-based control strategy for NeuroMuscular Blockade level, 18:th IFAC World Congress, --, 599-604, Milan, Italy, 2011.
Bárbara Amorim, Teresa Mendonça, André Marçal, Jorge Salvador Marques: Database implementation for clinical and computer assisted diagnosis of. dermoscopic images, VIPIMAGE III Eccomas Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image. processing, Raylor & Francis Group, 8 pp, Olhão, Portugal, 2011.
Cristina Caridade, André Marcal, Teresa Mendonca, Natal-da-Luz, João Pedro Sousa: Automatic counting the number of Collembola. in digital images, The 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. The 4th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, IEEE, CISP'11-BMEI'11,School of Information Science and Technology, 1-8, Shanghai, China, 15-17 October 2011,, 2011.
Diego Napp, Paolo Rapisarda, Paula Rocha: Time-relevant 2D Behaviors. (
), International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems, nDS 2011, Bachelier, O. Gałkowski, K. Rogers, E. , 1-5, Poitiers, France, 2011.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Optimal control of a dengue epidemic model with vaccination, 9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM2011, Theodore E. Simos George Psihoyios Ch. Tsitouras Zacharias Anastassi, 1232-1235, Halkidiki, Greece, 2011.
Joan Josep Climent, Diego Napp, Carmen Perea, Raquel Pinto: Maximum Distance Separable 2D Convolutional. Codes of Rate 1/n, 3rd International Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and Applications, J. Borges and M. Villanueva, 93-97, Cardona, 2011.
José C. Aleixo, Paula Rocha, Jan C. Willems: State space representation of SISO periodic behaviors, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, CDC-ECC'11, IEEE, 1-6, Orlando, Florida, EUA, 2011.
Juliana Almeida, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha: An improved strategy for NeuroMuscular Blockade control with parameter uncertainty, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, -, 0-0, Orlando, Fl, USA, 2011.
Pedro Ferreira, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha, Jorge Rozeira: A new interface for manual segementation of dermoscopic images, VIPIMAGE III Eccomas Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image. processing, Tayor & Francis Group, 1 pp, Olhão, Portugal, 2011.
P. Rocha, J.C. Willems, P. Rapisard, D. Napp: On the Stability of Switched Behavioral Systems (
), 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference -CDC-ECC11, IEEE, 1-5, Orlando, Folrida, USA, 2011.
Shakoor Pooseh, Helena Sofia Rodrigues, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Derivatives in Dengue Epidemics, 9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM2011, Theodore E. Simos George Psihoyios Ch. Tsitouras Zacharias Anastassi, 739-742, Halkidiki, Greece, 2011.
M. M. Silva: Prediction error identification of minimally parameterized Wiener models in anesthesia, 18:th IFAC World Congress, --, 5615-5620, Milano, Italy, 2011.
M. M. Silva, T. Mendonça, T. Wigren: Nonlinear adaptive control of the NeuroMuscular Blockade in anesthesia, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, -, 41-46, Orlando, Fl, USA, 2011.
Telma Pinho, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha: Minimal Realizations of a 2D Convolutional. Code of Rate 1/n by Separable Roesser Models, 3rd International Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and Applications, J. Borges and M. Villanueva, 219-224, Cardona, 2011.
Reports and Other Publications
Juliana F. Almeida, Margarida M. Silva, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha, Simão Esteves: A Control Strategy for a New Minimal Parameterized Compartmental Model for NMB Level, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Anesthesiology 2011, Chicago, Il, USA, 2011.
Luis A. Paz, Juliana Almeida, Margarida M. Silva, Teresa Mendonça, Bertinho A. Costa, Simão Esteves: Integrated Design System for Monitoring, Digital Processing and Control in Anesthesia, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Anesthesiology 2011, Chicago, Il, USA, 2011.
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: Optimal risk sharing under coherent measures, Séminaire L2 ISFA Lyon et DSA-HEC Lausanne, HEC - U. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011.
MdR de Pinho, F.A.C.C. Fontes, Delfim F. M. Torres: Guest Editorial, Guest Editorial,. Special Section on Nonsmooth Analysis, Control and Optimization, European Journal of Control, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2011, 7-8., 2011.
MdR de Pinho, M. Margarida A. Ferreira, Fernando A. C. C. Fontes, Fernando L. Pereira, Gueorgui Smirnov, Delfim F. M. Torres: Preface, Preface,. Special Issue on Control, Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization,. Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Francis Clarke and Richard Vinter, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Volume 29, Number 2, 2011, pp. i--ii., 2011.
Raquel Sebastião, Margarida M. Silva, Simão Esteves, Tiago Fernandes, Manuel Seabra, João Gama, Teresa Mendonça: Contributions to a Decision Support System Based on Depth of Anesthesia Signals, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Anesthesiology 2011, Chicago, Il, USA, 2011.
Teresa Mendonça, Margarida M. Silva, Torbjörn Wigren, Erik W. Jensen, Pedro Gambús: Sedation-Analgesia with Propofol and Remifentanil: New Model for Individualized BIS Prediction, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Anesthesiology 2011, Chicago, Il, USA, 2011.
Book Chapters
Dorota Mozyrska, Ewa Pawłuszewicz: Delta and nabla monomials and generalized polynomial series on time scales, Alexander J. Zaslavski Boris S. Mordukhovich ,
Nonlinear analysis and optimization II. Optimization
, 199-211, Amer. Math. Soc. (AMS), Providence, RI, 2010.
Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Isoperimetric problems of the calculus of variations on time scales, A. Leizarowitz, B. S. Mordukhovich, I. Shafrir, A. J. Zaslavski ,
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization II
, 123-131, Amer. Math. Soc. (AMS), Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 514, 2010.
Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Retarded integral inequalities. of Gronwall-Bihari type, Yeol Je Cho, Jong Kyu Kim, Sever S. Dragomir ,
Inequality Theory and Applications
, 61-69, Nova Science Publishers, Volume 6, 2010.
PhD Thesis
Ana Catarina dos Santos Carapito:
Estabilidade de sistemas comutados com reset parcial
, Universidade de Aveiro, March, 2010, 145 pp, [Supervisor(s): Rocha, Paula, Brás, Isabel Alexandra Vieira].
Cristiana J. Silva:
Regularization and Bang-bang Conjugate Times in Optimal Control
, Universidade de Aveiro and Universite D'Orleans, October, 2010, 148 pp, [Supervisor(s): Delfim F. M. Torres, Emmanuel Trélat].
Rui A. C. Ferreira:
Calculus of Variations on Time Scales and Discrete Fractional Calculus
, Universidade de Aveiro, July, 2010, 132 pp, [Supervisor(s): Delfim F. M. Torres, Martin Bohner].
MSc Thesis
Adilson Cândido Mendonça de Barros:
Teorema de Noether do Cálculo das Variações e Controlo Óptimo Estocásticos
, Universidade de Aveiro, October, 2010, 80 pp, [Supervisor(s): Delfim F. M. Torres].
Aurélio de Jesus Correia Barbosa Vicente:
Métodos de Aproximação Numérica usando o MatLab
, Universidade de Aveiro, December, 2010, 93 pp, [Supervisor(s): António Jorge Neves].
Manuel Évora:
Controlo H-infinito: uma aplicação aos sistemas eléctricos de energia
, UA-University of Cape Verde, December, 2010, 100 pp, [Supervisor(s): Paula Rocha].
Papers in International Journals with referees
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Natural Boundary Conditions in the Calculus of Variations,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
, 2010, 1712-1722.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Generalized natural boundary conditions for fractional variational. problems in terms of the Caputo derivative,
Comput. Math. Appl.
, 2010, 3110-3116.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Leitmann's direct method of optimization for absolute extrema of certain problems. of the calculus of variations on time scales,
Appl. Math. Comput.
, 2010, 1158-1162.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: The Hahn quantum variational calculus,
J. Optim. Theory Appl.
, 2010, 419-442.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: The delta-nabla calculus of variations,
Fasc. Math.
, 2010, 75-83.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Delta-Nabla Isoperimetric Problems,
Int. J. Open Probl. Comput. Sci. Math.
, 2010, 124-137.
M. Bohner, Rui A. C. Ferreira, Delfim F. M. Torres: Integral Inequalities and their Applications to the Calculus of Variations on Time Scales,
Math. Inequal. Appl.
, 2010, 511-522.
Cláudia Sousa, Teresa Mendonça and Paula Rocha: Target mass control for uncertain compartmental systems,
International Journal of Control
, 2010, 1366-5820.
Diego Napp Avelli, Paula Rocha: Strongly Autonomous Interconnections and Stabilization of 2D,
Asian Journal of Control
, 2010, 10 pp.
Diego Napp Avelli, Shiva Shankar and Marius van der Put: Periodic behaviors,
SIAM journal of control and Optimization
, 2010, 4652-4663.
Dorota Mozyrska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Minimal modified energy control for fractional linear control systems with the Caputo derivative,
Carpathian J. Math.
, 2010, 210-221.
Dorota Mozyrska, Ewa Pawluszewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: The Riemann-Stieltjes integral on time scales,
Aust. J. Math. Anal. Appl.
, 2010, 1-14.
Ewa Pawluszewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: Avoidance Control on Time Scales,
J. Optim. Theory Appl.
, 2010, 527-542.
Ewa Pawluszewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: Backward Linear Control Systems on Time Scales,
Internat. J. Control
, 2010, 1573-1580.
R. A. C. Ferreira: Nontrivial solutions for fractional $q$-difference boundary value problems,
Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ.
, 2010, 1-10.
Gastão S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional Noether's theorem in the Riesz-Caputo sense,
Appl. Math. Comput.
, 2010, 1023-1033.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Dynamics of Dengue epidemics when using optimal control,
Math. Comput. Modelling
, 2010, 1667-1673.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, A. Ismael F. Vaz: A MPCC-NLP Approach for an Electric Power Market Problem,
Int. J. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy
, 2010, 54-61.
Hugo Alonso, Paula Rocha: A general stability test for switched positive systems based on a multidimensional system analysis,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, 2010, 2660-2664.
A. B. Malinowska, M. R. Sidi Ammi, D. F. M. Torres: Composition functionals in fractional calculus of variations,
Commun. Frac. Calc.
, 2010, 32-40.
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: Optimal reinsurance for variance related premium calculation principles,
ASTIN Bulletin
, 2010, 97-121.
Maria de Lourdes Centeno, Manuel Guerra: The optimal reinsurance strategy - the individual claim case,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
, 2010, 450-460.
Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Delfim F. M. Torres: Hölder's and Hardy's two Dimensional Diamond-alpha. Inequalities on Time Scales,
An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform.
, 2010, 1-11.
D. Napp, C. Perea, R. Pinto: Input-state-output representations and constructions of finite support 2D convolutional codes,
Advances in Mathematics of Communications
, 2010, 533-545.
D. Napp, P. Rocha: Autonomous multidimensional systems and their implementation by behavioral control,
Systems & Control Letters
, 2010, 203-208.
Natália Martins, Delfim F. M. Torres: Noether's symmetry theorem for nabla problems of the calculus of variations,
Applied Mathematics Letters
, 2010, 1432-1438.
Nuno R. O. Bastos, Delfim F. M. Torres: Combined Delta-Nabla Sum Operator in Discrete Fractional Calculus,
Commun. Frac. Calc.
, 2010, 41-47.
Ricardo Almeida: Connectedness and Compactness on Standard Sets,
Mathematical Logic Quarterly
56, no1
, 2010, 63-66.
Ricardo Almeida, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: A Fractional Calculus of Variations for Multiple Integrals with application to vibrating string,
ournal of Mathematical Physics
, 2010, 033503-033514.
Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Leitmann's direct method for fractional optimization problems,
Applied Mathematics and Computation
217, no3
, 2010, 956-962.
Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres: Generalized Euler-Lagrange equations for variational problems with scale derivatives,
Letters in Mathematical Physics
92, no3
, 2010, 221-229.
Rui A. C. Ferreira: Existence of solutions to some retarded integrodifferential equations via the Topological Transversality Theorem,
Nonlinear Analysis
, 2010, 3062-3068.
Rui A. C. Ferreira: Existence of solution to an integrodynamic equation,
Dynam. Systems Appl.
, 2010, 289-301.
C. Silva, E. Trélat: Asymptotic approach on conjugate points for minimal time bangbang control problems,
Systems and Control Letters
, 2010, 720-733.
C. J. Silva, E. Trélat: Smooth regularization of bang-bang optimal control problems,
IEEE - Transactions on Automatic Control
, 2010, 2488-2499.
Papers in National Journals with referees
Artur M. C. Brito da Cruz, Helena Sofia Rodrigues, Delfim F. M. Torres: Escalas Temporais e Mathematica,
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.
, 2010, 1-18.
Papers in International Conference Proceedings with referees
Agnieszka B. Malinowska: Fractional Variational Calculus for Nondifferentiable Functions: Generalized Natural Boundary Conditions, 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Dumitru Baleanu, Ziya Burhanettin Guvenc, Ozlem Defterli , 5 pp, Ankara, Turkey, 2010.
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Fractional variational calculus in terms. of a combined Caputo derivative, FDA'10. The 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, I. Podlubny, B. M. Vinagre Jara, YQ. Chen, V. Feliu Batlle, I. Tejado Balsera , 1-6, Badajoz, Spain, October 18-20, 2010.
J. Almeida, M. M. Silva, T. Wigren, T. Mendonça: Contributions to the initialization of online identification algorithms for anaesthesia: the NeuroMuscular Blockade case study, Mediterranean Conference on Automation and Control, -, 1341-1346, Marrakech, Morocco, 2010.
Cristina Caridade, André Marçal, Teresa Mendonça, António Pessoa, Susana Pereira: Automatic Information extraction from Gel Electrophoresis Images Using. GEIAS, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Image Analysis. and Recognition, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6112, 185-194, Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal, 2010.
Cristina Caridade, André Marçal, Teresa Mendonça, Pedro Albuquerque, M.V. Mendes, Fernando Tavares: Automatic analysis of macroarrays. images, Proc IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biololy Society (EMBC), IEEE, 6122-6125, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010.
Diego Napp and Paula Rocha: Control on 2D behaviors by partial interconnection",, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network. and Systems (MTNS), András Edelmayer, 1-5, Budapeste, 2010.
Diego Napp Avelli, Carmen Perea, and Raquel Pinto: Column distances for 2D-convolutional codes, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical. Theory of Network and Systems (MTNS), András Edelmayer, 1-5, Budapeste, 2010.
Ewa Girejko, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: A unified approach to the calculus of variations on time scales, 2010 CCDC,. Control and Decision Conference, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1051D-CDR , 595-600, Xuzhou, China, May 26-28, 2010, 2010.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres: Insecticide control in a Dengue epidemics model, 8th International Conference. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics(ICNAAM 2010), AIP Conf. Proc. 1281 , 979-982, Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Delfim F. M. Torres, Alan Zinober: Control of dengue disease:. a case study in Cape Verde, 10th International Conference. on Computational and Mathematical Methods. in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2010, ISBN 13: 978-84-613-5510-5 , 816-822, Almería 27-30 June, 2010.
José C. Aleixo, Paula Rocha: Controllability and reconstructibility of periodic. state space systems – a behavioral approach, 4th IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, International Federation of Automatic Control, 152-159, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, Sept 15-17, 2010.
D.Mozyrska, E.Pawluszewicz: LINEAR Q-DIFFERENCE FRACTIONAL-ORDER CONTROL. SYSTEMS WITH FINITE MEMORY, IFAC Workshop on. Fractional Derivative and Applications (IFAC FDA2010), Conf.Proc, 6 pp, Bajadoz, Spain, 2010.
D. Napp, C. Perea, R. Pinto: Column distances for 2D-convolutional codes, 17th International. Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems (MTNS), 2125-2127, Budapest, 2010.
Nuno R. O. Bastos, Delfim F. M. Torres: A Combined Discrete Fractional Sum Operator, 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity. (NSC'10), Cankaya University , 1-4, Ankara, Turkey, 28--31 July, 2010. Article ID: Paper 12, 2010.
Paolo Vettori: Linear fractional discrete-time systems, 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (Controlo 2010), Norberto Pires (editor), 1-5, University of Coimbra, 2010.
Ricardo Almeida, Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Delfim F. M. Torres: Euler-Lagrange equations for the Caputo fractional derivative, 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC10), Cankaya University , 1-4, Ankara, Turkey, 28--31 July, 2010. Article ID: Paper 20, 2010.
Ricardo Pereira, Paula Rocha, Rita Simões: Global reachability of 2D structured systems, 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (Controlo 2010), Norberto Pires, 1-5, University of Coimbra, 2010.
M. M. Silva, J. Almeida, T. Wigren, T. Mendonça: Merging PK/PD information in a minimally parameterized model of the NeuroMuscular Blockade, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), -, 4602-4605, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010.
M. M. Silva, T. Mendonça, T. Wigren: Online Nonlinear Identification of the Effect of Drugs in Anaesthesia Using a Minimal Parameterization and BIS Measurements, American Control Conference, -, 4379-4384, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2010.
Tatiana Odzijewicz, Delfim F. M. Torres: Calculus of Variations with Fractional. and Classical Derivatives, FDA'10. The 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, I. Podlubny, B. M. Vinagre Jara, YQ. Chen, V. Feliu Batlle, I. Tejado Balsera , 1-5, Badajoz, Spain, 2010.
Reports and Other Publications
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: Optimal reinsurance for the Conditional Tail Expectation criterion, Contributed talk at 14th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Toronto, Canada, 2010.
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: A nonlinear reinsurance treaty versus piecewise linear treaties, Contributed talk at the International Congress of Actuaries, Cape town, South Africa, 2010.
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: Optimal trading under coherent comonotonic risk measures, Preprint., CEMAPRE, Lisbon, 2010.
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: Are quantile risk measures suitable for risk-transfer decisions?, Preprint., CEMAPRE, Lisbon, 2010.
Manuel Guerra, Maria de Lourdes Centeno: Optimal per claim reinsurance for dependent risks, Preprint., CEMAPRE, Lisbon, 2010.